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Published byChloe Harper Modified over 9 years ago
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO CALGO TMBfix CALGO recommends to implement in the next TMBfixing: 1)New Hot Cell Killer 2)Restore ICR region to p13 status 3)T42 in killing mode G. Bernardi for the CALGO group many thanks to: S. Beauceron, E. Busato, L. Duflot, T. Golling, L. Groer, J. Stark, S. Shary, J.R. Vlimant for the plots shown in this talk, and to all the CALGO/CAT members for their contributions
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO DQ_Calo Hot Cell Killer Offline zero bias monitoring tool (dq_calo) ASCII files with data quality information including bad cells list (mean energy E 2.5 GeV) cal_corr_dst/KillBuggyCells package Thumbnails re-reconstruction Allows also to provide good CALO run-list
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO JETS RESULTS MHT30_3CJT5 trigger stream –L1: at least 3 calorimeter trigger towers with E T >5 GeV. –L2: Require jet MHT>20. –L3: Vector Ht sum >30 GeV trigger List v12.10 runs: 178096 – 178991 p14.03.01 453 471 events JCCB jets in average 2 – 6 bad cells killed per run and 0 – 2 of them are hot (with large occupancy).
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO P T distribution before and after (the jets quality criteria are not applied) !
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Reducing influence of Noise: T42 T42: reject ALL isolated cells below 4 sigmas (and ALL negative energy cells) Select high signal cells (+4 sigmas) Keep their significant neighbours (2-4 sigmas) Thresholds “2 ” is 2.5 at the moment T42.5 Full description is available in DØNotes 4124, 4146 Available in D0Reco in shadow mode Not running yet in killing mode: We wanted to have first a tmbfix w/o T42 Let’s go for it Now!
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO T42 on Missing and Scalar E T WZ skim, p13.06, W e nu selection (E T > 20 GeV, MET > 25 GeV) Compared to Pythia MC No T42 After T42
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Run Selection with T42 Define the average shift: MET-xy = sqrt [ ( ) 2 +( ) 2 ] RMS-xy = sqrt [ ( RMS-x ) 2 + ( RMS-y ) 2 ] To declare a RUN “GOOD”: 1) Require MET-xy < 6 GeV in all files of a run, and MET-xy < 4 GeV in average 2) Require RMS-xy < 18 GeV in all files of a run and RMS-xy < 16 GeV in average 3) Require scalar E T > 70 GeV in all files of a run and scalar E T > 80 GeV Compare Run selection with and without T42 on 55 pb -1 of p14.03 data
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Met-xy Shift P14.03.02 Met-xy Shift same data With T42 One entry= 1 file or 20 lumi blocks Shift in x,y of Missing E T
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO P14.03 Jul-Aug 2003 one entry / good “file” (about 20 lumi blocks) Same p14.03 files but processed with T42 xy-shift in Missing E T, xy-rms
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Scalar E T P14.03.02 Scalar E T With T42 T42 is “cleaner” Scalar E T evolution with Lumi
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Scalar and Missing E T (setb,metb) P14.03 Jul-Aug 2003 one entry / good “file” (about 20 lumi blocks) Same p14.03 files but processed with T42 SET reduced by 21 GeV MET unchanged !
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Run Selection Results Preliminary run selection performed on p14 data With and without T42 T42 looks better 55 pb -1 recoed / 49 pb -1 good runs available in july-august i.e. 89% of the data After T42 55 pb -1 recoed / 50 pb -1 good runs 91% of the data … and gain is higher if tightening the selection..
