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1 Future Data Dissemination Development for NOAA / NESDIS Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) Marlin O. Perkins Office of Satellite Data Processing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Future Data Dissemination Development for NOAA / NESDIS Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) Marlin O. Perkins Office of Satellite Data Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Future Data Dissemination Development for NOAA / NESDIS Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) Marlin O. Perkins Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution Asia-Pacific Satellite Data Exchange & Utilization Group (APSDEU) Honolulu, Hawaii September 20 – 22, 2006

2 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

3 Background: What is ADM? NOAA provides environmental data to a variety of environmental users –GOES and POES data as well as hydro-met data Primary dissemination method is currently Direct Readout –Transmitted via government weather satellite NOAA sees a need for alternative methods of dissemination –Direct Readout has insufficient capacity –European ADM system is currently deployed Meteosat data transmitted over the “Hotbird” commercial communications satellite

4 Background: What is ADM? Alternative to traditional NOAA dissemination methods ADM is the dissemination of multi-mission satellite data (includes sounder and imagery) from NOAA, and (potentially) EUMETSAT and JMA satellites. Dissemination methods: –Internet (such as FTP request) –DOMSAT to ADM User Terminal –Dedicated Landline ADM is NOT Direct Readout.

5 Purpose of ADM Study Create a high level design and architecture for ADM –Design Communication Trunks –Design ADM User Terminal Design a data dissemination system for environmental data other than Direct Readout. –Cost effective architectures –Cost effective ADM user terminal

6 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

7 ADM Tasks and Approaches Considered 1.Communication Trunks –Research and recommend a method of transmitting data, point to point, or point to multi-point. –Internet »FTP services –DOMSAT (Domestic Satellite, Commercial Communications Satellites) »Utilize ADM Common User Terminal –Dedicated Fiber Optic Cables (Landlines) 2.ADM User Terminal –Research and Recommend a user terminal that will work with many commercial communications satellites and distribution systems (including commercial satellites distributing the ADM broadcast).

8 Results Summary Internet distribution is not the only solution for ADM –Commercial Communications Satellites also have a role in ADM Conformance to DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcast-Satellite) provides the lowest system cost –Conformance to DVB-S needed for low cost user terminal cost Standard data rates for DVB-S service –16.3 to 47.2 Mbps, dependent on EIRP and Bandwidth available ADM user terminal cost about $2,200 (includes antenna, PC and software) –Insertion of DVB-S PCI cards in desktop computers (PCMCIA Laptop card is not available) Commercial Communications Satellite is the only solution for remote areas –Highest Cost is lease of commercial satellite transponders.

9 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks – ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views ADM Dissemination of Data Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

10 ADM-Related Communication Trunks NPOESS NASA ESPC - Environmental Satellite Processing Center EUMETSAT Landline Commercial Satellite COMM Vendor ADM User Terminal Commercial Satellite 10.5 Mbps POES/ MetOp 3.5 Mbps - LRD 10.5 Mbps GOES GVAR 72 Mbps HRPT 664 kbps/ 3.5 Mbps (Metop) Real Time Data Goddard Fairbanks C&C G/S JMA 10.5 Mbps Safety Nets NPOESS G/Ss CDA SPS Wallops SOCC 72 Mbps GVAR Internet GOES POES Stored Data NCAR 72 Mbps Landline Landline ADM User HRPT and MHRPT 3.5 Mbps Stored Mission Data, GAC & LAC LRD reference products 23 EDRs ADM MHRPT Sites Fairbanks, AK Wallops, VA NOAA HIP Sites Anchorage, AK Honolulu, HI Chanhassen, MN Monterey, CA Miami, FL Boulder, CO Suitland, MD

