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Presentation on theme: "Something-Anything-Nothing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Something-Anything-Nothing

2 Indefinite pronouns PEOPLE: Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
+ I met somebody at the party Negative sentences - I didn't meet anybody at the party. -I met nobody at the party Interrogative sentences ? Did you meet anybody at the party?

3 Indefinite pronouns PLACES Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
+ Let's go somewhere this weekend Negative sentences - I am not going anywhere this weekend. I am going nowhere this weekend. Interrogative sentences Are you going anywhere this weekend?

4 Indefinite pronouns THINGS Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
+ I bought something for dinner Negative sentences - I didn't buy anything for dinner. I bought nothing for dinner. Interrogative sentences ? Did you buy anything for dinner?

5 SOME... Use some in +sentences. Eg. I met somebody at the party
I bought something for dinner Let's go somewhere this weekend Use some in +sentences. Eg. I met somebody at the party I bought something for dinner Let's go somewhere this weekend

6 ANY... Anybody,Anything,Anywhe re in? Or in – sentences.
“where's Sam? Has anybody seen him? “I didn't know anybody at that party” “I didn't buy anything in the shopping centre”

7 NO... Nobody, nothing, nowhere in negative sentences with a + verb.
Examples: I am going nowhere this weekend. I bought nothing for dinner. I met nobody at the party

8 Short Answers Use Use Nobody, nothing, nowhere in short answers.
Examples: “Who did you meet? Nobody “What's in the bag? Nothing “where did you go? Nowhere Use Nobody, nothing, nowhere in short answers. Examples: “Who did you meet? Nobody “What's in the bag? Nothing “where did you go? Nowhere

9 ANY... ANY... Use Anybody,Anything, Anywhere in + sentences: cualquiera, cualquier cosa, en cualquier lugar. Examples: “I never have problems sleeping on buses or planes. I can sleep anywhere” =cualquier sitio,cualquier lugar.

10 NEVER If “never” is in the sentence, the sentence is negative and we use anything/ anybody/anywhere. I never read anything during the week because I don't have time. I never watch anything on tv because it is very boring.

11 Typical mistakes 1.Using nobody/nothing/nowhere with a negative
verb.You can't use a double negative in English. Eg: I didn't see nobody (WRONG). I didn't see anybody (RIGHT) 2.Using anybody/anything/anywhere in one word answers to convey a negative meaning. Eg: who did you see?Anybody (WRONG) Who did you see? Nobody (RIGHT)

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