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1 WORK FORCE ADJUSTMENT Moving forward post budget 2012 3 April, 2012 ADM HR-Civ.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WORK FORCE ADJUSTMENT Moving forward post budget 2012 3 April, 2012 ADM HR-Civ."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WORK FORCE ADJUSTMENT Moving forward post budget 2012 3 April, 2012 ADM HR-Civ

2 2 Purpose Provide UMCC members with an overview of work done to date to prepare the Department to implement work force adjustment Share planned strategy for selection for retention and alternation processes

3 3 Outline of Presentation Preparing for Workforce Adjustment Implementation Strategy Selection for retention Alternation Next steps

4 4 Preparing for Work Force Adjustment Training and Briefings: Canada School of Public Service ADM HR-Civ Service Providers/Managers ADM HR-Civ developed Webinars/e-learning module for HR practitioners and managers Learning and Career Centre courses and services: –Workforce management for managers, change management, resume and interview preparation, learning plan development, general financial information.

5 5 Preparing for Work Force Adjustment cont’d Tools and Resources: Defence Team and ADM (HR-Civ) Websites updated Resources on change and leading difficult conversations available on- line Employee Information Tool Kit FAQs Employee Assistance Program Educational Allowance supported by centralized unit WFA coordinators network established across the country

6 6 Implementation Strategy 4 April 2012: local bargaining agents representatives will be met with and employees will start being informed, in groups and individually. It is expected that all employees will be met by 13 April 2012 For impacted occupational groups in stressed trades, discussions have already started between HR and management to identify placement opportunities. Starting 10 April 2012: letters will be issued –Where selection for retention processes are not required, employees will receive surplus letters. –Where SRLO is required, employees will be declared affected first while process is being conducted It is expected that all letters will be issued by the end of April 2012

7 7 Selection for Retention – way ahead Prior to letters being issued, managers will be having discussions with their employees. The area of adjustment will be confirmed. Managers are currently working with their HR service provider to develop their selection for retention strategies which include: –Statements of merit criteria –Assessment methods and timelines Processes will commence at the end of April to be conducted through May-June.

8 8 Alternation DND will maximize use of alternation wherever possible. Initial focus will be internal to DND. GC Forum tool is already available and employees can register now. WFA coordinators will work with employees who do not have access to computers to enter their names in the system. Alternation tool internal to DND is being developed and will be presented at next WFACC – roll out is planned for 16 April 12. DM email to all employees will be sent out informing employees about alternation and providing guidance on how to participate. HR community is ready to deliver presentations on alternation where it is required. Checklist was prepared for employees to support them in contacting the Pension Office to determine their pension eligibility.

9 9 Next Steps Finalize internal to DND alternation program (system, communications) Hold 2 nd Work Force Adjustment Committee – tentatively scheduled for 12 April 12 Re-issue communications on EAP Exercise tight staffing controls to optimize the workforce based on the employability strategy principles Manage staffing to maximize continuous employment of surplus employees.

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