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LOGO A Public Key Cryptographic Method for Denial of Service Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks O. Arazi, H. Qi, D. Rose IEEE SECON 2007 proceedings.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO A Public Key Cryptographic Method for Denial of Service Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks O. Arazi, H. Qi, D. Rose IEEE SECON 2007 proceedings."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO A Public Key Cryptographic Method for Denial of Service Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks O. Arazi, H. Qi, D. Rose IEEE SECON 2007 proceedings 20082065 Myunghan Yoo August 2, 2008

2 Progress  Problem & background  Solution  Discussion

3 Public Key Cryptography  Use private and public keys  Given public key, easy to compute -> anyone can lock  Only those who has private key compute its inverse -> only those who has it can unlock, vice versa. P D E()D() Key Attacker P KeKe KdKd C P C=E(P, K e ) P=D(C, K d ) Insecure channel Key

4  For Privacy - Encrypt M with Bob’s public key : C = e K (B p,M) - Decrypt C with Bob’s private key : D = d K (B s,C) * Anybody can generate C, but only Bob can recover C to M. Usage of PKC (I) e k (, ) M BPBP d k (, ) C M BSBS Public directory Alice : A p Bob : B p Chaum : C p.

5 Usage of PKC (II) d k (, ) M AsAs e k (, ) C M ApAp Alice : A p Bob : B p Chaum : C p. Public directory - Encrypt M with Alice’s private key : C = d K (A s,M) - Decrypt C with Alice’s public key : D = e K (A p,C) * Only Alice can generate C, but anybody can verify C.  For authentication (Digital Signature)

6 Motivation & Objective  Public Key Cryptography (PKC)  Denial-of-Service Attack in PKC  With repeated & meaningless requests to normal nodes to establish a session key, the adversary causes attacked normal nodes to waste energy resources ProsCons ResilienceHigh computational overhead ScalabilityWeak against DoS attacks Decentralized key management

7 Objective & Key Idea  Objective  Mitigating Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks  Key Idea  Loading heavy computational burden on the instigator

8 Progress  Problem & background  Solution  Discussion

9 Overview of Proposed Scheme Stage A: Alice proving her validity to Bob A relatively energy draining procedure on Alice’s part Stage B: Bob proving her validity to Alice A relatively low energy draining procedure on Bob’s part If successful If successful: both users hold an ephemeral shared secret key

10 The Instigator Proving Its Validity AliceBob n A ID A CR A (CR A ) e mod n CA = H(n A, ID A ) If so, generates a message, m, such that: t= m e mod n A t t d A mod n A = m x: LSB of message m compares n A : Alice’s public key, ID A : Alice’s public key ID, CR A : Alice’s certificate signed by CA with its private key, e, n CA : CA’s public key CR A = [H(n A, ID A )] d ca mod n CA H(n A, ID A ) = n A ID A 512 bits or 1024 bits

11 Message m  x: Significant bits to identify the instigator  y and z: Factors of an ephemeral key z 212bits y 200bits x 100bits Example of message m where the length of m is 512 bits.

12 Overview of Proposed Scheme Stage A: Alice proving her validity to Bob A relatively energy draining procedure on Alice’s part Stage B: Bob proving her validity to Alice A relatively low energy draining procedure on Bob’s part If successful If successful: both users hold an ephemeral shared secret key

13 The Approached Node Proving Its Validity  Key Transport  Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)  Self-Certified DH Fixed Key-Generation

14 Key Transport AliceBob Stage A If successful n B, CR B, ID B, S B Validation of the values: (CR B ) e mod n CA = H(n B, ID B ), (S B ) e mod n B = y If successful K AB-final = z Stage B: S B = y d B mod n B

15 ECDSA AliceBob Stage A If successful (C, L) Calculates h = L-1, q1 = y · h mod ordG, q2 = C · h mod ordG, P = q1 · G + q2 · V, and C’ is scalar of P If C’ = C K AB-final = z Stage B: V = u · G C is scalar of V L = u -1 (y + dB · C) mod ordG

16 Self-Certified DH Fixed Key-Generation Stage A If successful Self-Certified DH Fixed Key-Generation K AB-temp = K AB (generated by Alice) = n A x [H(ID B, n B ) x n B + n CA ] = K BA (generated by Bob) = n B x [H(ID A, N A ) x n A + n CA ] Stage B: K AB-final = H(K AB-temp, m’) n B, CR B, ID B AliceBob

17 Implementation Results Time (msec)Energy (J)Total AliceBobAliceBobTimeEnergy Stage A2301.02105.80.469231.02106.27 Stage B Key Transport2.042300.938105.8232.04106.738 ECDSA1005046.3223.1615069.48 Fixed Key50 23.16 10046.32 Time (msec)Energy (mJ) Total consumptionBoth stages Key Transport463.06213.01 ECDSA381.02175.75 Fixed Key331.02152.6 Using 1024-Bit RSA and 160-bit ECC on the Intel MOTE 2 Platform from 312 MHz core clock

18 Progress  Problem & background  Solution  Discussion

19 Contribution  This paper may be the first try of DoS attack mitigation for PKC

20 Discussion  Unclear environment of implementation  communication distance between Alice and Bob  Yet, unsuitable PKC in the WSN  Incoherent logic  Applying to only a suspicious node is needed  DoS attack with incomplete stage A

21 DoS attack with incomplete stage A AliceBob n A ID A CR A (CR A ) e mod n CA = H(n A, ID A ) If so, generates a message, m, such that: t= m e mod n A t t d A mod n A = m x: LSB of message m compares n A : Alice’s public key, ID A : Alice’s public key ID, CR A : Alice’s certificate signed by CA with its private key, e, n CA : CA’s public key CR A = [H(n A, ID A )] d ca mod n CA H(n A, ID A ) = n A ID A 512 bits or 1024 bits Completed part Incompleted part


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