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Jia Mi Yongming Wang VALE 2012 Annual Users’ Conference January 5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Jia Mi Yongming Wang VALE 2012 Annual Users’ Conference January 5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jia Mi Yongming Wang VALE 2012 Annual Users’ Conference January 5, 2012

2  What is ERM System  About CORAL - Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing  Implementation  Application

3 “Tools for managing the license agreements, related administrative information, and internal processes associated with collections of licensed electronic resources.” Ellen Duranceau, June 2005 issue of Against the Grain


5 TCNJ Library FTE: 6424 (mostly undergraduate) Library e-Collection: - e-books (7,062) - e-journals (63,361 unique) - databases (93) Library System: Voyager

6 Email Web Alerts Form/Email Binders/Paper folders Email No evaluation Folders/Voyager/PeopleSoft Email/EBSCONET/None Rolodex/Email EBSCONET/Email Rolodex/File Not linked Serials Solutions Serials Solutions/EBSCO EJS Excel files Excel/Catalogue/Not recorded Local file/Intranet Excel None Contribute/Excel Excel None EBSCONET/Email Email/Not recorded Not recorded/Local File Email/Local File Excel/Rolodex/Email Local file Email/In person Excel None Email

7 Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing  Why we choose CORAL - Web-based applications and functions - Open source, free - Technology: (Apache)/PHP/MySQL, - Truly Modular: all five modules are both independent and interoperable. - Customization: implementation and application - Support: - Online documentation: User’s/Technical/Installation Guide - Listserv communication (about 160 members) - Online Live Demo - Continuous development and bugs fixing

8 1.Platform: Windows or Unix/Linux? 2.Technical Skills Required 3.Downloading the CORAL package 4.Installation 5.Customization

9 (Apache)/PHP/MySQL Unix/Linux is preferable TCNJ implementation: Ubuntu Linux Server version 10.4 on Dell PowerEdge 2900 Server. (note: remember to include GUI part when installing Ubuntu) Advantages of Ubuntu: Open source, free Easy to install and maintain And the best is: Apache/PHP/MySQL ready to use

10 Basic Unix/Linux commands (e.g. ls, cd, rm, mkdir, cp, chmod); vi skill is a plus but not necessary Basic web application/Internet infrastructure (e.g. Understand the Document Root) Minimum PHP/MySQL knowledge If you really hate command line, Ubuntu has everything GUI

11 It’s called “Checkout,” by using SVN SVN stands for Subversion: it’s a repository system with software versioning and revision control Use a SVN client. We use TortoiseSVN After installing TortoiseSVN, on Windows Explorer, right click and choose SVN check out, then copy over the svn url from CORAL website. Check out each module (called package, e.g. resources package) separately. After checking out the CORAL package, copy the whole package to your server under the document root Examples: On Ubuntu, copy coral “resources” package to /var/www/coral/resources/; copy coral “licensing” package to /var/www/coral/licensing/

12 Two ways to install Web install: recommended. Run each module installation from../coral/module-name/install/index.php Manual install: when web install fails Under the hood: run the sql script to create and populate the database tables

13 Create Users Due to lack of authentication module at this moment, we need to hard-code the Login ID in user.php CORAL starting page (optional), called “main” package Application customization: later Jia’s part




17 Resources Acquisition ProductsContactsAttachmenAttachmentAccountWork FlowAccess








25 Locally edit/change/add variable fields values Flexible: add free text for special situations

26 E-Resource DataBefore the ERMAfter the ERM Vendor ContactsE-mail Folders/Intranet/ERM Vendor CorrespondencePaper Files/ E-mail FoldersERM/E-mail Folders Subscription SourceIntranet PageERM User LimitsIntranet PageERM Alternate Access InfoIntranet PageERM Admin & Stats Access InfoTCNJ Personal DriveERM Usage ReportsExcelERM (JR1)/Excel InvoicesPaper FilesERM/Binders License AgreementsPaper Files Paper Files, Key Components in ERM (e.g. ILL rights) Budget / Expense TrackingExcelERM/Excel Authentication MethodWith Subscription Info (not organized)ERM Dynamic ReportsNot AvailableERM Problem LogsE-mail Folders, Word DocsERM Subscription Wish ListNot RecordedERM

27 Jia Mi Electronic Resources/Serials Librarian TCNJ Library Questions ? Yongming Wang Systems Librarian TCNJ Library

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