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Acrimonious Adj: Stinging, bitter in temper or tone Acid (ACrImonious) stings and burns.

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Presentation on theme: "Acrimonious Adj: Stinging, bitter in temper or tone Acid (ACrImonious) stings and burns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acrimonious Adj: Stinging, bitter in temper or tone Acid (ACrImonious) stings and burns

2 Bovine adj: resembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unreasponsive boVINE: cows and oxes lazily eat the vegetation

3 Consternation Noun- dismay, confusion Consternation -> concern. You are concerned for someone who is confused and appears to be in dismay

4 Corpulent Adj- fat; having a large, bulky body I think of cows and how they are bulky and fat animals

5 Disavow V- to deny responsibility for or connection with A vow is a promise and connection. The prefix “dis” meaning away; you are away from a connection. DISaVOW In Harry Potter this is an “Unbreakable Vow”

6 Dispassionate Adj- impartial; calm, free from emotion To be passionate about something is to have strong feelings about a certain thing. Prefix “dis” meaning “away” (as mentioned before). To be dispassionate is to be away from feeling/emotion.

7 Dissension N- disagreement, sharp difference of opinion I see disconnection. When there is a disconnection there is a sharp difference of opinion

8 Dissipate v- to cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spend foolishly, squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure In dissipate, I hear/see the word disappear which means to not have.

9 Expurgate v- to remove objectionable passages or words from a written text; to cleanse, purity exPURGate. I hear the word purge in expurgate, which means to rid of something. Creepy movie 0_0

10 Gauntlet n- an armored or protective glove; a challenge; two lines of men armored with weapons with which to beat a person forced to run between them an ordeal. In Marching Knights, we wear gauntlets to protect our sleeves/gloves and to look cool ;)

11 Hypothetical Adj- based on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or tentative idea to guide or direct investigation We’ve all heard of this word…. “Hypothetically saying…”

12 Ignoble adj- mean, low, base IGNOre people who are mean, unkind, and low

13 Impugn v- to call into question; to attack as false I see the word impersonate (weird I know). When you impersonate someone you are false and called into question.

14 Intemperate adj- immoderate, lacking in self- control; inclement inTEMPERate. When you are temperamental, you lose control in yourself in a rage

15 Odium n- hatred, contempt; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct I see Odd in odium: when you’re odd, you can be considered a disgrace Jacob from twilight was disgraced from the pack for being odd by being around a vampire and trying to help one

16 Perfidy n- faithlessness, treachery

17 Relegate v- to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over, to banish

18 Squeamish adj- inclined to nausea; easily shocked or upset; excessively fastidious or refined Typically, girls are very squeamish when it comes to bugs and become grossed out.

19 Subservient adj- subordinate in capacity or role; submissively obedient; serving to promote some end I see servant in subservient. Servants must be submissive and obedient to the person they serve House elves in harry potter must serve their master no matter what

20 Susceptible adj- open to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance Example: 3 rd world countries are easily susceptible to disease and starvation because they have a lack of medicine, food, pure water, and sanitation

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