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EXTENDED METAPHORS MINOR WRITING ASSIGNMENT. EXTENDED METAPHORS Go back to your list of personal metaphors. Choose five that you can extend by explaining.

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2 EXTENDED METAPHORS Go back to your list of personal metaphors. Choose five that you can extend by explaining the comparison in detail. Write a paragraph for each personal metaphor by giving four or five specific points of comparison. For example, if you are like an alley cat, discuss four characteristics of an alley cat and explain the ways in which you have the same characteristics.

3 Extended Metaphors DAY OF THE WEEK: I’m like Thursday, not quite the free, wild, undisciplined weekend, but also not quite the dull drudgery of Monday. Thursday is caught between work and play, restriction and freedom. Thursday is a sense of accomplishment for the week past, a sense of challenge for a week unfinished, and a sense of anticipation for the weekend ahead. PIECE OF FURNITURE: I think a bookcase and I have much in common. We both contain many kinds of knowledge -- some useful, some erudite, some frivolous. The contents of both can be selectively edited, adding new volumes and discarding useless texts. There is room for the dictionary and the comic book, for Shakespeare poetry and National Lampoon, perhaps even for a few knickknacks.


5 PERSONAL METAPHORS Write a symbolic recipe for yourself. This means your ingredients are not blood, muscle, bone, and a hank of hair, but abstract qualities and personality traits (like patience, friendliness, humor). What is really necessary to create you. Follow standard recipe format: a list of ingredients and exact measurements, followed by a paragraph of instructions, advice about the proper sequence of the steps, and any tips or warnings.

6 Ingredients: 2 Cups Hard Work 1 Cup Creativity 1 Cup Intelligence 1 Cup Determination 1 Tbl. Laziness 1 Tbl. Compassion dash Temper and Spunk Directions: 1. Combine all ingredients in order. Briskly whip the 2 cups of Hard Work in a well-rounded mind until all full and frothy. Then gently fold in Creativity and Intelligence. 2. To stiffen the mixture, add Determination. 3. To keep dish from expanding out of control, firmly work in Laziness and Compassion. 4. Add a dash of Temper and Spunk for “bite,” but be careful not to over spice or combination may become volatile unexpectedly. 5. Let set several decades in a comfortable, orderly room until flavors blend and mature. From the kitchen of: Educators Serves: Too many The Hopeful Student

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