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Culturally Responsive PBIS Pre-conference 2014 Wisconsin Dells, WI Andreal Davis, Kathy Myles, Kent Smith, Michelle Belnavis, Milaney Leverson.

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Presentation on theme: "Culturally Responsive PBIS Pre-conference 2014 Wisconsin Dells, WI Andreal Davis, Kathy Myles, Kent Smith, Michelle Belnavis, Milaney Leverson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culturally Responsive PBIS Pre-conference 2014 Wisconsin Dells, WI Andreal Davis, Kathy Myles, Kent Smith, Michelle Belnavis, Milaney Leverson

2 Wisconsin RtI Center Our vision is that every Wisconsin school has a culturally responsive multi-level system of support that ensures fidelity and sustainability for students to achieve academic and behavioral success. Our mission is to support Wisconsin schools in the implementation of culturally responsive multi-level systems of support for all students.

3 Materials Presentation Power-point, activities and other resources referenced in session can be found at Or by scanning:

4 Agenda Setting the Stage: What is the purpose behind this work? Use of data to identify needs and PD focus Culturally Responsive Practices Begin to Incorporate CRP into PBIS Framework Wrap up and work/planning time

5 True Colors Take a few minutes to complete the personal profile. (Make sure you score the columns and not the rows)

6 Whatever you see in a child is what you will produce – “I don’t become what I think I can; I don’t become what you think I can; I become what I think YOU THINK I can.” "Educational researchers have proven time and again that culturally responsive teaching methods increase student engagement. So if our teaching is not culturally relevant, then we as educators are not relevant." - Chike Akua

7 “Students with disabilities are almost TWICE as likely to be suspended from school as nondisabled students, with the highest rates among black children with disabilities.” NYTimes, M. Rich Aug 7 2012 National Data 13% with disabilities are suspended from school versus 7% of students without disabilities 1 in 4 Black K-12 students are suspended from school at least once High suspension is correlated with: Low achievement Dropout Juvenile incarceration Students with greater than one suspension per year: 1 in 6 Black students 1 in 13 American Indian students 1 in 14 Latino students 1 in 20 White students Not correlated with the race of staff writing referrals. Dan Losen & Jonathan Gillespie Center for Civil Rights Remedies at UCLA – Presented by George Sugai (8/12) State by state data found at Dignity in Schools Campaign Fact Sheet:

8 As a result of these trends and data… Federal guidelines issued January 9, 2014 from the US Dept. of Education and US Dept. of Justice recommending use of PBIS and Cultural and Racial Equity to: alter school climate, reduce use of exclusionary practices and decrease discipline disproportionality Copies of Federal Guidelines and additional resources at the end of presentation

9 Why do we exist? Who are your students? How can we enhance their lives through education? What will we collectively commit to do to make that happen? Mission, vision, beliefs Cultural, linguistic, environmental Behavior, achievement, perception data System implementation of prioritized actions Adapted from Muhammad, A. (2013, August 7). The Will to Lead: Creating Healthy School Culture. Speech presented at WI RtI Center training. Madison, WI. Creating a common vision

10 How do these tendencies impact you in your work ? In your family? Personal Style

11 Color Group Discussion Join your color group Discuss “What if we had a team of people who were all (orange/blue/gold/green)? What would happen? What would go well? What may not? Then discuss “how schools are set up? For which color group?” Share specific examples.

12 Unintentional Reinforcement of Trends These outcomes continue because our systems are not designed to meet the needs of or examine outcomes for ALL groups of students. Institutions and systems have not changed substantially in the last 100 years. These outcomes are reinforced by policy at every level; Federal, State and Local.

13 We see the world not as it is, but as we are…

14 Students and Schools Create mixed color groups Using one specific example from the previous activity – differentiate it for all color groups

15 Culture Affects How We... Think Communicate Interpret the World Make Decisions Solve Problems

16 Cultural Competence Examining the system Believing students will learn Knowing the community Respectful curriculum Understanding world view Self Awareness Responsibility = Institution Standing up Adapted from X. Liang and G. Zhang and the State of Washington Department of Public Instruction

17 Developing Cultural Competence Can you think of anyone that works with you, a family member, or friend that you believe is culturally competent? Why do you think they are culturally competent? Are you culturally competent? Why do you think so? How do you know? What steps have you taken to improve your knowledge and understanding of your students and colleagues who are from a different racial/ethnic/cultural group from your own?

