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Behavioural Modification By: Jane Lord 2015. By the End of The Session Parents and Educators are Introduced to... “The diagnostic category pervasive developmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavioural Modification By: Jane Lord 2015. By the End of The Session Parents and Educators are Introduced to... “The diagnostic category pervasive developmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavioural Modification By: Jane Lord 2015

2 By the End of The Session Parents and Educators are Introduced to... “The diagnostic category pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which refers to a group of five disorders characterised by delays in the development of multiple basic functions including socialisation and communication’’.disorderssocialisation communication

3 Understand What the children need A structured daily routine Temper tantrum control That there are three priorities, when it comes to "insisting" with a child over behavioural issues. First priority: “Temper tantrums ‘’ Second priority: "Sitting skills’’ Third priority: Dealing with the "repetitive ritualistic habits’’ The holding technique

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