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1 st National Symposium on Excellence in Training (11 & 12 April 2015) Learning and Capacity Building (L&CB) Initiative under National Agricultural Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st National Symposium on Excellence in Training (11 & 12 April 2015) Learning and Capacity Building (L&CB) Initiative under National Agricultural Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st National Symposium on Excellence in Training (11 & 12 April 2015) Learning and Capacity Building (L&CB) Initiative under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) of ICAR Thematic track: Management of Training and Training Establishment Category: Institutional

2 Context: Organizational change from R&D to R4D NAIP: Science-led transition of NARS to more pluralistic NAIS Primary focus: Strengthening human resource capacity by training Capacity development for change management by systematic, innovative & action learning strategies for Enhancing capacities for pluralistic research (PPP) Imparting KAS in critical areas Learning internalization to manage organizational change Multi-pronged and multi-institutional partnerships New models like e-learning, distance learning, etc. Research-based novel learning resources Reach: All components of NAIP; NARS; 3000 – 4000 professionals (executives, managers, scientists, teachers, technical & admin. Staff) Components Goal & Objective Initiative The Initiative

3 Strategic analysis Helpdesk TNA (L&CB Framework) Partnerships Plan Research-backed learning resources Innovative learning strategies M&E protocols Train 4-level evaluation Follow-up Training-transfer Learning internalization Evaluate A 5 MANTRA anticipate adapt assign assess & assimilate Processes & Innovations

4 Research studiesOutputs (case studies, publications, training manuals, databases, web sites) Organizational change for promoting innovation Case Studies on change management in NAIP consortia Structured exercises on Leadership effectiveness in NARS, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Priority setting, monitoring & evaluation Models on Innovation quality management and balanced score card Agricultural supply chains Case studies of agricultural supply chains; services delivery; ICTs Sustainable livelihoods security Geo-spatial data mining protocols vulnerability assessments Case studies on farmer producer companies and agri-preneures Innovations through ICTs Participatory GIS for micro-level planning and decision-support Farm GIS for experimental station management e-learning systems for technology enabled learning ICTs for e-business and knowledge support for women SHGs Intellectual property management Comparative assessment of IP systems in developing countries Case studies - O&M, grassroots innovations & GI products Research for Learning Resources Development

5  Reached ~10% of the NARS professionals (> 3,300 out of ~30,000) through 136 L&CB programmes  7 priority thematic areas of training shared among consortium partners  500 consortia partners ( > 100) projects helped by NAIP Helpdesk@NAARM  59 e-courses & e-learning platforms on 9 web sites developed and used  >300 publications, 30 Case studies & >200 RLOs developed and used as learning resources  Variety of Web-based products / databases developed :Training MIS; Geospatial library; Databases for climate (IMD grid; AVHRR), soils, watersheds, markets, demographics studies, Patent databases  434.3 Million INR – the total spend NUMBER- s p ea k : performance indicators

6 Web-based online evaluation for assessing ‘early impacts’ Training transfer model [Training Transfer = f(trainee attributes, organizational climate, Training design)] – replicated to other trainings Third party impact assessments Impact Assessment

7 The L&CB initiative:  USP: multidimensional and multi-institutional capacity building for agricultural innovation - a first in India and (perhaps) globally  Generated many replicable models of capacity building NAIP Helpdesk for research proposal development & management Online Training Management System GIS applications for ‘farm management & livelihoods assessments Training transfer model  Benefit –Cost ratio : Third party assessments National training by NAARM & Partners (assessment by PwC): 1.49 International Training (assessment by PWC IFPRI): 1.13 to 11.35  Enhanced the vision, capacities and reach of NAARM to address complex issues of organizational learning for change management

8 Laxmi Asu Machine Outputs, Outcomes & Transferable Models Systems Approach of Training to Enhance Capacity of NARS for  Consortium-based and market oriented research  Proposal writing for competitive funding  e-learning  Geo-spatial applications in agricultural R&D  Intellectual property & technology management  O&M reforms for change management

9 Constraints - Initial hurdles in terms of:  Partnership development  Support for research studies to develop training resources & methods  International training for all faculty and partners Enabling factors System support for flexibility in planned operations Complementarity of project partners Open communication between & among partners and PIU Effective use of IT in communication Support of review teams in the form of mid course corrections Constraints & Enabling Factors

10 Lessons learned Consortia-based training can be more effective for addressing complex issues like agricultural innovation and change management Need to keep an open mind on major issues before reaching agreements Critical success factors Clarity and complementarity of objectives and resources among partners Anticipatory planning to increase operational efficiency Adaptive flexibility in planned operations & amenability to mid-term correction Accepting accountability through periodic reporting and monitoring Mainstreaming the role of technical and administrative staff Sustainability Key learnings integrated into the XII Plan of Academy & ICAR Training Policy Learning resources adapted to distance learning material of PG Diplomas Prospects of replication in to other mega projects Key Lessons & Sustainability

11 Take-homes from Our Initiative 360° approach to training management NAIP HELPDESK @ NAARM: “ one-stop learning solution” Innovative training and learning resources Use of benchmark indicators for M&E Use of ICTs in training management Training of trainers Training for ALL Rigorous M&E and comprehensive impact assessment

12 നന്ദി شکریہ ধন্যবাদ ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ शुक्रिया “The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings ” ― Masanobu Fukuoka

13 Training Transfer Model

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