18 Why do we exist? Who are your students? How can we enhance their lives through education? What will we collectively commit to do to make that happen? Mission, vision, beliefs Cultural, linguistic, environmental Behavior, achievement, perception data System implementation of prioritized actions Adapted from Muhammad, A. (2013, August 7). The Will to Lead: Creating Healthy School Culture. Speech presented at WI RtI Center training. Madison, WI. Creating a common vision

19 Risk Ratio relative risk (RR) is the ratio of the probability of an event occurring (for example, developing a disease, being injured) in one group to the probability of the event occurring in a comparison groupprobability Purposes of webinar: 1.Schools understand what a Risk ratio is and why it’s important 2.How to calculate 3.Where to find resources 4.What to do next? --- Create a story of getting pulled over. Contrary to popular belief, drivers in red cars don’t get ticketed more often than their less-flashy comrades. Middle- aged males with a thing for foreign brands, on the other hand, had better watch out. Men who drive a Volkswagen GTI or Mercedes-Benz CLS-63 AMG are twice as likely to get a ticket than the average driver. If they’re in a Hummer (4.63 times higher), they might as well plan on it–drivers of the Hummer H2 face more than triple the chances of a citation. “It’s the combination of the male driver driving the big old Hummer and a mid-life kind of person feeling good,” says Bob U’Ren, senior vice president at Quality Planning, a San Francisco-based company that validates policyholder information for auto insurers. “That’s the magical combination that drives some of these things.”

20 Link Risk back to Education….

21 In Wisconsin, it’s another story (Retrieved from DPI website, 3/31/14)

22 An example of Risk Ratio Risk of Getting a Speeding Ticket Create a story of getting pulled over. Contrary to popular belief, drivers in red cars don’t get ticketed more often than their less-flashy comrades. Middle- aged males with a thing for foreign brands, on the other hand, had better watch out. Men who drive a Volkswagen GTI or Mercedes-Benz CLS-63 AMG are twice as likely to get a ticket than the average driver. If they’re in a Hummer (4.63 times higher), they might as well plan on it–drivers of the Hummer H2 face more than triple the chances of a citation. “It’s the combination of the male driver driving the big old Hummer and a mid-life kind of person feeling good,” says Bob U’Ren, senior vice president at Quality Planning, a San Francisco-based company that validates policyholder information for auto insurers. “That’s the magical combination that drives some of these things.”

23 Calculation Automatic calculator available by going to: Risk Ratio = x ÷ y x = percent of subgroup with particular outcome _________________________________________ y = percent of majority subgroup with same outcome

24 Example Calculations Over the past 30 days, Office Discipline Referral (ODR) data indicates: x = 48% of Black students have received an ODR y = 24% of White students have received an ODR

25 Example Calculations Continued… Risk Ratio = x ÷ y x (48%) ÷ y (24%) = 2 ±.25 difference between risk ratios indicates a need for further action

26 Risk Ratio Calculator Show slides of calculating risk ratio with the calculator

27 Team Time: Take Action to Address Needs Disaggregate data specific to the subgroup: 1.What are the behaviors that are most common? 2.When are the behaviors happening? 3.Where are the behaviors happening? 4.Why might they be happening (possible motivation)? Action plan around identified areas of need: What is the task, Who is responsible, by When will it be completed, etc.

