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The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures OCTOBER 2011 Presentation at proposers day.

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Presentation on theme: "The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures OCTOBER 2011 Presentation at proposers day."— Presentation transcript:

1 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures OCTOBER 2011 Presentation at proposers day

2 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures 1 A product is useless without a platform, or more precisely and accurately, a platform-less product will always be replaced by an equivalent platform-ized product. We don't do internal service-oriented platforms, and we just as equally don't do external ones. This means that the "not getting it" is endemic across the company: the PMs don't get it, the engineers don't get it, the product teams don't get it, nobody gets it. But making something a platform is not going to make you an instant success. A platform needs a killer app.

3 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Fi-WARE objective An open platform …with Open APIs (not locked-in to specific vendors) for the creation and delivery of services, related to different usage areas

4 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Our (real) objective An open architecture …and an operative software (not locked-in to specific vendors) for the creation and delivery of services, related to different service areas

5 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Some figures and data 26 partners 5 Universities 4248 Person Months (excl. open calls) Total Funding 41 M€ Open calls 12,3 M€ Total budget 66,4 M€ Three years duration Main data

6 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Building a platform for users Platform Provider Apps/Services Provider People Businesses Consumers Open Interfaces Provide “Generic Enablers” to the usage areas…and beyond

7 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures FI Core Platform Architecture: main chapters Operations Trust and Security Functionality

8 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Core Platform Instances and Use Case Trials  Future Internet Applications run on top of “FI Core Platform Instances”  Use Case trials will consist of application scenarios running on top of FI Core Platform Instances, involving real users FI Core Platform Platform Products FI Core Platform Instance Use Case Trial assemble… GE

9 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Main milestones in FI-WARE 8

10 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Management of Open Calls  We plan to maintain ~30% (12M Euro) of the project budget for distribution among new partners  New partners will be selected through Open Calls to allow for responding to emerging user requirements not identified at the start of the project, e.g., › due to new usage areas, new technologies, new economic conditions  Specific component of the budget will be reserved for SMEs (aprox 30%) and Research Centers (aprox 30%)  Selection of new partners will be done according to the procedure issued by the Commission European Commission 23 October 2009v1a Guidance note for project coordinators planning a competitive call for additional beneficiaries in an ICT Integrated Project or Network of excellence

11 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Open call procedure The budget devoted to the Open Calls is 12.300.000 €, or 30% of total funding. The expected distribution of this budget between the two planned Open Calls is about 8.000.000 € in the first Open Call and 4.300.000 € in the second Open Call.

12 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures First call procedure

13 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Second call procedure

14 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Some FAQs (1/2)  Do we need to form a consortium or just one entity is enough? R/ See rules. We do not need a consortium in all cases, selected partners will indeed join the existing consortia  Looking for SW developers or innovative, ground breaking work? R/ Good foundations and results to be integrated. We are not reinveinting Internet, rather we want to put into use to the citizens  Are you looking for built, completed solutions? R/ We need to innovate, but we are also valuing existing results (software that works) and expertise. Integration is important.  Should we write a long, impact related document? R/ we need description your results rather than “standard” impact sections However, we really would like to see commitment to the implementation

15 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Some FAQs (2/2)  Any constraints regarding IPRs ? Specification of APIs and interoperable protocols linked to any product/technology contributed to FI-WARE must be open and royalty-free Must be licensed free of charge in the context of the PPP Must be licensable under FRAND terms outside the PPP  How can I really understand what you have already?. R/ See our web site (  Can provide you some example of the kind of things you are looking for ? R/ Still too early but be sure we will mostly ask for rather concrete products, technologies or skills Examples (not meaning they are real): › Document-oriented No-SQL Data Storage Technology › Development of advanced widgets for an Event Monitoring Dashboard Console › Widget publishing platform, enabling publication on multiple channels (e.g., FaceBook, Google Apps Marketplace, …)

16 The FI-WARE Project – Base Platform for Future Service Infrastructures Our objective Working together to make it possible: New services for everybody Smart applications Innovative business models Providing the Technology Foundation –Standard interfaces. –Open to other actors (SMEs) –Scalable and demand oriented (cloud) create a solid basis for the Internet of the Future

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