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To LEADERSHIP AND THE. Take a minute out of your day to look into the faces of the people you manage. Realize that they are your most important resources.

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Presentation on theme: "To LEADERSHIP AND THE. Take a minute out of your day to look into the faces of the people you manage. Realize that they are your most important resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 Take a minute out of your day to look into the faces of the people you manage. Realize that they are your most important resources.

3  What is a Situational Leader?  Skills Needed  Leadership Styles & Behaviors  Development Levels  3 Secrets of the One Minute Manager

4 In your mind what is a Situational Leader?

5 A leader who changes their style depending on the PERSON they are working with AND the SITUATION/TASK.

6 Develop Three Skills #1FLEXIBILITY – Learn to use a variety of leadership styles. #2 DIAGNOSIS – Learn to diagnose the needs of the people you work with. #3 PARTNERING – Learn how to come to agreement with the people on the leadership style they need from you.

7 Different Strokes For Different Folks

8 Four Basic Leadership Styles S1 – Directing – The leader provides specific direction and closely monitors task accomplishment. S2 – Coaching – The leader continues to direct and closely monitor task accomplishment, but also explains decisions, solicits suggestions and supports progress

9 S3 – Supporting – The leader facilitates and supports peoples efforts toward task accomplishment and shares responsibility for decision-making with them. S4 – Delegating – The leader turns over responsibility for decision-making and problem- solving to people.

10 Directive Behavior involves clearly telling people what to do, how to do it, when to do it and then closely monitoring their performance. STRUCTURE ORGANIZE TEACH SUPERVISE ONE-WAY COMMUNICATION Supportive Behavior involves listening to people, providing support and encouragement for their efforts, and then facilitating their involvement in problem-solving and decision- making. PRAISE LISTEN ASK FOR INPUT EXPLAIN FACILITATE TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION

11 High Supportive and Low Directive Behavior S3 SUPPORTING High Directive and High Supportive Behavior S2 COACHING Low Supportive and Low Directive Behavior S4 DELEGATING High Directive and Low Supportive Behavior S1 DIRECTING

12 When I Slow Down I Go Faster Assessing an individual’s development needs on a specific goal or task before you act is the key to being a situational leader!

13 Competence  Task-specific knowledge & skills developed through: - Experience - Training - Coaching  Transferable knowledge & skills that can be used across multiple goals or tasks and are applicable to the task at hand, such as: - Problem solving skills - Communication skills - Project management skills Commitment  A combination of motivation and confidence  Motivation to perform the goal or task, including: - Excitement - Enthusiasm - Energy  Confidence to perform the goal or task independently

14 Four Development Levels Combinations of competence and commitment

15 Everyone Has Peak Performance Potential… You Just Need To Know Where They Are Coming From and Meet Them There


17  Model shows relationship between development level and leadership style  Leaders need to do what the people they supervise can’t do for themselves at the present moment  Performance Curve shows how a manager’s leadership style moves from S1 to S4 or if needed, from S4 to S3 or S2

18 Can’t start using concepts without telling anybody! Situational Leadership is not Something you do to people but Something you do with people

19 Three key parts to reviewing performance: 1. Performance Planning 2. Day-to-Day Coaching 3. Annual Performance Evaluation Once people are clear on their tasks/goals, it’s your job to do everything you can to help them accomplish tasks/goals so that when it comes to performance evaluation, it’s a WIN-WIN.

20  Make a list of goals/tasks you want to discuss with your manager  Diagnose your development level for each goal/task  Decide how you want your manager to respond – S1, S2, S3, or S4 – for each goal/task  Meet with your manager to discuss goals/tasks  Partner with your employees using same process

21 The 3 Secrets of One Minute Management make the concept of Situational Leadership come alive  One Minute Goal Setting – Goals start performance in the right direction and help a manager to analyze a person’s competence and commitment (development level) to perform well.  One Minute Praisings – Praisings foster improvements in the development level of individuals and permits a manager to gradually change their leadership style.  One Minute Reprimands – Reprimands stop poor performance and in certain situations the manager may need to adjust leadership style.

22  Clear goals are important to people at all development levels  People tend to be at different levels of development depending on the specific task or goal  Not only use different strokes for different folks….but also different strokes for the same folks (depending on the task)

23 S pecific – state exactly what the person is responsible for M otivating – need to tap into their real motivation A ttainable – have to be reasonable R elevant – address an activity that makes a difference in overall performance T rackable – put a record-keeping system in place to track performance

24 Start with 5 steps to develop a person’s competence and commitment 1. Tell them what to do 2. Show them what to do 3. Let them try 4. Observe 5. Praise progress or redirect/reprimand

25 Contents The Search The One Minute Manager The First Secret: One Minute Goals One Minute Goals: Summary The Second Secret: One Minute Praisings One Minute Praisings: Summary The Appraisal The Third Secret: One Minute Reprimands One Minute Reprimands: Summary The One Minute Manager Explains Why One Minute Goals Work Why One Minute Praisings Work Why One Minute Reprimands Work The New One Minute Manager A Gift to Yourself A Gift to Others

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