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Protists Chapter 28
Changing Kingdom of Protists
Discovered by Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek in pond water Once considered 1 kingdom, now known to be paraphyletic Some closer to other eukaryotic kingdoms than other protists Kingdom Protista dissolved now, used as a general term Each lineage is separate kingdom Consisting of an ancestral species and some descendents
Where Are We Going? Structural and biochemical adaptations
Introduce groups of protists
Diversity in Protists Structurally different
Most unicellular, some colonial, and some multicellular Considered simplest eukaryotes; at cellular level = complex Nutritionally different Photoautotrophs (chlorplasts), heterotrophic (absorb or ingest), or mixotrophs (combine both) Arisen independently in lineages Reproduction and life cycles vary Some exclusively asexual, some exclusively sexual, others some processes of meiosis, and some vary from any of the above Habitats Most aquatic/marine, some terrestrial, and some in other organisms
Endosymbiosis and Eukaryotic Evolution
Unicellular organisms engulfed other cells that became organelles, resulting in diversity of protists Earliest got mitochondria from alpha proteobacteria Later a cyanobacterium Red and green algae Multiple occurrences of secondary endosymbiosis Became endosymbionts themselves
Protist Supergroups Current hypotheses is 5 supergroups
Hypotheses of classifications have and continue to change Current hypotheses is 5 supergroups All diagramed as diverging simultaneously because root of eukaryotes unknown Don’t focus on specific groups, but why important Dashed lines are uncertain of debated relationships
Exploring Protist Diversity
Excavata Chromalveolata Modified mitochondria and flagella Parasites, predatory, and photosynthetic species Giardia intestinalis – severe diarrhea from feces water Important photosynthetic organisms Diatoms, brown algae, and pathogens Plasmodium - malaria and Phytophthora - potato famine
Exploring Protist Diversity (cont.)
Rhizaria Unikonta Amoebas that move by thread-like pseudopodia Globigerina extend pseudopodia through shell Amoebas that have lobe- or tube pseudopodia, animals, fungi and related protists Hypothesis that was 1st to diverge
Exploring Protist Diversity (cont.)
Archaeplastida Red and green algae, land plants All three structural types Key photosynthetic species at food web base Volvox – colonial, separation prevents reproduction
Excavates Each are monophyletic, but supergroup unconfirmed = controversial Diplomonads Mitochondria w/o fxnl ETC; energy from anaerobic paths 2 nuclei, multiple flagella, and most are parasites Giardia intestinalis Parabasalids Reduced mitochondria; some energy anaerobically Trichomonas vaginalis – STD in males and females Euglenozoans Spiral or crystalline rod inside flagella of unknown origin Kinetoplastids are parasitic Trypanosoma: sleeping sickness; avoid detection by changing surface protein Euglenoids Mixotroph: in sunlight autotrophic, no sun heterotrophic Some engulf prey by phagocytosis D and P: DNA-less mitochondria
Chromalveolates Most controversial of all supergroups Alveolates
Well supported hypothesis Membrane bound sacs under plasma membrane 3 subgroups Stramenopiles Marine algae Photosynthetic organisms and heterotrophs Flagella are numerous, hair-like projections 4 subgroups
Alveolates Dinoflagellates: cells reinforced by cellulose plates
Flagella in groove for spin movement Marine and freshwater living near water’s surface Blooms cause ‘red tides’ in coastal water, killing inverts and fish Apicomplexans: parasites of animals Complex organelle end to penetrate host tissues Sexual and asexual stages; need 2 different hosts Plasmodium causes malaria (mosquitoes and humans) Avoids detection like kinetoplastids Ciliates: use cilia to move and feed 2 types of nuclei Variation due to conjugation Reproduce asexually by binary fission Stentor and Paramecium
Stramenopiles Diatoms: unicellular algae with walls of silica arranged like a box Reproduce asexually by mitosis with daughters stored inside Accumulate in sediments, used as a filtering medium Golden algae: biflagellated, mixotrophic organisms Freshwater and marine plankton Colonial, can form protective cysts Brown algae: largest and most complex algae Most are marine on temperate coasts; edible (soups and algins) Body or thallus with: holdfast (root), stipe (stem), and blade (leaf) Oomycetes: water molds, white rusts, and downy mildews Cell walls of cellulose Similarity to fungi is example of convergent evolution Phytophthora infestans - potato blight, stalk and stem to black slime; crop losses Algins in ice cream, pudding, and salad dressing
Rhizarians Morphology differs, but DNA conforms monophyletic group
Forams: CaCO3 porous shell Nutrients from algae that live in the test Marine and fresh water living in sand or on rocks and algae Used to age sedimentary rocks Radiolarians: symmetrical internal skeletons of silica
Archaeplastida Red algae: accessory pigment varies by water depth
Most abundant in warm coastal waters Porphyra used as crispy wraps for sushi Diverse life cycles and alternation of generations No flagellated stages in life and water currents for fertilization Green algae Descendants gave rise to land plants Paraphyletic group Freshwater, marine, and terrestrial Sexual (biflagellated gametes) and asexual life cycles Spirogyra,Volvox, and Ulva
Unikonts Recently proposed and very diverse, including protists, animals, and fungi Amoebozoans Slime molds Plasmodial slime molds: brightly colored and produce fruiting bodies to disperse spores Cellular slime molds: singular when food plentiful, but aggregates when depleted Gymnamoebas In soil, freshwater, and marine environments Heterotrophs that seek and consume bacteria, protists, and detrius Entamoebas Parasites that infect all vertebrates and some invertebrates Entamoeba histolytica causes amebic dysentery; from water, food, or utensils Opisthokonts include animals, fungi, and protists Clades closely related within, but not between
Protist Supergroup Summary
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