11 ADM Systems View (SV–1) ADM - Alternative Dissemination Methods Center Hub Uplink ESPC - Environmental Satellite Processing Center Space Domain Ground- station Domain NOAA Satellite Segment GOES-R N/O/P NPOESS NASA POES Internet FTP … Direct Readout Users Ground- Distribution Domain GOES I - M Land Lines APT/ HRPT for POES LRD/HRD NPOESS User Data User Data User Data Processing Domain System Interface Description (Diagram) ADM Users CDA SPS - Command and Data Acquisition Sensor Processing System User Data NOAA ADM User Commercial Acquisition Authority Legend NASA Leased by ADM Acquired by ADM SOCC Commercial Satellite

12 ADM - Alternative Dissemination Methods Center Hub Broadcast Management Center Receives data Selects programming Assembles broadcast Functional Diagram of ADM Services Single 10.5 Mbps Broadcast Network Management Center Routes data Formats data Transmits data Commercial Satellite Landlines 72 Mbps 10.5 Mbps NPOESS GOES NASA POES Internet FTP Requests...... (representative data) Major Centers Hobbyists, Public Schools 10.5 Mbps is NOAA requirement for public broadcast 72 Mbps available to dedicated users at their cost. Alternate Broadcasts Tailored to Geographically Dispersed Users

13 Functional Division of ADM Broadcasting System The ADM Management Center must be divided into two functions: –Broadcast Management Center (BMC) Determines which programs will be on the broadcast, and their order. Operated by NOAA NESDIS Receives programming from multiple sources Assembles the Broadcast and sends it to the NMC –Network Management Center (NMC) Routes data Formats data Transmits data Contains communications hardware for transmission –Satellite dishes, modems, amplifiers

14 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data –Internet –Commercial Communications Satellite –Dedicated Fiber-Optic Cable Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

15 Internet Connection for ADM User (formerly –Web server company that specializes in high bandwidth servers –$89 per month (ref: 9 Oct 2003 website) –700 GB transferred / month Calculate ADM transfer rate required with the following assumptions: –1 hit per second ; 200 kB per hit –Yields: 501.59 GB / month = 6,019.1 GB / yr. Cost not an issue for Internet connection –Availability of Internet connection to ADM User is an issue –Ability of Internet connection to support 10.5 Mbps streaming data rate is an issue. –Reliability of Internet connection is an issue.

16 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data –Internet –Commercial Communications Satellite –Dedicated Fiber-Optic Cable Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

17 Intelsat 802 Distribution to Pacific 4.2 GHz Downlink 11.5 GHz Downlink EIRP powers in dBW WWW.SATCODX.COM

18 Hotbird 1,2,3,4,6 Distribution to Europe 10.719 GHz to 12.731 GHz Ku-band Downlink Aug 2003 Ref: METOP transmission over Hotbird EIRP powers in dBW WWW.SATCODX.COM

19 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data –Internet –Commercial Communications Satellite –Dedicated Fiber-Optic Cable Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

20 Sample ADM Link Alternative to Remote Location in American Samoa Fiber-Optic from Suitland to Hawaii / Satellite Link to American Samoa Suitland Los Angeles Hawaii American Samoa Fiji

21 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

22 Enclosure ADM User Terminal Block Diagram Receiver Antenna Power Supply Units Antenna Pointing PC workstations for data management and exploitation Software

23 ADM User Ground Station Subsystems Antenna - $300 (1 meter diameter dish) –Antenna cost increases with size Antenna Pointing (included in antenna price) –Non-tracking GEO Antenna for ADM User Terminal will be less expensive than Tracking LEO Antenna Receiver –LNB - $350 –DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcast-Satellite) PCI (Personal Computer Interface) Card - $70 –Receive Only (no transmit) will save amplifier cost Power supply units (provided by user) –Portable, voltage controlled supply for computer and receiver PC workstations for data management and exploitation - ~$1000 Software - ~$500 (vendor provided) –Nominal Software Cost, does not include image processing software Total: $1,720 – 2,220

24 ADM User Terminal Reception from GEO DOMSAT Prodelin Brand, Non-Tracking Receiving Antenna 1.2 meter diameter antenna ~ $500 2.4 meter diameter antenna ~ $300 Cost includes: –Includes antenna and mount –Excludes LNB (see next page) Ku-band C-band < Sep 2003 Antenna diameters are the minimum to provide isolation from signals from adjacent satellites

