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1 Proposals of Annual Plan 2013-14 for the State of Tripura Under NLRMP TRIPURA STATE NLRMP MANAGEMENT SOCIETY.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Proposals of Annual Plan 2013-14 for the State of Tripura Under NLRMP TRIPURA STATE NLRMP MANAGEMENT SOCIETY."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Proposals of Annual Plan 2013-14 for the State of Tripura Under NLRMP TRIPURA STATE NLRMP MANAGEMENT SOCIETY

2 2  RoR : More then 10,02,621 Khatian has been computerized and uploaded in website.  CLR: Online Computerization completed in all 32 Revenue Circles.  Digitization of CS Map completed for all 5278 sheets.  Land Administration is regulated through operational website-  Sub-divisional Data Center: 17 completed out of 23.  District Level Data Center – 4 completed out of 8.  Survey training in modern methodology has commenced at RSTI.  Updation survey with modern technique and ground truthing method has been taken up in 45 villages having 1175.39.Sq. Km. in area. PROGRESS OF WORK UNDER CLR

3 PROGRESS OF WORK UNDER SROs Online Integrated Computerization process completed in all 15 SROs of the State. Deeds are executed through web based operational site – Executed deeds are delivered within 3 days on scanning. Data entry and scanning of old deeds completed for more than 6 lakh of deeds. Exhaustive MIS on SROs displayed.

4 BEST PRACTICES -CLR 1.Date of hearing for mutation proceeding is time framed within 60 days. 2.On the application for mutation, SMS is generated twice through mobile to the transferee and transferor on issuing of notice and creation of new RoR. 3.Transfer transaction of land is recorded on the RoR with the option of removal at the end of mutation. 4.RoR is issued instantly under digital signature of the officials in field and HQ with option to seek signature of HQ official in case of absence of field level authorized official in time.

5 BEST PRACTICES -SRO 1.On the execution of deed, SMS is generated twice through mobile to the transferee and transferor on execution of deed and on scanning of deed. 2.Compulsory delivery of deed within 3 (three) days. 3.Incorporation of the record of transfer in the original RoR with option of removal on mutation. 4.Inbuilt auto-regulation of the quantum of land within a plot after execution.

6 ROAD MAP- CLR 1.Modern Record Room in 32 Revenue circle offices along with net-enable computerization of 187 field level revenue offices. 2.Sub-Divisional Data Center in 6 reorganized sub- divisions and 4 District Data Centers in 4 reorganized districts. 3.Preservation and scanning of old RoR of the 1 st Settlement operation as reference, estimated to 7.06 lakh, 4.Digitization of old CS Map of the 1 st Settlement operation as reference, estimated to 4800 sheet. 5.Updation survey with modern technique and ground truthing method in 361 villages having 3819.11 Sq Km in area.

7 ROAD MAP-SRO Data entry and scanning of old deeds, estimated to 15 lakh and data entry of valuation details. Procedure to be adopted for e-stamping. Issuing of non-encumbrance particulars by the SROs to the Advocates for the issue of non- encumbrance certificate. Issuing of land valuation certificate and certified scanned copy of old deeds by the SROs.

8 ANNUAL PLAN 2013-14 Name of componentStatusFund (Rs. in lakh)Remarks PMUCont.39.202 nd year Modern Record Room Cont.288.002 nd Installment Computerization of SROs Addl.318.66DPR on 08.08.12 Survey/ResurveyAddl.824.923819.11 Sq.Km. Sub-Div. Data Center Addl.6.006 Nos. DPR on 04.05.12 Distt. Data CenterAddl.34.004 Nos. DPR on 04.05.12 Total1510.78

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