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1 Student Health Insurance Task Force 2010 Report and Recommendations Lesley Sacher, Co-Chair Director, Thagard Student Health Center, Florida State University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Student Health Insurance Task Force 2010 Report and Recommendations Lesley Sacher, Co-Chair Director, Thagard Student Health Center, Florida State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Student Health Insurance Task Force 2010 Report and Recommendations Lesley Sacher, Co-Chair Director, Thagard Student Health Center, Florida State University March 17, 2010

2 2 Task Force Members Doreen Perez, Co-Chair - Director, Student Health Services University of North Florida Lesley Sacher, Co-Chair - Director, Student Health Center Florida State University John Barnes – President, Florida Student Association Student Member, Board of Governors. University of North Florida Sherry Benton - Director, Counseling Center. University of Florida Charles Brown - Vice President for Student Affairs. Florida Atlantic University Youndy Cook - Associate General Counsel. University of Central Florida Darryl Marshall - Director, Financial Aid. Florida State University Ralph Wilcox - Executive Vice President and Provost. University of South Florida

3 3 Task Force Charge Provide an update on student health insurance issues and trends, nationally and in Florida. Examine the various types of student health insurance programs, including mandatory health insurance, available to Florida State University System students. Analyze the impact of these insurance options on student health and well-being, the cost of attendance, financial aid, and student fees. Identify and target areas where efficiencies might be gained in the provision of health insurance to SUS students, such as consortia arrangements and reimbursement options for medical and counseling services.

4 4 National Healthcare Reform Will there be a national policy in 2010 regarding health insurance coverage? Elements that are being considered: Pre-existing conditions Cost of care in prescriptions, diagnostics and specialty care Extended coverage for students on parents’ plans Policy costs Malpractice Insurance Reform Role and responsibilities of Insurance Companies

5 5 National Health Insurance Trends The Analysis and Policy Recommendations for Providing Health Insurance and Health Care Services for the College Student Population published by the Lookout Mountain Group reported (June 2009, : Between 25 and 30 percent of college students attending four-year and graduate degree granting institutions do not have health insurance. Based on an ACHA 2007 survey, approximately 20 to 30 percent of college students attending four-year and graduate degree granting institutions that currently have health insurance are underinsured to the extent that in many instances, coverage is so minimal that students are effectively uninsured.

6 6 Florida SUS Health Care Services 302,824 students pay $68 Million for on campus health care. Medical Health Care Immunizations Diagnostic Care Mental Health/Substance Abuse Counseling Preventive Health Education Public Health Policy and Practice $225 per student per year A tremendous value when compared to health care in the surrounding communities!

7 7 Florida SUS Student Insurance How Many SUS Students are Uninsured or Underinsured? 121,130 – 158,982 Students (Applying the percentages from the GAO and LMG Reports to the SUS Student Enrollment)

8 8 2009-10 Range of SUS Insurance Premiums $770 - $1,832

9 9 Consortia Colleges and universities increasingly are jointly purchasing health insurance through consortia and these partnerships are able to increase the availability of health insurance for college students and the number of students who are insured.

10 10 Consortia Consortia and/or purchasing partnerships are currently found in the following states: Arizona Georgia Kansas Massachusetts Minnesota Montana North Carolina South Carolina North Dakota South Dakota Tennessee

11 11 Billing Options Currently each university has its own process for billing insurance. Some universities bill all health insurance plans. Some universities only bill the student health insurance plan. Some universities do not bill health insurance at all.

12 12 Conclusions Health insurance is a critical factor in the delivery of student health care on university campuses. There is correlation between students’ health and well- being and their academic matriculation and persistence toward degree completion. A number of states and higher education governing boards have implemented health insurance requirements for college students. There are insurance cost efficiencies that can be gained by a system-wide plan for health insurance. State system plans are priced based on utilization and can provide targeted coverage and benefits.

13 13 Task Force Recommendations 1)The Board of Governors should authorize the establishment of one or more State University System Purchasing Consortium(s) for student health insurance to ensure that the System will be able to efficiently respond to pending federal legislation that addresses health care and insurance coverage.

14 14 2)The Board of Governors should direct the SUS Council for Student Affairs, in collaboration with the SUS Health Center Directors, to convene a Work Group that includes representation by students and appropriate student affairs units to: Develop an action plan for the provision of student health insurance in the State University System that will: o meet the insurance needs of all student constituents according to the guidelines set by the American College Health Association, o provide for the efficient transition of SUS institutions into a consortium, and o include a process that will enable state colleges and independent postsecondary institutions to participate in a SUS Purchasing Consortium. Recommend an Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) process for the procurement of a student health insurance program for the State University System that will be responsive to new federal law upon enactment and will comply with the state purchasing process. Task Force Recommendations

15 15 Task Force Recommendations 3) Each state university should continue to individually determine its participation in a structured billing system for student health insurance claims pending the establishment of a SUS purchasing consortium(s) and accompanying recommendations of the SUS Work Group. 4)The Board of Governors should include in its 2011-12 Legislative Budget Request support for full health insurance coverage for state university graduate assistants, teaching assistants, and research assistants.

16 16 Questions

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