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International Workshop on Methodological Challenges for the Study of Return and Circular Migration Madrid, 22-23 January 2015 TEMPER Project RETURN MIGRATION.

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Presentation on theme: "International Workshop on Methodological Challenges for the Study of Return and Circular Migration Madrid, 22-23 January 2015 TEMPER Project RETURN MIGRATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Workshop on Methodological Challenges for the Study of Return and Circular Migration Madrid, 22-23 January 2015 TEMPER Project RETURN MIGRATION Romanian case Nicoleta Caragea INS, Romania General Department of Demography and Social Statistics

2 Data sources on international immigration  Administrative data sources General Inspectorate for Immigration  Data on Definitive International Immigration - when the person settles the permanent residence on the territory of Romania, he(she) having previously the usual residence in another country  Statistical data sources LFS (estimates for international migration stocks) Mirror statistics  PADRON – INE Spain  ISTAT – Italy  Eurostat and other official statistical institutes (for the international migration structure benchmark, by country of previous residence)

3 Data on immigration and returns, by citizenship, country of previous residence and country of birth Romania (annual flows during 2008-2013) Immigrants = citizens from all countries (foreigners and Romanians) who establish the usual residence on Romania’s territory for a period of at least 12 months (acording to Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 Of The European Parliament and Of The Council on Community statistics on migration and international protection) Returns = Romanian citizens who return to Romania after a period of absence of at least 12 months persons/yearsImmigrants ReturnsPotential returns CTZ=RoPRV=Sp (all CTZ)CoB=Ro (all CTZ)CoB=Sp (all CTZ) 2008138929126757337571271191043 2009135844124936515491238461542 2010149885136799494261141741945 2011147685138397425051101982247 2012167266155613638791323123286 2013 153646 138923 67164 120149 4226

4 Potential returns CoB=Sp (all CTZ)< 15 years old (%) 2008104385.1 2009154288.9 2010194592.9 2011224788.8 2012328697.5 2013 422698.0 children born in Spain from Romanian parents

5 Difficulties in assessing return migration:  there is not a special sample survey on international migration in Romania  data are estimates at macro level other level of disaggregation: age and sex no possibility to analyze the impact of the returns by returned people’s profile (especially labor impacts)  no data available by crossing PRV with CTZ and CoB  no data on circular migration

6 Thank you!

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