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Published byCleopatra O’Brien’ Modified over 9 years ago
3 SMARTER BALANCED TIMELINE 2010-20112011-20122012-20132013-20142014-2015 Summative Master Work Plan Developed and Workgroups Launched Procurement Schedule Developed Begin Content and Item Specifications Development Begin Writing and Review of Pilot Items/Tasks Begin Formative Processes, Tools, and Practices Development Begin Writing and Review of Field Test Items/Tasks Begin Pilot Testing of Summative and Interim Items/Tasks Begin Field Testing of Summative and Interim Items/Tasks Adopt Preliminary Achievement Level Definitions and Standards Begin Operational Summative Assessment Administration Adopt and Verify Final Achievement Level Definitions and Standards Gray boxes = completed milestones White boxes = upcoming milestones The Consortium Is On Schedule
4 PROGRESS ON OTHER FRONTS Special populations Seated new advisory panel for students with disabilities Seated new advisory panel for English language learners Released guidelines for new hardware purchases Collaboration efforts Collaboration with higher education on Achievement Level Descriptors for high school Linking to NAEP and the Program for International Assessment (PISA) during 2014 field testing to address comparability Defining comparable accommodation policies across states Working toward a common definition of the “1% population” across four consortia (Smarter Balanced, PARCC, Dynamic Learning Maps, National Center and State Collaborative) Developing a sustainability plan through collaboration with CCSSO, NGA, PARCC
5 LEARN MORE More information on the consortium can be found at
6 MAJOR TRANSITIONS Moving Assessment Online by the 2014-15 School year Moving Toward Consortia for Summative Assessments Development of New Assessments Not Addressed by the Consortia Preparing Michigan Schools for the Transition to Online Assessment
7 MOVING ONLINE BY 2014-15 Assessment Consortia all plan to be online by the 2014- 15 school year All new assessments developed by MDE will be online by the 2014-15 school year Where assessments are mandatory: Paper & pencil will be available Students’ online results will be returned nearly immediately Students’ paper & pencil results will be returned as paper & pencil processing is completed Where assessments are optional Paper and pencil will not be available It is anticipated that the state will bear the cost of development, administration, scoring, and reporting (will require ongoing appropriations)
8 MOVING TOWARD CONSORTIA FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Smarter Balanced Summative assessment in English language arts and mathematics Anticipated to replace MEAP and MEAP-Access in mathematics, reading, and writing Dynamic Learning Maps Summative alternate assessment in English language arts and mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities Anticipated to replace MI-Access in mathematics, reading, and writing World-Class Instruction Design & Assessment (WIDA) or another consortium (being formed) Summative assessment for English language learners (ELLs) on English language proficiency Will replace Michigan’s English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)
9 DEVELOPMENT OF OPTIONAL ASSESSMENTS IN AREAS NOT ADDRESSED BY THE CONSORTIA State legislation requires measurement of growth for students of all educators Full-service assessments Kindergarten entry assessment (to improve instruction through measurement of students profiles in five domains) 1.Language and literacy 2.Mathematics 3.Approaches toward learning 4.Social-emotional development 5.Physical well-being and motor development
10 DEVELOPMENT OF OPTIONAL ASSESSMENTS IN AREAS NOT ADDRESSED BY THE CONSORTIA Full-service assessments Interim (pre/post) assessments in Kindergarten through grade 2 in English language arts and mathematics Science interim (pre/post) assessments in grades 3-7 Social studies interim (pre/post) assessments in grades 3-8 High School course content (pre/post) assessments in Michigan Merit Curriculum required credits, including: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science American History + Geography, World History + Geography, Economics, Civics Algebra II, Geometry English 12 Pre/post assessments will work toward an option of more Opportunities to test Flexibility in designing the testing experience (e.g. unit tests)
11 DEVELOPMENT OF OPTIONAL ASSESSMENTS IN AREAS NOT ADDRESSED BY THE CONSORTIA Model Assessments Health Physical Education Arts (e.g., music, visual arts, performing arts) Model assessments are not full service MDE develops Districts administer, score, and report
12 WHAT THE SUITE OF SUMMATIVE AND INTERIM ASSESSMENTS WILL LOOK LIKE Subject Grade K123456789101112 MathematicsiiissssssSSSc ReadingiiissssssSSSc WritingiiissssssSSSc Science***imiii cccMcc Social Studies***iimiii ccMcc Other (e.g., Art, Music, P.E.)************* iInterim assessment based on grade level content expectations cInterim course content assessments based on Michigan Merit Curriculum mMEAP end of year assessment MMME end of year assessment sSmarter Balanced (based on grade level common core). Includes interim grade level, and summative assessments. SSmarter Balanced (based on high school common core). Includes interim course content, and summative assessments. *Model interim/course content assessments
