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Grade 4 Big Idea VI: Earth Structures Minerals, Rocks, Weathering, and Erosion Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 4 Big Idea VI: Earth Structures Minerals, Rocks, Weathering, and Erosion Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 4 Big Idea VI: Earth Structures Minerals, Rocks, Weathering, and Erosion Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist Dr. Millard Lightburn, District Supervisor Division of Mathematics, Science and Advanced Academics

2 Big Idea 6: Earth Structures SC.4.E.6.1 Identify the three categories of rocks: igneous, (formed from molten rock); sedimentary (pieces of other rocks and fossilized organisms); and metamorphic (formed from heat and pressure). SC.4.E.6.2 Identify the physical properties of common earth-forming minerals, including hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak color, and recognize the role of minerals in the formation of rocks.

3 Minerals and You Every solid material made from nature that’s neither plant or animal--not a living thing is a mineral or made from minerals. Minerals touch our lives in hundreds of ways each day. Life as we know it would not exist without them. What are minerals? What are some minerals that touch your lives?

4 A Mineral is A solid material that is formed by nature in or on Earth’s crust A material that has a crystal form A material that is not formed by a living thing A material that has its own set of properties: colorstreak colorhardness lustercleavage Minerals by Name

5 Mineral Identification Sample # Color Feels Texture StreakSmells Odor LusterMagneticChemicalHardnessWeight Mass

6 Is it a Rock? What is a rock? How do you decide if something is a rock? Copy the list below? Circle the things that are rocks. What is a rock? 1.cement block 2.dried mud 3.hardened lava 4.asphalt (road tar) 6.piece of clay pot 7.coral 8.limestone 9.iron ore 10.concrete 11.coal 12. brick 13. a grave stone 14.marble statue 15.granite Explain your thinking: What reasoning did you use to decide if it was a rock?

7 Rocks: What are Rocks? Rocks What are Rocks Solid earth material Make up the crust of the Earth Mixture of one or more minerals Range in size from giant mountains to grains of sand Can be smooth or rough, shiny or dull, one color or many colors Three main types: 1. Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary Rock 2. Igneous Rock Igneous Rock 3. Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic Rock

8 Igneous Rocks Form when magma (hot liquid rock) cools and hardens Common near volcanoes volcanoes “Fire formed” rocks: granitescoriaobsidianpumice Pumice is a gas-charged igneous rock.igneous rock Can you identify some others? 1 2 3 4 5

9 Metamorphic Rocks Form when underground rocks are changed due to high pressure “Changed” rocks Common in mountains

10 Sedimentary Rocks Form when layers of rock particles get pressed together at or near Earth's surface “Layered” rocks May contain fossils Common near bodies of water or where water existed in the past

11 Observe and Classify Rocks Lab InquiryRocks Three Main Types 1. Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary Rock 2. Igneous Rock Igneous Rock 3. Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic Rock

12 Rock Cycle

13 Just Between the Two of Them GraniteQuartz

14 Just Between the Two of Them Just Between the Two of Them Observations Sample One - Sketch and Observations Sample Two- Sketch and Observations

15 Just Between the Two of Them Connected Learning 1.How are rocks and minerals alike and different? 2.What are the three types of rocks? 3.Which type of observation—sketch or written- do you think gave you the best observations about the two samples? Why? 4.How did the reading passage help you learn more about rocks and minerals? 5. What are you wondering now?

16 Is it a Rock? What is a rock? How do you decide if something is a rock? Copy the list below? Circle the things that are rocks. 1.cement block 2.dried mud 3.hardened lava 4.asphalt (road tar) 6.piece of clay pot 7.coral 8.limestone 9.iron ore 10.concrete 11.coal 12. brick 13. a grave stone 14.marble statue 15.granite Explain your thinking: What “rule” or reasoning did you use to decide if it was a rock?

17 Rocks and Minerals Review 1.Rocks are made of _____, which are natural, nonliving solid crystals. 2.The way a mineral’s surface reflects light is called its ___. 3.Clay minerals cement layers of sediment together to form __________. 4._________ is formed deep within Earth’s crust. 5.Rock that has changed from one type to another type of rock is called. A.Igneous Rock B.Luster C.Mineral D.Sedimentary rock E.Metamorphic Rock

18 The Importance of Rocks & Minerals Name Rock or Mineral Type of Rock Use 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

19 Jobs Involving Rocks & Minerals

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