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Transitions MENUEXIT In writing, a transition is the smooth progression from one idea to another. A good transition helps the reader see how ideas are.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions MENUEXIT In writing, a transition is the smooth progression from one idea to another. A good transition helps the reader see how ideas are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitions MENUEXIT In writing, a transition is the smooth progression from one idea to another. A good transition helps the reader see how ideas are connected. Continue…

2 Transitions MENUEXIT How could a transition improve this paragraph? I jumped off the bus when I saw my friend waiting at the stop. I realized I left my bag on the bus. PREVIOUS Click to see a revision In writing, a transition is the smooth progression from one idea to another. A good transition helps the reader see how ideas are connected.

3 Transitions MENUEXIT The revised paragraph flows better because the transition helps to show the sequence of events. PREVIOUS Next REVISED I jumped off the bus when I saw my friend waiting at the stop. Later when I looked for my wallet, I realized I had left my bag on the bus. I jumped off the bus when I saw my friend waiting at the stop. I realized I left my bag on the bus. ORIGINAL In writing, a transition is the smooth progression from one idea to another. A good transition helps the reader see how ideas are connected.

4 Transitions can signal different types of relationships. Click the transitional relationship you want to explore. MENUEXIT MENU Transitions Sequential Order Order of Importance Cause and Effect Spatial Order Comparison and Contrast

5 MENUEXIT Sequential Order Transitions Use transitions like these to show the sequence of time or steps in a process. first second afterwards next last during then soon finally alreadylater subsequently at the same time at the beginning before Next

6 MENUEXIT Sequential Order Transitions Where could you add transitions to help make this sequence clearer? Band practice is always the same. We tune our instruments. We practice songs we are working on, trying to improve our style. We start to learn a new piece, getting as far as we can before the hour is up. We play something we all know well to end on a positive note. PREVIOUS Click to see a revision

7 MENUEXIT Sequential Order Transitions These transitions indicate the progression of events during band practice. Band practice is always the same. First, we tune our instruments. Then, we practice songs we are working on, trying to improve our style. Afterward, we start to learn a new piece, getting as far as we can before the hour is up. Finally, we play something we all know well to end on a positive note. PREVIOUS Menu

8 MENUEXIT Order of Importance Transitions Use words like these when you are trying to show the relative importance of people, places, things, or events. first second best worst Next main more important most important least important

9 MENUEXIT Order of Importance Transitions PREVIOUS When babysitting, remember that your purpose is to make sure the children stay safe. Plan activities so the children will have fun. Babysitters establish their authority by remaining calm and attentive. Don’t yell or lose your temper. Where could you add transitions to help show the relative importance of these activities and events? Click to see a revision

10 MENUEXIT Order of Importance Transitions PREVIOUS When babysitting, remember that your main purpose is to make sure the children stay safe. Second, plan activities so the children will have fun. Babysitters best establish their authority by remaining calm and attentive. The worst thing you can do is yell or lose your temper. These transitions stress the importance of some actions over other actions. Menu

11 MENUEXIT Cause and Effect Transitions Transitional words can also show a cause-and-effect relationship. Continue…

12 MENUEXIT Cause and Effect Transitions PREVIOUS In this example, the transition clarifies the effect of the first action (the cause). I forgot to set my alarm clock before I went to bed. I overslept and was late for school. As a result, Next Transitional words can also show a cause-and-effect relationship.

13 MENUEXIT Cause and Effect Transitions PREVIOUS Use transitional words and phrases like these to show relationships between events and their results. as a result consequently so because since for therefore thus if...then Next

14 MENUEXIT Cause and Effect Transitions PREVIOUS The invention of e-mail has had a large impact on the way people communicate. Because of e-mail, people can send messages anywhere in the world quickly and easily—and receive a quick reply. Consequently, people make fewer phone calls and use regular mail less often. What transitions in this paragraph point to the results that followed the invention of e-mail? Click to see the transitional words

15 MENUEXIT Cause and Effect Transitions PREVIOUS The invention of e-mail has had a large impact on the way people communicate. Because of e-mail, people can send messages anywhere in the world quickly and easily—and receive a quick reply. Consequently, people make fewer phone calls and use regular mail less often. What transitions in this paragraph point to the results that followed the invention of e-mail? Click to see the cause-and-effect relationships

16 MENUEXIT Cause and Effect Transitions PREVIOUS The transitions highlight the cause-and-effect relationships. E-mail was invented. people make fewer phone calls. As a result, people send messages anywhere. Consequently, Menu

17 MENUEXIT Spatial Order Transitions Next Use transitional words and phrases like these when describing details according to their position in space (front to back, near to far, top to bottom, and others). above below behind beneath beside down in front of in back of to the right of in the other direction near on top ofto under over past

18 MENUEXIT Spatial Order Transitions Click to view the transitional words When I first saw the renovations at Grand Central Station in New York City, I was impressed by the building’s beauty. Above my head was a ceiling painted with the constellations. Beneath my feet was a polished marble floor, and behind the information desk was an enormous clock. Which words point out the spatial relationships in this description? PREVIOUS

19 MENUEXIT Spatial Order Transitions When I first saw the renovations at Grand Central Station in New York City, I was impressed by the building’s beauty. Above my head was a ceiling painted with the constellations. Beneath my feet was a polished marble floor, and behind the information desk was an enormous clock. Which words point out the spatial relationships in this description? Menu PREVIOUS

20 MENUEXIT Comparison and Contrast Transitions Use comparison and contrast transitions to signal the similarities and differences between people, places, things, or events. but however unlike in contrast similarly like both each yet although even though on the contrary Next

21 MENUEXIT Comparison and Contrast Transitions Many people don’t realize the sun’s rays contain two types of ultraviolet radiation: UVA and UVB. Both can harm the skin, but they do so in different ways. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and can cause wrinkling and premature aging. Although UVB rays do not penetrate as deeply, they are more damaging because they cause burning and are linked to most skin cancers. What words in the paragraph signal the comparisons and contrasts? Click to view the transitional words PREVIOUS

22 MENUEXIT Comparison and Contrast Transitions Many people don’t realize the sun’s rays contain two types of ultraviolet radiation: UVA and UVB. Both can harm the skin, but they do so in different ways. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and can cause wrinkling and premature aging. Although UVB rays do not penetrate as deeply, they are more damaging because they cause burning and are linked to most skin cancers. What words in the paragraph signal the comparisons and contrasts? Menu PREVIOUS

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