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e I FL Electronic Information for Libraries An idea born out of an ideal An Open Society Institute project for transition in developing countries.

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2 e I FL Electronic Information for Libraries An idea born out of an ideal An Open Society Institute project for transition in developing countries

3 One Aim of an Open Society To level the Educational and Research Playing Field for transition & developing countries To level the Educational and Research Playing Field for transition & developing countries eIFL contributes to this goal by providing broader access to electronic information at affordable prices eIFL contributes to this goal by providing broader access to electronic information at affordable prices

4 Two Assumptions re: Operation Application of the principle of marginal costing to widespread access of digital materials; thereby opening the gates to much needed information to poorer parts of the world Application of the principle of marginal costing to widespread access of digital materials; thereby opening the gates to much needed information to poorer parts of the world Consortial purchasing power of many libraries leads to affordable and sustainable access to electronic information Consortial purchasing power of many libraries leads to affordable and sustainable access to electronic information

5 The Results Over 5,500 journals in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Business available online Over 5,500 journals in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Business available online Subset available on CD ROMs where internet access is still restricted Subset available on CD ROMs where internet access is still restricted Medline also available through eIFL Medline also available through eIFL Currently testing 2,300 S&T journals Currently testing 2,300 S&T journals Russian language journals online Russian language journals online Nearly 2,500 libraries participating in 40 countries Nearly 2,500 libraries participating in 40 countries

6 eIFL History April 1999: invitation to tender for provision of electronic journals in Social Sciences & Humanities to countries in OSI/Soros foundations network April 1999: invitation to tender for provision of electronic journals in Social Sciences & Humanities to countries in OSI/Soros foundations network 1999: contract with EBSCO Publishing 1999: contract with EBSCO Publishing 2000: consolidation of registration, access 2000: consolidation of registration, access

7 eIFL History 2001/2002: S&T tender and free trials 2001/2002: S&T tender and free trials 2002: building of global multi-country consortium of libraries 2002: building of global multi-country consortium of libraries 2002: beginnings of geographical expansion (West Africa, South/East Asia) 2002: beginnings of geographical expansion (West Africa, South/East Asia)

8 Global eIFL Family of Countries 27 countries in Central & Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia 10 Southern African countries Nigeria Guatemala and Haiti

9 InstitutionsInstitutions Eligible participants: academic, research, national, public, & parliamentary libraries Eligible participants: academic, research, national, public, & parliamentary libraries NGOs that provide public access on a not-for-profit basis NGOs that provide public access on a not-for-profit basis Nearly 2,500 libraries registered Nearly 2,500 libraries registered

10 Licensing Model To date eIFL has operated on the basis of country-wide site licenses To date eIFL has operated on the basis of country-wide site licenses In the future eIFL will adopt a more differentiated approach to licensing In the future eIFL will adopt a more differentiated approach to licensing

11 Funding Models Central funding by governments (Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Slovenia, Serbia) Central funding by governments (Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Slovenia, Serbia) Subscription covered by participating libraries (Belerus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) Subscription covered by participating libraries (Belerus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) Hybrid: One part central, one part from libraries (Lithuania, Poland) Hybrid: One part central, one part from libraries (Lithuania, Poland) Funding (whole or part) by donor agency (Armenia) Funding (whole or part) by donor agency (Armenia)

12 eIFL National Consor t ia Models By type of library or mixed (academic/public – Estonia, Slovenia) By type of library or mixed (academic/public – Estonia, Slovenia) Run by National Library (Slovakia, Czech Republic) Run by National Library (Slovakia, Czech Republic) Run by consortium office (Poland, S A, Kazakhstan) Run by consortium office (Poland, S A, Kazakhstan) Only for eIFL or for eIFL plus other activities (Lithuania, Armenia) Only for eIFL or for eIFL plus other activities (Lithuania, Armenia) Central Asian regional model Central Asian regional model

13 Why Consor t ia? To unite purchasing power of a large number of libraries To unite purchasing power of a large number of libraries To give one voice to these libraries and their consortia To give one voice to these libraries and their consortia To represent views and needs of consortia to policy makers & funders To represent views and needs of consortia to policy makers & funders To create an admin infrastructure for central negotiations, payment, support and services To create an admin infrastructure for central negotiations, payment, support and services To share knowledge and expertise To share knowledge and expertise To maximise use of scarce resources To maximise use of scarce resources

14 The Fu t ure To create an independent foundation to run the central operations funded primarily by OSI for the first three years; later on, having proved itself, it should attract other sources of funding To create an independent foundation to run the central operations funded primarily by OSI for the first three years; later on, having proved itself, it should attract other sources of funding The new foundation will be called The new foundation will be called

15 Mission, Vision & Values An international network of library consortia that leads, supports, motivates, and advocates for the information needs of all library users in member countries An international network of library consortia that leads, supports, motivates, and advocates for the information needs of all library users in member countries Responds to the needs of the national library consortia in the provision of electronic content Responds to the needs of the national library consortia in the provision of electronic content

16 Mission, Vision & Values Collaborative, service oriented, communicative, providing cost effective solutions and resource sharing Collaborative, service oriented, communicative, providing cost effective solutions and resource sharing To continue its association with OSI and promote the values of an open society To continue its association with OSI and promote the values of an open society

17 - Goal 1 To provide electronic content through the highly effective acquisition and management of electronic information resources To provide electronic content through the highly effective acquisition and management of electronic information resources expand availability of commercial electronic resources in all subject areas expand availability of commercial electronic resources in all subject areas expand international access to locally produced digital content expand international access to locally produced digital content engage in the debates on model licenses for electronic resources engage in the debates on model licenses for electronic resources

18 - Goal 2 Provide educational, consulting and marketing programs & services that are highly responsive to the needs of the membership Provide educational, consulting and marketing programs & services that are highly responsive to the needs of the membership provide training on consortium issues provide training on consortium issues provide consulting support services provide consulting support services provide further educational, training & networking opportunities for members provide further educational, training & networking opportunities for members

19 - Goal 3 Influence the information environment; influence the debate on pricing models and practices related to the access & use of electronic resources Influence the information environment; influence the debate on pricing models and practices related to the access & use of electronic resources participate in international fora to advocate new models participate in international fora to advocate new models address critical issues in IPR, licensing, pricing etc address critical issues in IPR, licensing, pricing etc partner with appropriate groups to encourage practices meeting the needs of member countries partner with appropriate groups to encourage practices meeting the needs of member countries

20 - Activities: Support to National Consortia Advice on building consortia Advice on building consortia Grant scheme for the formation of consortia Grant scheme for the formation of consortia Support for participation in international fora (ICOLC, IFLA) Support for participation in international fora (ICOLC, IFLA) Annual eIFL coordinators’ general assembly Annual eIFL coordinators’ general assembly

21 - Activities: Support to National Consortia National and regional workshops on consortium building National and regional workshops on consortium building Training and provision of resources in consortium building, licensing, negotiating Training and provision of resources in consortium building, licensing, negotiating Knowledge and resource sharing throughout the eIFL network in meetings and listserve Knowledge and resource sharing throughout the eIFL network in meetings and listserve

22 - Activities: Content Continual expansion of content Continual expansion of content Russian content recently launched through EBSCO Russian content recently launched through EBSCO S&T free trials of electronic journals currently in process S&T free trials of electronic journals currently in process Grant provided to the WHO for pilot project Grant provided to the WHO for pilot project Discussions underway with other publishers Discussions underway with other publishers Help available to access free content on the web Help available to access free content on the web Developments planned for local content in 2003/2004 Developments planned for local content in 2003/2004


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