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Understanding Massachusetts’ new accountability measures November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Massachusetts’ new accountability measures November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Massachusetts’ new accountability measures November 2012

2 What are the major changes for 2012? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2 1.NCLB goal of 100 percent proficient replaced by new goal of reducing proficiency gaps by half by 2017 2.NCLB accountability status labels replaced by state’s accountability & assistance levels (Levels 1-5) 3.AYP replaced by new performance measure (Progress & Performance Index - PPI) that incorporates student growth, science, & other indicators

3 State performance targets under NCLB Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 3


5 What are the major changes for 2012? (continued) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5 4.Data reported for new “high needs” subgroup, an unduplicated count of all students belonging to any of these subgroups: low income, students with disabilities, English language learner/former English language learner 5.School percentile reported, indicating school’s overall performance on PPI indicators relative to other schools in same grade span

6 What are some key PPI concepts? Core Indicators  ELA, math, & science proficiency gap narrowing (CPI)  ELA & math growth (SGP)  Annual dropout rate  Cohort graduation rate Extra Credit  Reduce ELA, math & science Warning/Failing %  Increase ELA, math, & science Advanced % 6  The PPI is a measure of progress toward a group’s gap- narrowing goals - Annual PPI indicates progress from one year to the next - Cumulative PPI represents a trend over time

7 What are some key Level concepts? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 7  Schools and districts are classified into a level based on a four-year trend  Districts are classified based on the level of lowest- performing school (exception for Board action)  School percentiles (1-99) represent performance relative to other schools in the grade span, and are used to determine Level 3 schools (lowest-performing 20 percent per state law)

8 AYP vs. PPI AYP System  100% Proficiency for all students  No measure of student growth  Based on one year of data  “Single No” System  Counted students multiple times for subgroup classification  Proficient and Advanced treated the same  Attendance as an indicator PPI System  Differentiated targets for schools and subgroups  Uses Student Growth Percentiles  Uses four years of data  Partial credit model  High needs subgroup for classification to avoid double counting  Rewards movement beyond proficiency  Attendance not included Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8

9 How are schools classified? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 Lowest performing 20% of schools (including lowest performing subgroups) DescriptionESE Engagement High Lowest performing schools (subset of Level 3) Chronically underperforming schools (subset of Level 3 & 4) Not meeting proficiency gap narrowing goals (for aggregate &/or high needs students) Meeting proficiency gap narrowing goals (for aggregate & high needs students) Very low Low Very high Extremely high High achieving, high growth, gap narrowing schools (subset of Level 1) Commendation Schools

10 Sample reports

11 Level 1 school (first layer of report) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 11

12 Level 1 school (second layer of report) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 12

13 Third layer of report Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 13

14 Level 2 school (first layer of report) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14

15 Level 3 school (first layer of report) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 15

16 Level 2 district (first layer of report) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 16

17 Level 2 district (first layer of report) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 17

18 Questions? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 18 | 781-338-3550

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