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Top group’s alljets skim (reco version p13.06.01) : * Passes the 4JT10 trigger. * At least 4 jets (JCCB). * HT > 100 GeV (just plain sum of uncorrected JCCB jets). 20000 events Jets are JES corrected. No quality cuts applied. t42 no t42 Jets properties before and after T42 Fake jets removed p13 Jet multiplicity lowered by 0.5 jets /event :
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Why do we need Jet-id ? Because there are noise/fake jets What are the Noise/Fake jets ? 1)Noise jets (partly cured by on-line/off-line Data quality corrections) 2)Fake jets can also be overcalibrated “jets” (either by picking up noise, or in difficult regions like ICR) What are the handles we have ? Precision readout estimators like EMF, F90 L1 information allows confirmation (in p14) Tracking also better in p14 CPS in p14.05 T42 (as a byproduct) in TMB-fix More on Jet-id / Fake Jets
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Jet-ID Definitions JID: 0.05 1 JID-f90: JID and ( if f90 < 0.5 or CHF < 0.15 ) L1: JID and ((CC or EC) and L1SET/pT >0.2 or ICD and L1SET/pT >0.1) Track: JID and Sum tracks in 0.5-cone pT / jet pT > 0.05 L1/Track: L1 in CC and EC, Track in ICD L1+Track: L1/Track + Track in CC Good jets: JID & (L1 or Track confirmation) Bad jets : JID but no L1 and no Track Rest: which includes “p14 good” jets (JID-f90)
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Number of bad/good Jets in 50k dijet sample all erem hotf emf> emf< n90 JID f90 L1 L1&T L1/T or L1t Track coml comt 6544 6535 6533 6488 6480 6479 6347 4438 4224 3290 3839 4166 4034 3674 4052 3862 2797 2790 2789 2753 2731 2730 2725 2552 1896 1516 1789 1882 1830 1659 1860 1794 188 187 186 177 175 175 151 97 103 79 94 99 100 90 98 95 95 93 93 89 83 83 82 78 54 39 49 53 52 46 53 51 1138 1111 1110 1102 1085 1085 1063 1007 1058 953 1019 1043 1055 958 1043 1040 1296 1239 1239 1233 1222 1222 1212 1184 1203 1086 1166 1198 1202 1093 1197 1196 dijet_GRL: djT42GRL: dijet_GRL: diT42GRL: dijet_GRL: djT42GRL: black: bad jets from high jet multiplicity green: bad third jet in dijet event blue: good dijet events GRL = good run list applied Bad Jets Good Jets
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO all erem hotf emf> emf< n90 JID f90 L1 L1&T L1/T or L1t Track coml comt 100 99.9 99.8 99.1 99 99 97 67.8 64.5 50.3 58.7 63.7 61.6 56.1 61.9 59 100 99.7 99.7 98.4 97.6 97.6 97.4 91.2 67.8 54.2 64 67.3 65.4 59.3 66.5 64.1 100 99.5 98.9 94.1 93.1 93.1 80.3 51.6 54.8 42 50 52.7 53.2 47.9 52.1 50.5 100 97.9 97.9 93.7 87.4 87.4 86.3 82.1 56.8 41.1 51.6 55.8 54.7 48.4 55.8 53.7 100 97.6 97.5 96.8 95.3 95.3 93.4 88.5 93.0 83.7 89.5 91.7 92.7 84.2 91.7 91.4 100 95.6 95.6 95.1 94.3 94.3 93.5 91.4 92.8 83.8 90 92.4 92.7 84.3 92.4 92.3 black: bad jets from high jet multiplicity green: bad third jet in dijet event blue: good dijet events dijet_GRL: djT42GRL: dijet_GRL: diT42GRL: dijet_GRL: djT42GRL: Bad Jets good Jets Efficiencies for bad/good Jets in 50k dijet sample
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Conclusions on jet-id / fake&noise jets Some properties of the noise jets: " low pT, sit mainly in the ICD and CH " fake high met, large HT and high jet Multiplicity the noise is found where we look for interesting physics In p13 LP03 sample only 45 highest ET towers: lower efficiency to find L1 confirmed jets! T42: Significant reduction of bad jets due to noise Use T42 and Use L1 confirmation for Jet-id. Use Tracks to monitor jet-id efficiencies
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO T42 Reconstruction efficiency in MC (qcd pT20) Efficiency lower with t42 when pT jet 8 GeV. Gain a lot of efficiency by lowering the threshold to 6 GeV What about noise jets with this new threshold ? Method : match particle jets to calorimeter jets with R 0.5 reco efficiency in pt bins = particle jets found in calo / all particle jets
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO New low pT good jets (reco efficiency higher). Data (alljets skim) New jets found with [t42, pT jet 6 GeV] in second bump may also be low pT good jets. Even if they are fake, situation better than in the [not42, pT jet 8 GeV] case. T42 Reconstruction efficiency in DATA
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Jet Energy loss with T42 735 MeV difference for the same jet need new JES correction Data ( alljets skim - top group ) MC ( single top events ) : with noise without noise T42 cuts mostly noise but also a bit of real energy
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Jet Energy resolution with T42 in MC (qcd pT20) Method : match particle jets to calorimeter jets with R 0.5 E / E = (E particle jets – E cal jets ) / E particle jet distribution in pT bins Fit with a gaussian in each pT bin.
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO T42 resolution better at low energy better fit with T42 T42 Results on Jet Resolution (MC) No T42 T42
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO T42 on high energy electrons Estimators for EM candidates in data, when pT>13 GeV OK !