13 PREPARING MICHIGAN SCHOOLS FOR ONLINE ASSESSMENT Online participation opportunities Operational Opportunities MI-Access Online answer documents MEAP Online social studies (fall 2013 and 2014) Online science (fall 2014) MME Online day 3 (spring 2014) ELPA Spring 2013 Already done in spring 2011, 2012
14 PREPARING MICHIGAN SCHOOLS FOR ONLINE ASSESSMENT Online participation opportunities Field Test Opportunities Smarter Balanced Online pilot test (Spring 2013) Online field test (Spring 2014) Dynamic Learning Maps Online pilot test (Spring 2013) Online field test (Spring 2014) Interim Assessments Varies Kindergarten Entry Assessment Online field test (Spring 2014)
15 INTERIM ASSESSMENT TIMELINES Grade Level(s) and Content Area Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013Spring 2014Fall 2014Spring 2015 K-2 Reading Cog Lab Item writing and committee reviews Pilot test (fixed form) Field test CAT Fully operational CAT Pretest Fully operational CAT posttest K-2 Writing Cog Lab Item writing and committee reviews Pilot test (fixed form) Field test CAT Fully operational CAT Pretest Fully operational CAT posttest K-2 Mathematics Cog LabItem writing and committee reviews Pilot test (fixed form) Field test CATFully operational CAT Pretest Fully operational CAT posttest
16 INTERIM ASSESSMENT TIMELINES Grade Level(s) and Content Area Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013Spring 2014Fall 2014Spring 2015 High School Reading MMC course-based descriptor revisions and SBAC Interim Plans Item writing Item writing and pilot recruitment Pilot test (fixed form) Field Test (CAT) High School Writing MMC course-based descriptor revisions and SBAC Interim Plans Item writing Item writing and pilot recruitment Pilot test (fixed form) Field Test (CAT) High School Math MMC course-based descriptor revisions and SBAC Interim Plans Item writing Item writing and pilot recruitment Pilot test (fixed form) Field Test (CAT) Grades 3-8 Science Item writing and pilot recruitment Pilot test (fixed form) Field Test CAT pretest Operational CAT posttest High School Science Item writing and pilot recruitment Pilot test (fixed form) Field Test CAT pretest Operational CAT posttest Grades 3-8 Social Studies Item writing and pilot recruitment Field test (fixed form) Fully operational fixed form pretest Fully operational fixed form posttest Fully operational fixed form pretest Fully operational fixed form posttest High School Social Studies Item writing and pilot recruitment Field test (fixed form) Fully operational fixed form pretest Fully operational fixed form posttest Fully operational fixed form pretest Fully operational fixed form posttest
17 ITEM AND TASK TYPES The Smarter Balanced assessment system includes a variety of item types. Smarter Balanced is exploring different response options for mathematics problems, including innovative uses of tablet technology. Selected-response items prompt students to select one or more responses for a set of options. Technology-enhanced items take advantage of computer- based administration to assess a deeper understanding of content and skills than would otherwise be possible with traditional item types. Technology-enhanced items capitalize on technology to collect evidence through a non-traditional response type, such as editing text or drawing an object. Selected-response and technology-enhanced items can be scored automatically.
18 ITEM AND TASK TYPES Constructed-response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. Performance tasks measure a student’s ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards—a key component of college and career readiness. Performance tasks will be used to better measure capacities such as depth of understanding, research skills, and complex analysis, which cannot be adequately assessed with selected- or constructed-response items. Some constructed- response items and performance tasks can be scored automatically; many will be hand-scored by professionally trained readers. These tasks will be delivered as part of the interim and summative components of the assessment system, with more extended tasks available in the digital library as part of the Smarter Balanced- developed exemplar instructional modules and inventory of currently available resources. The time and resource constraints for each performance task will be guided by its placement in the overall assessment
20 WHAT WE KNOW Here is the most recent Smarter Balanced update. 2012-13 FALL: MEAP - same, except for only items assessed are those that overlap with the CCSS 6 & 9 Social Studies online pilot SPRING: MME/ACT - same, except for only items assessed are those that overlap with the CCSS 2013-14 FALL: MEAP - same, except for only items assessed are those that overlap with the CCSS 6 & 9 Social Studies online pilot 6 & 9 Science online pilot SPRING: MME/ACT - same, except for only items assessed are those that overlap with the CCSS 2014-15 FALL: NO Required TESTING SPRING: K-8 Smarter Balanced ELA & Math 6 & 9 Social Studies ONLINE 5 & 8 Science ONLINE 11 Smarter Balanced ELA & Math 11 HSCE Social Studies ONLINE 11 HSCE Science ONLINE ACT - still a possibility, via legislative act (at this point)
21 WHAT WE KNOW Pilot Washington / Kolb Grades 3 - 5 Math (April 2013) Handy Middle School Grades 7 & 8 Math / ELA (March 2013) Performance Task for Math & ELA Spring 2015 Testing Window (12 weeks) Multi-opportunities to interact with assessments Built in resources: calculators / Library/ References
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