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VIVA 18 TH ANNUAL USERS GROUP MEETING October 23, 2014 Virginia Library Association Williamsburg, VA Cy Dillon, Hampden-Sydney College, VIVA Outreach Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "VIVA 18 TH ANNUAL USERS GROUP MEETING October 23, 2014 Virginia Library Association Williamsburg, VA Cy Dillon, Hampden-Sydney College, VIVA Outreach Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIVA 18 TH ANNUAL USERS GROUP MEETING October 23, 2014 Virginia Library Association Williamsburg, VA Cy Dillon, Hampden-Sydney College, VIVA Outreach Committee Chair Kathy Perry, VIVA Director

2 Agenda  Welcome: Cy Dillon, Hampden-Sydney College, VIVA Outreach Committee Chair  VIVA Update: Kathy Perry, VIVA Director  Vendor Introductions  Keynote Speaker: John Helmer, Executive Director Orbis Cascade Alliance

3 VIVA Update

4 VIVA Budget Update

5 Leveraging Funds to Expand Access VIVA Revenues, All Sources FY06-FY16 Drop of $370,159 (5%) from base in FY15 Drop of $518,222 (7%) from base in FY16

6 VIVA Revenues FY14

7 Delivering Value VIVA Expenditures 2012-14

8 VIVA IS COST-EFFECTIVE Cost avoidance through group purchases July 1, 1994 to June 30, 2014: That’s better than a 5-to-1 payoff for Virginia!

9 Updates on Committee Work

10 Steering Committee Chair: Carrie Cooper, College of William and Mary  Proposal for 2014-16 Biennium  Revised Organization Plan  Search Committee for VIVA Director  Selection announcement ~ April 1, 2015

11 Outreach Committee Chair: Cy Dillon, Hampden-Sydney College  Revised the VIVA website  Planned the VIVA 20 th Anniversary Events  New VIVA Brochure  Product Announcement for PQ ebrary books and full text journal content in Physical Sciences

12 Resource Sharing Committee Chair: Rosemary Arneson, University of Mary Washington  16 th VIVA Community Interlibrary Loan Forum, July 2014  Revised ILL Guidelines  Universal Borrowing Pilot  Cooperative Borrowing Project

13 Cooperative Borrowing Project   Continues to be a voluntary program that allows patrons at VIVA institutions to borrow materials held at libraries that participate in the program  Participating libraries can select not to lend patrons from non-participating libraries at their discretion  40 VIVA institutions currently participate

14 2014 Interlibrary Lending Among VIVA Members Over 2 Million Books and Articles Shared Among VIVA Members Since FY96

15 Collections Committee Chair: Sharon Gasser, James Madison University  First, the bad news:  Commonwealth’s budget woes  June 2014  Cancellations required  Collection analysis projects moving forward  Upcoming RFP in Spring 2015

16 Cancellation Guidelines  Minimize the impact  Content over convenience  Vendor performance, licensing, and pricing policies  Content (e.g. full text) over indexing  Control overall spend on product

17 Cancellation Review  Used a survey of the Collections Committee to determine each institution or group’s top five products for cancellation and top five products to protect  For any resource in an institution or group’s top five for cancellation, compiled:  FY13 cost per use  Change in cost per use from FY11 to FY13  Distribution of use in FY13 by type of institution  Largest percentage of use by a single institution  Vendors with administrative issues  Percentage of cost avoidance compared to list price  Cancellation/protection survey results

18 Resources to be Cancelled in FY15 (Subscriptions End 12/31/14)  American Mathematical Society Journals  Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)  MathSciNet  Springer Earth & Environmental Science Ebooks 2015 Collection (contract continues)  Elsevier Ebook 2015 Frontlist

19 Resources to be Considered for Cancellation in FY16  Congressional (new historical content added)  HighWire Journals  Journal of Applied Physiology  Journal of Biological Chemistry  Journal of Cell Biology  Molecular Biology of the Cell  Oxford Quick Reference  Ulrich’s (seek cost sharing; otherwise cancel)

20 Monographic Collection Analysis: Work Completed to Date  Began pilot with Sustainable Collection Services in Fall 2013  Analyzed the main stacks holdings of 12 VIVA member libraries, a total of almost six million records  Have a Memorandum of Understanding in place for rare and unique materials (unique in Virginia, held by fewer than 10 libraries in the United States)

21 Monographic Collection Analysis: New Recommendations  Recommendation 1: Collaborative Retention of Widely-Held Monographs Extend the retention project to widely-held monographs to allow for safe deduplication within the consortium  Recommendation 2: Establish a Recommended Threshold for VIVA Holdings as New Purchases VIVA member libraries buy print and electronic monographs on an individual basis, but in consultation with each other, to cut down on the number of holdings per title across the participating institutions  Recommendation 3: Collaborative Publisher-Based E-Book Acquisition Focus VIVA-wide collaborative e-book acquisitions on content from particular publishers as identified by the collection analysis as well as the survey of the VIVA Collections Contacts

22 Video Collection Analysis: Work Completed to Date  Sustainable Collection Services analyzed the video holdings of 7 VIVA member libraries  They determined that there are 4,731 video titles uniquely held within the United States and 9,578 video titles held by only 2-9 libraries in the United States  The Task Force is focusing initially on the VHS titles within those groups

23 Upcoming VIVA RFP for Nursing and Social Sciences Resources  Will include nursing resources (CINAHL and the Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins journals) and social sciences resources (EconLit, PAIS, and Sociological Abstracts)  RFP to be released December 10, 2014; service to be available by August 1, 2015

24 Full-Text Articles and Chapters Over 120 Million Downloads Since FY96 Abstracting and Indexing Services

25 E-book Downloads

26 What Do We Want?

27 Thank you to our vendors here today! ACS: Jason Brown APA: Neil Lader BioOne: Maria Josey EBSCO: Ann Murdock Gale: Kate Vincent IEEE: Joe Vaitkus IOP: Kevin Batt Mergent: John Carino OCLC: Suzanne Butte OUP: Jenifer Maloney ProQuest: Audrey Christle Springer: Olaitan Fakinlede Wiley: Erika Schweitzer Wolters Kluwer: Doug Dieter

28 John Helmer

29 Thank You to All of Our VIVA 20 th Anniversary Sponsors!

30 V

31 Join us on Facebook!

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