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Jami MacNeil MS Graduate Student Purdue University.

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Presentation on theme: "Jami MacNeil MS Graduate Student Purdue University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jami MacNeil MS Graduate Student Purdue University

2 Herpetofauna “crawling or creeping animals” “Herps”

3 AMPHIBIANSREPTILES  Smooth skin  No claws  Scaly skin  Claws Ectotherms

4  Family: Plethodontidae  No lungs!  Nasolabial grooves  (Live in the woods!)

5 WETLANDFOREST  Pond-breeding  Aquatic larval stage  Terrestrial breeders  Direct development

6  Habitat Soil, leaves, rocks, logs  Activity After dusk in spring and fall After rainfall  Diet Invertebrates  Mating Late fall to early spring

7  Nutrient cycling  Regulate invertebrates  Regulate decomposers  Abundant

8  Easier to monitor one species than ALL  Important to forest ecosystems  Sensitive Need moisture Small home range Territorial

9  How does timber management affect forest ecosystems in Indiana?  100 year study

10  Morgan-Monroe and Yellowwood State Forests  3 Treatments Control Even-aged Uneven-aged  3 Replicates Morgan Monroe Brown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

11  Goals: Determine how harvests affect relative abundance Determine how harvests affect species richness

12  Visual encounter  Drift fences  Natural cover objects  Nighttime surveys  Auditory surveys  Radio telemetry

13  Artificial Cover Objects (ACOs) Wood boards (12”x12”) Grids (30 boards each)


15  84 cover board grids  30 boards per grid  2520 boards!

16  Checked bi-weekly, spring and fall


18 REBA 61% All others <1% SOTW 1% NOSL 4% ZIZA 34% Total encounters to date: 22,063


20  Precipitation  Soil moisture  Temperature  Downed woody debris  Canopy cover  Leaf litter

21  Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE)  Injected beneath skin  Gradually hardens


23 Preliminary Findings:  Relative abundance decreases where canopy is removed  Salamander #s naturally vary over time and space  Temperature and precipitation are important

24  Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Purdue University, Ball State University, Drake University, and The Nature Conservancy  Funding is provided by the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, and by the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment  Thanks to the Indiana DNR Division of Forestry; Jeff Riegel, Rita Blythe, Kaylee Decosta, Jamie Nogle, Leslie Schreiber, Keegan Ramey, members of the Williams lab group, and the many volunteers who have contributed to data collection.  Brown County State Park— accommodations and outreach opportunities!


26 AMPHIBIANSREPTILES  Smooth skin  No claws  Scaly skin  Claws

27 WETLANDFOREST  Pond-breeding  Aquatic larval stage  Terrestrial breeders  Direct development

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