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Libraries and Library Consortia in Poland Presentation prepared for the 5-th E-ICOLC Denmark 22-25 October 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Libraries and Library Consortia in Poland Presentation prepared for the 5-th E-ICOLC Denmark 22-25 October 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libraries and Library Consortia in Poland Presentation prepared for the 5-th E-ICOLC Denmark 22-25 October 2003

2 Few data – Public Libraries n The number of public libraries about 8850. n Out of these, 2697 are libraries and 6152 are their branches. n The unquestionable majority of public libraries (over 5,5 thousand) is situated in the country. n Public libraries book collection reaches 133,7 million volumes (since 1990 it has decreased by 3 million volumes). n About 7,5 million people borrow each year about 140 million books and consult about 19 million in the reading rooms.

3 Few data – Academic Libraries n 1225 academic libraries (including 989 university ones). n 9 460 employees. n Their collections about 58 million volumes of books, about 16 million volumes of periodicals and about 26 million units of special collections. n Academic libraries recorded over 2,1 million readers and over 17 million loans annually (average).

4 Library Consortia–Nasty Reality n No „library consortium” in Polish law n Lack of the tradition of cooperation n The word „consortium” has been appropriated by publishers who organised groups of libraries to purchase their products

5 Nasty Reality – yet.... n Libraries form consortia in order to realise many collective goals: through various associations, agreements create consortia de facto, though not de iure n Examples:VTLS group, HUG utilising software (ILL) coming from the same producer.

6 Examples – cont. n share the hardware (computer systems) and/or software (Krakow, Poznan, Lodz) which results in collective management and administration of these resources n NUKAT – Polish Union Catalogue n Polish Virtual Library – common access to electronic journals

7 Examples – cont. n The only one that has legal entity n Established in 1996 by academic and research libraries in Poznan n 10 universities + 2 public libraries that have a status of research library

8 Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries Mission Create and maintain a structure that will provide access to information for research, academic and educational environment of our town.

9 Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries Vision n Organize remote access to metadata about all resources kept in member libraries n Provide access to the most important electronic journals n Organize remote access to full-text monographs and textbooks n Organize remote access to cultural heritage of our region

10 Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries Actions n Organizing tenders (purchases of software and hardware, access to e-journals) n Installing hardware and implementing software n Servicing and maintaining systems n Organizing trainings n Publishing manuals n Organizing marketing, promotion and fundraising

11 Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries where are we now? n 69000 patrons, more than 500 PCs n Country coordinator of eifl project n 52 libraries cooperating within „Coalition for Library with horizon” -Virtual cataloque KaRo –became the most popular tool for Polish librarians n Digital Library n and more...

12 Thank you! Jan Andrzej Nikisch Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries

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