28 Team Time: Planning Once data shows a pattern, teams need to consider: What knowledge and skills the staff need How to deliver that (short term) How to support that (long term) How to monitor the effects and impact Where resources will come from Align to blueprint

29 Content Expertise


31 Norms/Values and their Effects Ways to evaluate the effects of norms/values on your system: Disaggregate Discipline data Disaggregate Suspension data Compute Risk Ratio: If negative trends are visible: Problem solve at the SYSTEMS level (i.e. not just one classroom/teacher at a time) What knowledge and skills the staff need How to deliver that (short term) How to support that (long term) We must change the educational setting to reach all students, NOT simply expect the student to assimilate

32 Gloria Ladson-Billings (UW-Madison) coined the term “cultural relevancy” in 1994. It is a way of teaching that “empowers students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically by using culture to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes.” Cultural Relevancy

33 are culturally competent, know about their students’ cultural beliefs and practices; think of all of their students as capable learners, have high expectations for them, and help the students set short and long term goals for themselves; know each student and draw on the students’ own experiences to help them learn; have a wide variety of teaching strategies and skills to engage the students; can help the students deal with the inequitable treatment of students of color and other underserved populations by helping them become critically conscious and knowledgeable about the students' culture; and can create a bridge between the students’ home and school lives while meeting district and state curricular requirements. Key components of Culturally Responsive Practices:

34 Concept 1 Teachers who can create a bridge between the students’ home and school lives while meeting district and state curricular requirements.

35 Where can I… Validate Affirm Build Bridge

36 Validate – Affirm – Build – Bridge

37 Keeping Relationships at the Center This involves building and nurturing relationships, established through honest self-reflection and having an open mind about what factors might be contributing to a student ’ s success and struggles in the classroom. Validating and Affirming

38 Concept 2 Teachers who are culturally competent know about their students’ cultural beliefs and practices.

39 Establishing Relationships Know the students’ family, interests and culture. Plan for culturally responsive teacher/student/parent opportunities for strengthening relationships Welcome students by name as they enter the classroom. Learn, use and display some words in students’ heritage languages. Acknowledge all students’ comments, responses, questions and contributions by affirming, validating, probing. Use students’ real life experiences to connect school learning to students’ lives.

40 Read Your Heart Out – Family Engagement Video clip

41 Concept 3 Teachers who think of all of their students as capable learners, have high expectations for them, and help the students set short and long term goals for themselves

42 Identity Development Does your body language, gestures and expressions convey a message that all students’ questions and opinions are important? Do your VISUALS (bulletin boards, instructional materials etc.) : reflect the racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds of ALL students? Do you create class team-building opportunities that promote peer support for academic achievement?



45 Behavior Violations Systems must have: Clear definitions of Major versus Minor behavior Components to ensure staff understanding of behavior violations Initial teaching of the system Staff fluency checks Frequent data reviews Ongoing professional development for all staff based on data When those components are in place, teams must determine whether behaviors are wrong or culturally inappropriate

46 Addressing Culturally “Inappropriate” Behaviors Scenario: Student comes from a strong tradition of “overlap,” which is seen as interruption in the classroom. Allow for overlap in discussion; teach class to overlap during discussion (code-switch) Teach student not to overlap during instruction (code-switch) Systems need to move away from punishing students who bring cultural diversity to our schools.

47 Team Time Look at your T chart of behaviors as it exists. Thinking about the Norms Matrix Andreal and Michelle walked you through: What of those behaviors are points of concern for your team either because of: Subjectivity, lack of staff fluency, or cultural misunderstanding Action plan system needs: who needs to do what with whom by when?

48 FAMILY ENGAGEMENT Teachers who can create a bridge between the students’ home and school lives while meeting district and state curricular requirements.

49 Family Engagement Keep in mind: Representation of community cultures Representation of diverse family values and systems Family representatives and family engagement opportunities can: Ease in validating, affirming, building relationships Enhance sense of belonging and communication

50 Epstein’s 6 Types of Parent Engagement 1.Parenting: Helping homes support children as students 2.Communicating: Designed to facilitate communication about programs and progress 3.Volunteering: Parents as helpers and supports 4.Learning at home: How to help students with homework & other curriculum related activities, etc. 5.Decision making: Involving families in school decisions 6.Collaboration with community: Strengthen home/school/community


