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The Component II By Rosanna Losasso Hradec Kralove Region – Czech Republic 15th of November Regione Basilicata – GRIP_IT Project.

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Presentation on theme: "The Component II By Rosanna Losasso Hradec Kralove Region – Czech Republic 15th of November Regione Basilicata – GRIP_IT Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Component II By Rosanna Losasso Hradec Kralove Region – Czech Republic 15th of November Regione Basilicata – GRIP_IT Project

2  Develop the integrated approach through real experiences on the field;  Promote Larger use of integrated approach in the implementation of structural funds;  Promote Larger use of innovative approaches for integration in planning strategies for the next programming period;  Promote Larger use of integrated approaches based on the Public-Private-Partnerships.  Institution building for Itegrated approach design and management What are our objectives:

3 What we will do: We will involve in the sub projects many stakeholders in each partner region; In December we will launch the call for the implementation of the sub projects; In March we will start the implementation of selected sub project proposals; For one year we will work together on the implementation of sub – projects! By 2007 we will establish and promote an interregional cooperation network for integrated project governance.

4 How we will work together:  We will implement sub-projects identifying special Integrated projects (IPs ) issues, planning, governance, finance.  We will identify common fields of action in the integration based on interregional partnership and cooperation;  We will specially enhance cooperation among Italian Regions with experience in Integrated Projects and New Member States, for the creation of innovative governance tools for 2007-2013

5  Local administrations;  Local development agencies;  Associations;  Consortium of municipalities of mountain areas;  Non governmental organisations (NGOs);  Public equivalent bodies (training centres, research institutes, Chambers of commerce)  Private organisations (SMEs, Consortia, Professional Orders, etc.) Who will be part of it:

6  We will implement subprojects - territorial integrated projects and thematic projects - using innovative tools;  We will involve larger groups of public and private partnerships at local level in IP governance  Results of sub projects will be transferred to regional agents of local development;  We will implement the sub projects results in the new programming period;  We will benefit from a larger interregional cooperation. What we should acheive:

7 Some of the key topics under our attention  The Multi Funds / multi measures Integrated Projects governance and design;  Integrated territorial dimension in regional policies;   The public-private partnership in the Integrated Territorial Projects;  Bottom up approach in programming, based on projects.

8 Thank you very much for your attention!!! Rosanna Losasso Regione Basilicata

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