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Organising Radiotherapy Services – what are the lessons from England Tim Cooper Associate Director – Radiotherapy National Cancer Action Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Organising Radiotherapy Services – what are the lessons from England Tim Cooper Associate Director – Radiotherapy National Cancer Action Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organising Radiotherapy Services – what are the lessons from England Tim Cooper Associate Director – Radiotherapy National Cancer Action Team


3 Organising Radiotherapy Services – what are the lessons from England Tim Cooper Associate Director – Radiotherapy National Cancer Action Team

4 Vision Strategy


6 NRIG (NRAG / Cancer Reform Strategy) Governance Wider World Service Delivery Commissioning Safety Peer Review Clinical Pathways Clinical Trials and Research New Technology Contracting Framework RTDS/RES Tariff / HRG Commissioning Toolkit Workforce Access Capacity Survivorship Communication Skills Leadership Engagement

7 NRIG Subgroups NRIG - plus ‘press gang’ members Workforce Technology Protons Stereotactic Radiotherapy Clinical Information Group Raising the profile of radiotherapy Plus –Tariff (Costing and Coding groups) –R-PORT –Peer Review

8 Headlines Relevant Key issues Investment Engagement Leadership Play to your strengths Toolkits Communication

9 Relevant Key Issues What does World Class look like?? Access –Performance –Productivity Workforce Technology –IMRT –SBRT –IGRT

10 NRIG (NRAG / Cancer Reform Strategy) Governance Wider World Service Delivery Commissioning Safety Peer Review Clinical Pathways Clinical Trials and Research New Technology Contracting Framework RTDS/RES Tariff / HRG Commissioning Toolkit Workforce Access Capacity Survivorship Communication Skills Leadership Engagement

11 Relevant Key Issues What does World Class look like?? Access –Performance –Productivity Workforce Technology –IMRT –SBRT –IGRT

12 Workforce Reconvened NRAG workforce subgroup (Jane Barrett chair) 4 tier structure - publishing the learning from the pilot sites HEI & operational managers – 25 th Sept 09 - Developing the radiotherapy workforce – 23 rd March 10 - Building on success VERT now in 40 clinical centres Radiotherapy Physics - Modernising Scientific Careers - Meeting 5 th March- Developing Solutions Dosimetrists - secured funding to support national early implementation training programme.Planned April intake.

13 Service Delivery Access 31 days - analysis of early returns - data completeness !! Process and pathways Capacity Network led planning in many areas ?? 25 satellites staged plans- ongoing work RTDS Missing patients Radiotherapy Site Visits National Purchasing Framework

14 IMRT NRIG Technology Group – Chair Michael Williams. IMRT at least one centre in each Network by 2012 30% of all fractions should be IMRT Darzi Innovation Metric Commissioner guidance Generic business case National Training programme QA audit programme Consensus document – publishing the evidence Awarding training support contracts

15 Stereotactic SBRT Intracranial already done Focus on Technique Define Technology National Specification to NRIG by end 2010 Indications and body sites H&N; Lung; Liver; Pancreas; Kidney; Spine; Prostate; Mets and Oligometastases;

16 Headlines Relevant Key issues Investment Engagement Leadership Play to your strengths Toolkits Communication

17 Radiotherapy Costing & Tariff Development UNIT COST COMPARISONS – AVERAGE OF ALL COSTS PER FRACTIONS National Cancer Action Team Department of Health Payment by Results

18 Leadership & Engagement Clinical Leadership Programme Leadership Progress chaser Engagement –Profession –Public –Political –Wider

19 Headlines Relevant Key issues Investment Engagement Leadership Play to your strengths Toolkits Communication

20 Build on the strengths Consensus –5 centres not 50+ Commissioning –No Linac fairy – so can push boundaries –Central programme – can move to meet need faster. Programmes –NRIG programme already clear, so SRAG can use this and focus on other areas of importance Programme engagement

21 Headlines Relevant Key issues Investment Engagement Leadership Play to your strengths Toolkits Communication



24 R-PORT Roll out underway Complete by Spring 10 Amanda Travis appointed to secure roll out Demonstrate efficiency Available to all HEI’s Ongoing development User Group

25 Commissioning Contracting Contracting Framework Service Specification Radiotherapy Pathway Cancer Commissioning toolkit – radiotherapy section Radiotherapy Commissioning Pilots x 4

26 Configuration: Lots of very good work underway 4 commissioning pilots –Anglia –Sussex –Merseyside and Cheshire –Lancs and S.Cumbria N.Trent, Humber and Yorks Greater Midlands

27 Governance Peer Review New Measures …almost complete ….. Completely different TSR is a recurring theme in peer review What does a good evidence folder look like? What information does the Network Radiotherapy Group need?

28 Other work NRAG FAQ’s –Demystifying NRAG Public profile –Engaging with Public; Patients; Health community and the wider world Developing the evidence base –Supporting the argument Enhanced Cross UK working –Working together and supporting each other.

29 Headlines Relevant Key issues Investment Engagement Leadership Play to your strengths Toolkits Communication


31 Recommendation 1: Planning for the future a rolling ten-year plan, setting out a vision and strategy for future radiotherapy services, Recommendation 2: Measuring success datasets for the reporting of fractionation, waiting times, access, and patient outcomes. Recommendation 3: Ensuring equity in access demand modelling based on differences in cancer incidence on a region-by-region basis. Recommendation 4: Training the radiotherapy workforce A national career promotion strategy should be introduced across the four nations of the UK Recommendation 5: Integrating new technologies NICE should provide national guidance on novel radiotherapy techniques, such as intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and proton therapy. Recommendation 6: Communicating with the public formulate a strategy and proposal for awareness raising about radiotherapy. Achieving a world class radiotherapy service across the UK


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