25 LNB (Low Noise Block Downconverter) Affixed to offset-fed antenna Many functions combined in one unit Cost: ~ $350 Feed horn Input (12 GHz) BNC IF Output (1 GHz) DC Power Line Low Noise Amp Downconverter Local Oscillator Isolators Filters Buffer Amp < 15 Sep 03

26 DVB-S PCI Cards ITU (International Telecommunications Union) Standard Cost ~ $70 USD 16.3 to 47.2 Mbps –Dependent on EIRP and Bandwidth available Vendors: –Technotrend DVBsat PCI card sh/print_files/p_pcproducts.html –Hauppauge WinTV DVB-s card nexus_s.htm These standard boards are deployed in many satellite TV networks: –Dish Network set-top box, … –High volume production makes for low cost < 15 Sep 03 < 15 Sep 03

27 What is ADM? ADM Task Description –Communication Trunks –ADM User Terminal ADM Architectural Views Dissemination of Data Ground Terminals ADM Continuing Effort Outline

28 Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) Progress Report Current Activities: –Coordinate the NOAA ADM activities and support GEO-Netcast development NOAA ADM Activities –Developing a mobile demonstration of ADM Center Demo status: Practice demos complete; S/W for ADM Control Center complete; Scripts for demo and PowerPoint charts completed Demo scheduled for September 2006 –Prototype Development The Broadcast Management Center (BMC) consists of the ADM Control Room Software necessary to produce the ADM Broadcast Data Stream The Network Management Center (NMC) consists of hardware (with its attendant controller software) to modulate the message bits into communications symbols suitable for transmission over satellite, internet, or dedicated landline –Application of ADM to GEO-Netcast Architectural-level concepts have been created to show how all components of ADM support GEO-Netcast Coordination with GEO-Netcast continues

29 Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) ADM Prototype Status of ADM Prototype –ADM Broadcast Management Center –Updated the User Interface Control Panel Updated the Priority, Queue, and Channel controls so the administrative user can control each product Created an interface to allow the ADM administrator to start and stop the transmission of the scheduled items Created an interface to display the schedule based on the administrator selected Queue –ADM Network Management Center IP Encapsulator and Modem systems were received in July, and set-up and integration continues Mobile Demo BMC IP Encapsulator IP Data Stream Modulator DVB-S Stream NMC

30 Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) Application of ADM to GEO-Netcast Proposed Plan: –Demonstrate ADM benefits to the NOAA mission and IGDDS –Explain how ADM can serve as the basis for the NOAA GEO- Netcast system –Prove ADM is a subset of GEO-Netcast, and in no way exceeds the requirements of GEO-Netcast Status of “Application of ADM to GEO-Netcast” –GEO-Netcast architecture and programmatic history have been reviewed. –Briefed the NOAA GEO-Netcast program manager on ADM –Actions related to GEO-Netcast: Demonstrate that the scope of NOAA ADM fits within GEO- Netcast

31 Alternative Dissemination Methods (ADM) Application of ADM to GEO-Netcast (continued) Broadcast Format overview –Briefing on ASTC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) video standard to NESDIS was completed –Briefing on EUMETSAT ADM (EUMETCast) to NESDIS completed Future ADM considerations –Continue to brief the status of the NOAA ADM project –Propose a method by which the NOAA ADM can be interfaced with the EUMETSAT ADM –Continue to support GEONETcast –Receive EUMETcast C-band broadcast in Chantilly VA, process it using the ADM Prototype, and redistribute it to NESDIS Suitland via Internet.

32 CONCLUSION Future ADM considerations –It has been decided that GEO-NETCast will be phase one of ADM. –Future planning and funding for GEO-NETCast will be subject to a successful demonstration in FY 07. Status of “EUMETCast to NOAA ADM” transition plan for users in South America –NOAA continues to evaluate the use of ADM to support environmental data users in Central and South America. –NOAA has not reached a definitive solution.

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