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 South Dakota Counts is a statewide professional development program designed to build expertise and leadership for improving elementary mathematics instruction.

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Presentation on theme: " South Dakota Counts is a statewide professional development program designed to build expertise and leadership for improving elementary mathematics instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1  South Dakota Counts is a statewide professional development program designed to build expertise and leadership for improving elementary mathematics instruction.  The research is clear that a skilled teacher is the most important factor in improving student learning.  South Dakota Counts provides teachers an opportunity to experience “best practices” in teaching mathematics.  The first 3-year phase has just ended and Phase ll is continuing the work for another 3 years.

2  Provide training for new Mathematics Teacher Leaders.  Provide training for continuing mathematics teacher leaders.  Support work in each participating district to train additional teachers.

3  Changes in teacher beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics  Teacher is provider of questions versus provider of answers  Using questioning in all areas-not just math  Increased content knowledge  Changes in classroom practice

4  Improved student attitudes  Improved student achievement  Student centered learning, letting students take ownership of their learning  Increased understanding of student thinking using Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)

5 Cognitively Guided Instruction is……  A research-based philosophy of teaching mathematics  Problem solving in meaningful contexts with flexible solution strategies  Building mathematical understanding through questioning based on student prior knowledge  Integration of mathematical concepts  Questioning to get to understanding of each student’s mathematical thinking.

6  Math Specialists/ Teacher Leaders: Mary Cook Cindy Stofferahn and Carol Waider  Trained Teacher Leaders: Connie Berg, and Marnie Colhoff  Teachers in 2 nd year of training: Kelly Halter, Lindsey Aberle and Jami Anderson  71+ Meade School District teachers trained so far.

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