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11 November 2010 Professor David Oliver National Clinical Director for Older People NCEPOD Report launch “An Age Old Problem”

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1 11 November 2010 Professor David Oliver National Clinical Director for Older People NCEPOD Report launch “An Age Old Problem”

2 DH template2 Clinical leadership for older people – with a focus on improving outcomes Clinical input to cross government Ageing Society strategy Promote prevention and early interventions for older people Engage with leaders in health and social care and the voluntary sector Support the integration agenda and implementation of Coalition priorities relevant to older people NCD Role

3 “An Age Old Problem” Powerful report - acts as a reality check Articulates what we know – we can and should be achieving better and more consistent outcomes for older people post-operatively No defence of poor practice This applies at every level in the system DH template3

4 UK population is ageing rapidly - by 2033, almost a quarter of the population will be over 65 People over 65 are the core users of acute hospital care - 60% of admissions, 65% of bed days, 70% of emergency readmissions, over 90% of delayed transfers People long-term conditions account for 55% GP appointments, 70% of outpatient and emergency attendances, 77% inpatient days, 90% drug spend in over 75s People over 65 account for 2/3 of acute and elective surgical admissions and a significant proportion of these are over 80 - often with complex medical needs or frailty and are at higher risk of postoperative complications We cannot ignore the specific needs of such a significant patient group Why getting it right for older people matters

5 NCEPOD Report adds to objective evidence of variable care Equality Act consultation and evidence review National Audits (e.g. Hip fracture, stroke, continence, falls and fragility fractures) All parliamentary enquiry into human rights of older people in health and social care Work on dignity Nutritional care as a registration requirement and 2007 Nt Dementia strategy consultation Surveys of staff or patients Age UK “Hungry to be Heard” DH template5

6 NCEPOD Report key findings & recommendations Key findings Just over 1/3 of patients surveyed (38%, 295/786) received good care. Poor nutrition and serious associated illness were very common in the group studied. In over two-thirds of cases (67.7%, 653/965), patients were not reviewed by specialists in Medicine for the Care of Older People. Clinically significant delays occurred in 1 in 5 patients between admission and their operation. 1/4 of hospitals had no acute pain service. Key recommendations In elderly patients needing urgent surgery careful attention should be given to improving fluid status, reducing unnecessary drug treatment and anticipating nutritional support. Elderly patients undergoing surgery need access to routine daily clinical review from specialists in elderly care. Delays in surgery, which lead to poor outcome, should be subject to rigorous audit and rectified. Pain and its management should have a high priority to avoid patient suffering. DH template6

7 Some levers for improving standards Implementing the Equality Act (no exemptions?) National Clinical Leadership (NCDs for Trauma, Kidney care, DVT/PE, Older People) National Hip Fracture Database and Best practice tariff – early involvement of specialists and shortened time to surgery New Measures – Standardised Hospital Mortality Indicators (SHMIs) QIPP work streams (including Safer Care) CMOs recommendations on training in pain management “the fifth vital sign” NICE Guidelines – existing and in development Enhanced Recovery model (NHI, DH and Cancer Action Team) Nutrition action Plan 2007 and nutritional care as a registration requirement from 2010 plus SCIE resource Acute Kidney Injury initiatives/CQIN scheme DH template7

8 Secretary of state’s vision for health and social care

9  April 2011: Shadow Board established as special health authority  April 2012: Board fully established  Autumn 2012: Board makes allocations to GP consortia for 2013/14  2011/12: Established in shadow form  2012: All consortia formally established  April 2013: Consortia hold contracts with providers  April 2011: Support for shadow health and wellbeing partnerships  April 2012: Health and wellbeing boards in place April 2012: HealthWatch established April 2012: Monitor established as economic regulator  2013/14: All NHS trusts become, or part of, foundation trusts  2013/14: All providers regulated by Monitor  From 2011: Choice of care – long- term conditions; diagnostic testing, and post-diagnosis  From April 2011: Choice of treatment and provider – some mental health services  2012: Free choice of GP practice  2013/14: Choice of treatment and provider – vast majority of NHS services  By end 2010: Separation of SHA commissioning and provider oversight functions  2012/13: SHAs abolished  From April 2013: PCTs abolished The reformed NHS

10 And in future… Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS describes a system with: –Patients at the heart of everything –Outcomes among the best in the world –Clinicians empowered to deliver results Focus on commissioning for better outcomes in 5 domains of NHS Outcomes Framework Backed by National Quality Standards Continuing focus on more person centred care Strengthened role and priorities of CQC Importantly local accountability and freedom to achieve better outcomes – the response to this cannot be top down DH template10

11 In Summary This report is important and necessary as it highlights deficiencies in the care of older people postoperatively in hospital. I commend the rigour and thoroughness and the constructive recommendations from NCEPOD to improve care I am not here to defend poor practice. Instead we need to identify constructive solutions. Many of the solutions rest with good local clinical leadership and a greater focus on safety and quality for older patients. DH template11

12 Thank you Questions..... DH Template12

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