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 E-Learning Summer School Wednesday 4 th & Thursday 5 th September 2013 #ELSS_2013

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1  E-Learning Summer School Wednesday 4 th & Thursday 5 th September 2013 #ELSS_2013

2 Aims of the summer school  Create an immersive environment for staff  Bring together the outlets of the Curriculum Development team  Enable staff to experience different tools and technologies  Facilitate wider discussions with peers  To build upon ELSS 2012 and to feed into the ELFs

3 Why?  More applied and context specific  Share good practice  Provide an environment for staff to learn new tools  Discuss the application of tools and technologies  Established and recognised event

4 Updates for 2013/14  Moodle 2.4  KentPlayer  Development of the Faculty Digital Forums

5 Which of the following best describes your role at the University? A. Academic B. Administrative C. Technical D. Support E. Other

6 Which of the following statements best describes your general experience of digital technologies? A. I am comfortable using digital technologies and can quickly learn to use new tools B. For the most part I get by but occasionally I need to seek help C. I often encounter problems whilst using digital technologies and find it difficult to learn to use new tools D. I do not use digital technologies

7 “e-learning”


9 “E-Learning can be defined as 'learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology'. It can cover a spectrum of activities from the use of technology to support learning as part of a ‘blended’ approach (a combination of traditional and e-learning approaches), to learning that is delivered entirely online. Whatever the technology, however, learning is the vital element.” JISC, 2012

10 “[In the digital age] learners are no longer seen as passive recipients of knowledge and skills but as active participants in the learning process” Beetham & Sharpe, 2007

11 “new culture of learning” Thomas & Seely-Brown, 2011

12 “The term ‘technology enhanced learning’ is gaining favour since it emphasises how technology adds value to learning” JISC, 2009

13 Technology enables…  Connectivity to information and to others  24/7 access to learning resources  Greater choice over time, place and pace of study  Knowledge-sharing and co-authoring  Active learning through interactive technologies and multimedia resources  Participation in communities of knowledge, inquiry and learning  Development of skills for living and working in a digital age

14 Concerns  Staying up to date?  The digital literacy/competency of students and staff.  Access to tools and technologies outside of the University.  Technology driving pedagogy – ‘playing with new tools’.  Strategy and motivations for engagement.

15 What are the main barriers to engaging with Technology Enhanced Learning?

16 What barriers (if any) are there to wider engagement with technology enhanced learning? 1. Fear of technology 2. Not enough time to learn new tools 3. Lack of technical support 4. Lack of pedagogic support 5. No evidence of the benefits to staff and students 6. Insufficient resources available 7. Techo-determinism (technology for its own sake) 8. None of the above 30

17 E-Learning Strategy Embedded within business processes and strategic developments E-Learning Architecture Interoperability between different systems E-Learning Pedagogy Technology alone does not facilitate learning Greller’s Three Pillars of E-Learning

18 Strategy  E-Learning Strategy updated every three years  Regularly updated implementation plans  Approved by the E-Learning Strategy Group (ELSG)  ELSG is comprised of senior managers, academic and support staff 

19 Architecture  Infrastructure encompasses Moodle, Student Data System (SDS), Timetabling (OTIS), online module catalogue and library systems.  Moodle and Learning Technologies Group (MaLT) is the operational wing of ELSG and brings together representatives from the CD team, Information Services and the library.  Track record of developing open source tools and technologies and tailoring these to suit the needs of the University.

20 Pedagogy  The application of technology to enhance the learning and teaching experience.  Looking at tools that suit the pedagogy.  Not a one-size-fits-all approach.  CD team are experienced practitioners.

21 E-Learning Strategy Embedded within business processes and strategic developments E-Learning Architecture Interoperability between different systems E-Learning Pedagogy Technology alone does not facilitate learning

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