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WELCOME YESHUA’S YELADIM We Love You. Please Remember These Rules Please don’t talk when others are talking. Please raise your hand if you would like.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME YESHUA’S YELADIM We Love You. Please Remember These Rules Please don’t talk when others are talking. Please raise your hand if you would like."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please Remember These Rules Please don’t talk when others are talking. Please raise your hand if you would like to ask a question. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself. You must ask to leave the room.

3 TOLDOT “GENERATIONS” Genesis/B’reisheet 25:19 – 28:9 “Ya’akov (Jacob) and Esav (Esau)”

4 Isaac and Rebekah Have Twins Boys Esav - The first baby was reddish in color. He was very hairy and red Ya’akov - The second baby was born holding onto Esav (Esau)’s foot.

5 A Meal and a Hungry Man One day Esav came into the tent. He was very hungry. Ya’akov (Jacob) was cooking a delicious vegetable soup. Esav sold his birthright because he was hungry.

6 The Tricky Plan It was the custom to “bless” the oldest child before the father died. Yitzchak called Esav and asked him to prepare a special meal. Rebekah rushed to Ya’akov and gave him some special instructions so that he could get the blessing.

7 Yaakov Pretending To Be Esav Rebekah told him to put on his brother’s clothes and put a piece of goat skin on his arms His father was almost blind so he couldn’t tell if it was Ya’akov or Esav.

8 Another Special Meal Ya’akov tricked his father. Yitzchak ate the tasty food and blessed Ya’akov After Yitzchak blessed Ya’akov, Esav walked in.

9 The Stolen Blessing He was so upset! It was disappointing for Esav that Ya’akov stole his blessing. And remember— Ya’akov also stole Esav’s birthright.

10 Esav’s Reaction Esav was very angry. In fact, he was plotting to kill Ya’akov. Rebekah heard what was going on She told Ya’akov to leave and live with his uncle.

11 The Tax Collector Zacchaeus was a tax collector Tax collectors were hated Tax collectors are grouped with sinners, pagans, and immoral people. Yeshua portrayed many of them as ready to repent.

12 Zacchaeus Wanted To See Yeshua He wanted to see Yeshua, but he was not very tall. He would run ahead of the crowd and climb up in the sycamore fig tree. The tree was beside the path where Yeshua would walk.

13 Yeshua Talks To Zacchaeus When Yeshua told him to come down, immediately. He wanted to go to Zacchaeus' house! Zacchaeus climbed down and welcomed Yeshua. Zacchaeus was a repentant sinner. He was sorry for the bad things he had done.

14 Zacchaeus Response To Yeshua Zacchaeus told the Lord that he would give half of his possessions to the poor. He had cheated anybody out of anything, he would give back four times that amount. Yeshua said, "Today salvation has come to this house."

15 Ya’akov, Zacchaeus and You Yeshua teaches and helps us to be God-centered. The LORD doesn’t want us to live and act the way this world lives. Both men changed their ways, the term is repentance. Repentance is the change we make to move from being self-centered to God- centered.

16 Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

17 Let's Learn Hebrew! “yalad”, meaning to “bear, beget, or bring forth”. “yelad” the word for “child”.

18 What Did We Learn Today? Ya’akov and Esav were twin brothers. Ya’akov means heel grabber or trickster and he was dishonest. God wants us to allow Him to change us.

19 Small Group Time


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