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Swets Blackwell Consortia and Multiple Site Services for E-Journals Acquisitions Working with Libraries and Publishers.

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Presentation on theme: "Swets Blackwell Consortia and Multiple Site Services for E-Journals Acquisitions Working with Libraries and Publishers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swets Blackwell Consortia and Multiple Site Services for E-Journals Acquisitions Working with Libraries and Publishers

2 Agenda what is a consortium purposes of library consortia interlibrary co-operation and e-journals consortia structures success negotiation factors publishers and consortia consortia challenges and opportunities Swets Blackwell Consortia Services

3 What is a Consortium? not under the same institutional control A formal association of libraries, not under the same institutional control, established to develop and implement resource sharing among its members usually restricted to: geographical area, type of institution subject of interest

4 Purposes of Library Consortia try to control and reduce information cost improve resource sharing undertake collective negotiations develop a networked information environment lobby at regional/national/international level share licensing issues with each other

5 Interlibrary co-operation significantly increased as a result of the availability of e-journals: information flow is much more dynamic and not related to a geographical location cross access opportunities delivery time is almost 0 legal issues vary by country and publisher difficult to determine a “fair” price

6 Publisher’s Offer Agent Steering Committee Individual Members Publisher’s Offer Agent Steering Committee Publisher’s Offer Agent Individual Members One expression to define different structures Me mbe rs Mem bers Mem bers

7 The consortia structure will influence the results:

8 Consensus over the project’s aims Consensus over their fundamental requirements High volume of current subscriptions Multiple year deals Centralised budget and decision making process Strong leadership Success Negotiation Factors

9 Why do publishers want to work with consortia? Increase visibility of non subscribed titles Maintain and increase revenue over multiple years Break into new markets Enhance brand visibility Market research via usage statistics and more direct contact with their customers.

10 What do the publishers offer? - Cross access to subscribed titles - Willingness to discuss special requirements - Cross access to full package - CAP price

11 What do the publishers ask for: - Maintain revenue + small % for new titles - Multiple year agreement - Contract with terms and conditions of the agreement

12 Publishers Pricing Models: - % on print spend for e-access. No print cancellations allowed. - % of the print price of the package offered (independent of the print spend). No print cancellations allowed. - Electronic value is the base price. Print optional - Electronic sub to core titles. Additional titles on carnet basis (number of downloads)

13 What does the library gain? - For a limited increase in the spend the collection’s content will improve significantly. - The price per title/article will be reduced. - Special requirements (if agreed) will be included in the license.

14 Consortia Challenges: - Difficult to get a list of current print holdings - Time consuming administration - Funding: how to pay after the electronic transition is concluded? - Diversity of licenses and pricing conditions

15 Consortia Opportunities: - Availability of usage statistics might modify acquisition patterns and publishers prices - Journal title recognition is decreasing and article/publisher is increasing. - Control journal prices increase

16 Swets Blackwell Consortia Projects êBlackwell Science Italy êConsorcio Madrid êHeal-Link êIceland National License êKESLI êMCB Open Consortia Spain êNESLI êOsakidetza êSCC - Sweden êVOWB

17 Why have these consortia approached Swets Blackwell: – long history of extensive and effective contact with publishers –creative solutions according to customers’ needs –experience with a wide range of projects –reputation of effective subscriptions administration – SwetsnetNavigator: Customise database, one stop shop to access all their journals – Swets Blackwell knowledge of licensing issues

18 According to our experience we have created a flexible module service for consortia (prices according to size/needs) 1. help to define the consortium 2. analyze holdings information, define short list of relevant publishers 3. publisher demonstration days, trials 4. customized quotations and proposals; explanation; mediation 5. license management 6. subscription/administration services 7. maintenance of the consortium 8. facilitating access to e-journals

19 Any questions?

20 Thank you for your attention

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