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1 Transport Canada Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate Emergency Response Task Force Mylaine DesRosiers, Executive Director, Emergency Response.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Transport Canada Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate Emergency Response Task Force Mylaine DesRosiers, Executive Director, Emergency Response."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Transport Canada Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate Emergency Response Task Force Mylaine DesRosiers, Executive Director, Emergency Response Task Force Secretariat Annex C XXXXX RDIMS-#10346839. March 2015

2 TASK FORCE AREAS OF FOCUS PD 33 Delivery models Incident Command / Incident Management – – Roles and Responsibilities – Recommended “Best Practices” e.g ICSCanada Increase first responders awareness Potential expansion of the ERAP requirement to other flammable liquids transported by rail ERAP program review and improvement for effectiveness and continued monitoring 2

3 3 DIRECTOR GENERAL TDG Senior Management Committee TDG EMERGENCY RESPONSE TASK FORCE ERTF Secretariat Subgroup 1 Protective Direction 33 Subgroup 1 Protective Direction 33 Subgroup 2 Incident Command Subgroup 2 Incident Command Subgroup 3 ERAP expansion to other flammable liquids Subgroup 3 ERAP expansion to other flammable liquids Subgroup 4 ERAP program enhancement Subgroup 4 ERAP program enhancement TASK FORCE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Subgroup 5 Training on flammable liquids for emergency responders Subgroup 5 Training on flammable liquids for emergency responders

4 GAPS AND CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED BY THE TASK FORCE Need for improvement in the areas of training and awareness of ERAP program for first responders; Need for improved coordination and communication between multiple agencies in terms of respective roles and responsibilities at the site of TDG incidents (ICS & IMS); Large volumes of Ethanol being shipped from US to and through Canada that are not currently covered by PD33; Need for additional data and information to pursue analysis pertaining to other flammable liquids transported by rail not currently covered by an ERAP requirement ; Reluctance from some stakeholders to provide information; 4

5 TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS TO TRANSPORT CANADA FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT NOVEMBER 17, 2014 1- To include basic information on the ERAP program in the reference section of the 2016 Edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook and mark products that are required to have an ERAP with a Canadian logo for ease of reference; 2- To require an ERAP for Class 3 Flammable Liquids for Ethanol shipped through or to Canada under UN 1987; 3- To request access to further information, collect necessary data and facilitate analysis and distribution to Task Force members on flammable liquids, their properties and ERAP program information; 4- To raise awareness by suggesting an outreach and communication activity calendar to be considered by TDG for future outreach strategy; 5- To pursue opportunities to work with the Defense Research and Development Canada Centre for Security Science (DRDC – CSS). 5

6 Recommendation 1: Reference to ERAP Program in the 2016 Edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook Context/Issue Need to increase first responder awareness of ERAP program. Opportunity to take advantage of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) review currently underway in light of the publication of the 2016 Edition of the ERG. Proposed solution Include basic information on the Canadian ERAP Program in the reference section of the 2016 Edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook; and Identify products that require an ERAP under Canadian regulations with recognizable logo. Steps taken TC has undertaken discussions with US and Mexican counterparts. 6

7 Recommendation 2: Require ERAP for Ethanol UN 1987 Context/Issue 45% of Ethanol consumed in Canada is shipped from US. 99% of the Ethanol shipped to or through Canada as Alcohol is under UN 1987. UN 1987 not covered by PD33. Creates inequitable treatment for Canadian shippers while increasing risk for communities located along rail routes. Proposed solution Require an ERAP for Ethanol shipped under UN 1987 as part of the ERAP requirements for Class 3 flammable liquids. Advise shippers that could be impacted of this upcoming requirement to allow industry to act accordingly. Steps taken Ethanol 1987 and PD33 included in regulatory amendment file. 7

8 Context/Issue Need to improve understanding of emergency response roles and responsibilities. Opportunity to tap into existing network and work accomplished through several initiatives, for example: – the CSS Eastern HAZMAT project – Canadian Targeted Capability List-Canada – Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) and response standards projects led by the CSS Operational Research Expertise. – by engaging with the CSS on their Incident Exercise program. Steps Taken Task Force Chair, Vice Chair and Secretariat staff have met with CSS to learn about current initiatives that could benefit the Task Force and TDG; TC has submitted a request to fund a three fold series of TDG Emergency Response exercises based on flammable liquids by rail scenario. 8 Recommendation 3: Explore opportunities to work with DRCD-CSS

9 Recommendation 4: Outreach and Communication Opportunities Context/Issue First responders expressed a need to increase awareness of ERAP program and TC roles and responsibilities. Proposed Solution TC to undertake an enhanced Outreach and Awareness program as an ongoing TDG activity addressing the ERAP program. Action taken The Task Force has developed a proposed calendar of venues for TC’s consideration. Work is underway to develop the TDG outreach strategy for upcoming fiscal year. 9

10 Using a risk-based approach to assess options to expand ERAP requirement to other flammable liquids. Identify ERAP program’s data needs and gaps to monitor its effectiveness. Assessing first responders’ training needs and existing resources, identify key components of a flammable liquids specialized training program. 10 NEXT STEPS:

11 TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS TO TRANSPORT CANADA SECOND QUARTERLY REPORT Due in March 2015 To focus on Incident Command System and Management and suggest a standard approach for TDG incidents involving flammable liquids. 2014-07-0911

12 Explore means to provide “Real-time” train consist information to first responders via CANUTEC. Assess availability of Material Safety Data Sheets to first responders. Clarify ERAP activation and establish appropriate levels of activation in support of first responders. 12 NEXT STEPS:

13 How to reach the Task Force Secretariat Chris Powers, Chair (613) 991-0058 Louis Laferriere, Vice-Chair (613) 998-9036 Mylaine DesRosiers, Secretariat Executive Director, (613)998-7861 Kathie Keeley (613) 949-2965 Lindsay Jones (613) 998-6496 Anastasia Karvounis (613) 949-8638 Rachele Renaud (613) 998-1863 ERTF Website: menu-1186.html menu-1186.html 13

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