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO no T42 Z ee with T42 Similar results with or w.o. T42. Slightly better results with T42
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Effect on low Energy Electrons selected with the Road Method Small gain ( 0.1 %) at low energy (improvement limited by the number of isolated tracks ) Use all available p13.06.01 data. J/ selection criteria: pairs of road electron candidates with opposite charge, | | 4 GeV for each electron candidate p T asymmetry where p T,1 and p T,2 are the transverse momenta of the two electron candidates, p T > 12 GeV for J/ candidate.
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Effect of T42 on Soft Electrons 290 +- 17 J/Psi 286 +/- 17 J/Psi Slightly more J/Psi Better Soft Electron Tag efficiency (not shown) TighSoftEl : 88 2 % no T42 92 2 % with T42 Is there a Fake rate issue at low Energy ?
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO T42 on EM objects at low energy estimators pT<13 GeV Fake rate increases below 6 GeV: Tuning of estimator cuts needed If track-match required No big diff. for E e > 6 GeV
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Fake Rate at 20 and 15 GeV from M W 20 GeV 15 GeV T42 vs. no-T42 fake
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO T42+“tmb-fixed” W e nu sample P13 P13 with TMB fix and T42 Em-id: Em Fraction > 0.90 Isolation < 0.15 Em HM8 < 20 | | < 1.1, In Fiducial vol. p T e > 20 GeV ME T > 25 GeV Standard Jets Criteria: Em Fraction < 0.95 HOTF < 10 f90 < 0.5 or CHf<0.15 | | < 2.5 P T > 15 GeV (left: loose elec.sel. right: tight elec. sel.)
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Missing E T, W Transverse Mass P13 P13 with TMB fix and T42
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Eta of Leading Jet P13 (left: loose elec. sel. right: tight elec. sel.) huge change in the distribution. Coming from the change of ICD Cal_Weight & MG bug P13 with TMB fix and T42
Preamps used in readout 10 pF feedback capacitor rather than the usual 5 pF found at these layers. Increase weight by ~ 10.5/5.5 (actually 1.95) EC MH layers CC MG layer ICD ICD response highered by factor 3.8 CCMG and EC FH were highered twice BUG
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Leading Jet Eta (e.m.+MET) MG bug ICR x 3.8 No MG bug ICR x 3.8 No MG bug ICR x 1.0 Horns at Eta +/- 1.2 MG bug +ICR boost Smaller (and more central) w/o MG bug No Horns in p13 situation.
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO ICD-MG Expert Comitee Composition: Andy White (chair), Leslie Groer,Bob Kehoe,Ia Iashvili, Vivian O'Dell, Lee Sawyer, Dean Schamberger, Jan Stark, Alan Stone,Vishnu Zutshi, Gregorio Bernardi (ex officio), Robert Zitoun (ex officio) Charge of the comittee: A) Review the harware motivations for having scaled up by a factor 3.8 the ICD response, and by a factor of 2 some of the MG, and report it in a short document to the CALGO steering group (CAT) and algorithms chair. The Jet energy scale and resolution issues are studied separately, inside JES&CALGO. B) Propose a complete calibration strategy (on-line,off-line) for the ICD, including its phi intercalibration. Be in charge of providing updates of the ICD/MG numbers if necessary.
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO ICD-MG Comitee Recomendations 1) The ICD ADC to GeV conversion factor should stay at its present value: 0.0000945 GeV/ADC count. 2) The factor of 3.8 should not be used. For the Winter conferences we should adopt the conservative approach of using the ICD signals without a boost factor. 3) More studies of the required ICD boost factor should be carried out as soon as possible and the best factor determined and then used in energy correction. 4) The channel to channel relative calibration for the ICD should be tested and implemented as soon as possible.
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO P13 vs P13-fix/after MG-bug corrected T42 MC: T42 vs. no-T42 Ready to look at finer details
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Summary CALGO group would like to have a full new round of TMBfixing, for having: 1) more efficient HC killing 2) ICR restored to the p13 status 3) T42 which will bring an overall improvement of calorimetric response. Detecting muons in the calo with T42 implemented can be solved simply. Other low energy issues can be tested in the next days if needed.
ADM Nov-7-2003 G. Bernardi for CALGO Comparison on a subset of All-jets skim = 28 GeV, (same events) Rejected by the p13 cut The number of jets rejected is ~ the same with both cuts within 5% About 10% of the jets are not classified as good jets with this cut in data With the new cut the rejection is stronger in the (eta= –1) ICR region, where noise is the most important, and it’s less important in the central region. Some good ICR jets are rejected by this cut (but also by the old cut) Rejected by the p14 cut chf > 0.15 && f90 > 0.5
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