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Social Structure in India The Hindu Caste System.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Structure in India The Hindu Caste System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Structure in India The Hindu Caste System

2 Definition: A type of social organization/hierarchy in which a person’s _____________and ____________in life is determined by the circumstances of his birth.

3 Rigid, hereditary membership into birth caste Marriage only among members of __________caste Occupation choices______________ _________ _________with other castes restricted Acceptance of a _________ place in society

4 Brahmins— ________________ Vaisya—provide _______________ ______________ Sudra— ___________________ Ksatriya— ____________ Each caste has a ______ that contributes to the _________ Each caste is born out of ___________ (the creator)

5 Reincarnation A person is born, lives, dies, and is ___________ again many times. Souls are reborn many times until they are pure enough to be with the creator, _______________ Karma A person’s social position in the next life is determined by his _____________ in the present life.

6 Dharma Code of behavior or set of moral and ethical rules that govern the conduct of each social class. Each group has a ________________ ________________ to live by. Laws of Manu Hindu book of sacred law ____________and ________________ for daily life

7 …the most _______ at the top (Brahmins) and the _____________at the bottom (Untouchables)

8 Purpose is to help people of other castes fulfill their _____________ Perform rituals and observe vows for the sake of others

9 Responsible for ______________ of the people Often rely on advice from__________

10 Shopkeepers who sell products (unlike the Shudra who sell services)

11 Each subgroup of this caste performs a specific ____________ Jobs include gardeners, potters, and clothes washers

12 Belong to _____ caste (children of God) Expected to do the “__________” jobs Come in contact with animal skins, dead bodies and human feces Avoid contact with “caste” Indians for fear of “__________”

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