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C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism in Visual C++ 11 Kate Gregory Gregory Consulting

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2 C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism in Visual C++ 11 Kate Gregory Gregory Consulting, @gregcons


4 Upload your final deck on the speaker portal on or before June 5, 2012 at 5 pm PT. PowerPoint presentations undergo a brief scrub process and are posted to CommNet for attendee access at least 48 hours prior to the session. No design support will be available onsite. The Scrub Process will include: Verification that required slides are included Remove any non-template logos and graphics from the walk-in slide Remove all comments, hidden slides and speaker notes from slides Set file properties box Reset printability to grayscale Notify Presentation Manager of any images identified as unlicensed for escalation Rename files to match naming convention Correct session title and session code to match printed Mini Guide and Schedule Builder Speakers, you must: Use the provided event template and associated colors, fonts, layout and transition slides Correct product names to follow applicable branding rules


6 demo Cartoonizer



9 images source: AMD



12 void AddArrays(int n, int * pA, int * pB, int * pSum) { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { pSum[i] = pA[i] + pB[i]; } #include using namespace concurrency; void AddArrays(int n, int * pA, int * pB, int * pSum) { array_view a(n, pA); array_view b(n, pB); array_view sum(n, pSum); parallel_for_each( sum.extent, [=](index i) restrict(amp) { sum[i] = a[i] + b[i]; } ); } void AddArrays(int n, int * pA, int * pB, int * pSum) { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { pSum[i] = pA[i] + pB[i]; }

13 void AddArrays(int n, int * pA, int * pB, int * pSum) { array_view a(n, pA); array_view b(n, pB); array_view sum(n, pSum); parallel_for_each( sum.extent, [=](index i) restrict(amp) { sum[i] = a[i] + b[i]; } ); } array_view variables captured and associated data copied to accelerator (on demand) restrict(amp): tells the compiler to check that this code conforms to C++ AMP language restrictions parallel_for_each: execute the lambda on the accelerator once per thread extent: the number and shape of threads to execute the lambda index: the thread ID that is running the lambda, used to index into data array_view: wraps the data to operate on the accelerator



16 vector v(10); extent e(2,5); array_view a(e, v); //above two lines can also be written //array_view a(2,5,v); index i(1,3); int o = a[i]; // or a[i] = 16; //or int o = a(1, 3);

17 demo Matrix Multiplication




21 vector v(8 * 12); extent e(8,12); accelerator acc = … array a(e,acc.default_view); copy_async(v.begin(), v.end(), a); parallel_for_each(e, [&](index idx) restrict(amp) { a[idx] += 1; }); copy(a, v.begin());



24 array_view data(2, 6, p_my_data); parallel_for_each( data.extent.tile (), [=] (tiled_index t_idx)… { … }); T T


















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50 demo Name Title Group Demo Title


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