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1 116 TEAM 116 SUBGROUP_NAME_HERE Critical Design Review 1/15/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 116 TEAM 116 SUBGROUP_NAME_HERE Critical Design Review 1/15/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 116 TEAM 116 SUBGROUP_NAME_HERE Critical Design Review 1/15/2015

2 2 116 AGENDA  Team Members  Assumptions  Prototype  Drawings (to scale, electronic)  Calculations to support key design decisions  Software Interface  Mechanical Interface  Operator Interface  Bill of Materials KOP Materials Special Orders  Weight Estimate  Cost Estimate  Schedule

3 3 116 Team Members  Identify the members of your subgroup Subgroup Captain Mentors Students

4 4 116 Team Members  Identify the members of your subgroup Subgroup Captain Mentors Students

5 5 116 Assumptions  List any assumptions here

6 6 116 Prototype  Pictures  Video

7 7 116 Drawings  Paste Inventor, SketchUp, Visio, other to-scale drawings here

8 8 116 Calculations  Show any calculations to support key design decisions here

9 9 116 Software Interface  What will software have to control  What sensors will be used

10 10 116 Mechanical Interface  With what subsystems will you be interfacing  How will you be interfacing

11 11 116 Operator Interface  What will be manually controlled  What will be automatically controlled Autonomous Macro function

12 12 116 Bill of Materials  KOP Materials Motors (Identify which ones use, where, and why) Other parts / materials (Identify which ones use, where, and why)  Special Orders What From Where How much Attached POs for all special orders, filled out and ready to be handed in, if design is approved

13 13 116 Weight Estimate  Show weight calculations here

14 14 116 Cost Estimate  Show cost calculations here

15 15 116 Schedule  Week 3 –  Week 4 –  Week 5 –  Week 6 –

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