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JISC & CETIS JISC is the Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK Higher & Further Education Funding Agencies Enagages in: Sector-wide procurement.

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Presentation on theme: "JISC & CETIS JISC is the Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK Higher & Further Education Funding Agencies Enagages in: Sector-wide procurement."— Presentation transcript:


2 JISC & CETIS JISC is the Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK Higher & Further Education Funding Agencies Enagages in: Sector-wide procurement Funding research & development (risk taking) Supporting the development of standards and specifications Supporting the uptake of innovations by institutions (Roughly equivalent to SURF in NL) CETIS is the JISC’s Centre for Educational Technology & Interoperability Standards, an innovation support centre that engages in strategic interventions and sector support for new technologies and the development and adoption of new specifications JISC is a member of many standards organisations (CEN, IMS etc); CETIS provides representation (e.g. chair of BSI IST/43, IEEE rep, IMS reps, CEN reps…)

3 3 Achievement Information WG  Supporting the technical implementation of the Higher Education Achievement Report - the UK’s diploma supplement plus extensions  Deliverables:  Recommendations on architecture  Recommendations in information model and schema  Collating use cases and business models  Timescale  Initial work now completed or nearly completed  Supporting 18 pilot projects to March ‘09

4 Pilot Projects RS3G!

5 Architecture Requirements Key requirements: For students to be able to share both interim and final graduate documents with employers and other institutions For employers to be able to validate the achievements of applicants For the institutions to be able to show both formal and non-formal achievements of students Issue: requirements are largely supply-driven and lack a clear understanding of demand-side requirements

6 Information Model Requirements An information model for representing the HEAR that: Is fairly simple and lightweight Coherent with respect to European developments Builds on existing models Supports verification Supports flexible access control Working with Digitary, Olivedon and others to identify useful models

7 Information Model Approach Reuse: Combination of XCRI, MIAP, XHTML – XCRI is UK’s MLO binding, but adds simple Qualification and Credit structures – MIAP is UK government’s own specification for learner and institution data, especially identifiers Separate components for Person, Provider, Transcript, Diploma, Other Information – Enables separate signing, access policies and business rules for different parts

8 NB : Provider = MLO LOP Course = MLO LOS Presentation = MLO LOI

9 Roadmap Need to make sure HEAR converges (or co-evolves) with CEN Learner Mobility standard – XCRI -> MLO – MIAP Person -> ??? Pilot projects engaging in trial implementations – May involve existing products for prototype Ongoing national programme

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