52 School-wide Behavior Expectations Respectful Responsible Safe


54 EXPECTATIONS Classroom Procedures/Routines Class-WideArrival Cooperative Learning Groups Independent Seat Work Whole Group Identify Attention Signal…….Teach, Practice, Reinforce Be Respectful Use kind words & actions Follow adult directions Enter/exit classroom prepared Use inside voice so others may learn Listen to others Accept differences Use kind words Encourage Others Wait your turn to speak (this may disengage some students unless capital taught) Follow directions Create for yourself and be proud Be honest in your work Eyes/ears on speaker (is this distancing?) Raise hand to speak (is this distancing? Options?) Contribute to learning Be Responsible Take proper care of all personal belongings & school equipment Place materials in correct area (practice ORDER) Begin warm-up promptly Use Time Wisely Contribute Complete your part Be a TASK master Use your neighbor/com munity Follow directions Take notes Meet your goals Be Safe Keep hands, feet & objects to self Use all equipment & materials appropriately Walk Use Materials Carefully Respect community resources Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Stay at seat Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

55 Personal Matrix Teach behavior expectations Have students define what those expectations would look like: At school At home In the community For example: what does it look like to be Responsible when someone is bothering you? At school: Tell an adult At home: Walk away (telling an adult annoys your parents) In your neighborhood: Stand up for yourself (or get your butt kicked)


57 Team Time Thinking about family engagement and your school wide/classroom expectations: How have you engaged families in your universal system to get their “voice” and to help VABB? How have you linked your universal expectations to students’ experiences from home and community to VABB when there is a difference? Action plan: Who needs to do what with whom by when?

58 ACKNOWLEDGMENT & ENVIRONMENT Do your VISUALS (bulletin boards, instructional materials, etc.): reflect the racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds of ALL students?

59 Establish a Positive Environment 5:1 acknowledgement to correction rate will help build behavior fluency Begin each class period with a celebration or affirmation (Harambee time – “come together”) Chant, song, celebration Builds community, belonging and group identity Your first comment to a child establishes behavioral momentum “Interspersed requests” Behavioral priming Provide multiple paths to success/praise. Group contingencies, personal contingencies, etc.


61 Teaching & Using Acknowledgement Acknowledgement: Is an important part of how behaviors are taught Builds behavioral fluency faster Helps teach cultural capital (code switching) when cultural differences exist Develops positive connections between student and school

62 Positive Environment Think about whose experience is on display: Can all students SEE themselves and their experiences on display DAILY? What reading material is available and who is shown in it? What music is used? What art is shown? What history is taught? Review range of instructional and work options: How are students expected to complete work (in a small group, individually, etc.)? What type of instruction is provided (lecture, call and respond, movement based)?

63 Team Time Considering the last points, audit your school wide and known classrooms for these points: Can ALL students see/experience their culture in these settings DAILY? Are all student cultures part of the daily experience in the setting and material? Action plan: If student experiences are missing, how will you address this? What do staff need to be taught, what is your plan?

64 Conclusion Reducing disparate impact is the responsibility of the SYSTEM that the school is based on. To be successful, the SYSTEM has to evaluate its progress and address needs on a regular basis. Family and community resources can be used to help provide necessary professional development.

65 Conclusion System change needs to occur at the staff level daily in the classroom. BUT it also must be driven from the administrative level in terms of system mission. “Culture eats structure for breakfast.” If the system does not change, the individual efforts will have limited impact.

66 Wrap up Objectives for this session included: Define CRP and how it fits with PBIS Offer practical short term ideas to start the conversation with staff Guide how to start long term professional development (resource section)

67 Remaining Time Remaining time is yours to finish action planning how you will take and use this information to change your systems. Long term – What is your larger vision of what you want to be different in your building and how will you get there via short term goals. Short term – what are things you can do in the next year that will have some impact and lead to larger changes.

68 Contact info: Andreal Davis – Culturally Responsive Practices Coordinator Kathy Myles – Coaching and Leadership TAC Kent Smith – PBIS TAC Michelle Belnavis – Culturally Responsive Practices TAC Milaney Leverson – PBIS TAC

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