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Showing respect for the context. CEFPI North Carolina REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE STATE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES May 2, 2011 Steve Taynton, AIA School Planning,

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Presentation on theme: "Showing respect for the context. CEFPI North Carolina REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE STATE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES May 2, 2011 Steve Taynton, AIA School Planning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Showing respect for the context

2 CEFPI North Carolina REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE STATE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES May 2, 2011 Steve Taynton, AIA School Planning, NCDPI

3 Changes in the air Some improvement in housing sales and starts Unemployment is slowly declining Interest rates are still good Some states showing increase in architectural jobs Qualified School Construction Bond Sales have increased Bid prices have increased to rate of two years ago Note that government usually lags the private sector in recovery

4 Synopsis of 2009 290 projects in 2010 (down by 85), 552 review letters (down 332). (128 – 44% of those projects are designed by the LEA - no AE) 137 projects so far (4/12/2011) in 2011 23 (only 8%) New Schools in 2010, remainder additions/renovations/other Currently running about 50 projects in some phase of design/review (also down from last year) Strive for review within ten days - staffing loss has caused delays


6 Current Construction Costs 2010 costs ran $141/ square foot About 9.6% more than $128 in 2009. Insignificant number to tabulate so far in 2011 We urge you to return our cost information requests - it’s the only way we can share this valuable info everyone needs! Only + Half of you are responding. We are looking for Total Sq. Ft. & Bid Costs as Awarded Separate Site Work bids allow projects to be compared more easily and allow fields to become established prior to occupancy

7 Capital Funds Two ways of looking at construction spending (2008/2009 Fiscal Year) 1. Bonds, COPS, QSCBs, QZABs, Public School Building Capital Fund (Does not include any “Pay as you Go” money) 2009/10 Local Bonds passed: Zilch past three years 2009/10 COPS, QSCBs, QZABs $308,480,850 2009/10 PSBCF disbursements (No ADM Fund receipts past two years) ADM (09/10 Thru April) : $ 17,676,684 Lottery (09/10 Thru April) : $121,998,779 Total$448,156,313

8 Capital Funds (Continued) 2. Total Capital Funds Spent from Accounting Codes. – Includes only current expenses and may not include any monies paid by the county on behalf of the LEA (like COPS, xfers for Sales Tax refunds). Figures do not include debt payments for prior construction. Figures do not include any 2009/2010 expenditures but may include administration, maintenance, transportation and similar facilities) –Spent 2009/2010 Total $ 802,487,536

9 PSBCF Redirection & Available PSBCF Holdback/Redirection –All Corporate Income Tax redirected from PSBCF past two years –Current Budget: Lottery Fund earmarked for school construction can be used to pay teachers –4/18 ADM Current Unallocated: $27,030,658 –4/18 Lottery Current Unallocated: $135,818,801 –4/18 CURRENT TOTAL $162,849,459 (Down $75.4M from last year)

10 2008/2009 Use of the PSBCF Portion for Debt Service has increased from 48% to 65.8% in two years

11 Facility Needs Survey 2010-11

12 2010/2011 Long Range Facility Needs Recently completed –Five year cycle Overall Needs 8.2B (not including 2 LEAs)

13 Changes in Needs Comparison with previous Survey Severe economic conditions dissuade districts from reporting needs not able to be funded Considering renovation vs. new Major Population growth decline


15 Significant Findings Construction Costs by Type of School Capacity of New Schools (5 years)

16 Significant Findings (cont.) Mobile Units & Temporary Classrooms currently in use: –5,845 classroom units (a decrease of 1,288 or 18% since the 2005/06 Assessment) –~146,000 students are in mobile classrooms (at an average of 25 students/classroom) –~10% of all students are in mobile classrooms. Number of K-12 students (First Month ADM of 2010/2011): –1,415,075 (an increase of 46,995 or 3.44%since 2005-06)

17 Significant Findings (cont.) Counties with greatest needs Additions to Existing Schools by Room Type

18 New Potential/Actual Legislative Action Layoffs of thousands of LEA teacher assts, asst principals, central staff and others, 70-80 DPI staff as well as educational programs –GOOD POSSIBILITY IT WILL INCLUDE ELIMINATION OF SCHOOL PLANNING AND PLANT OPERATION ADM fund (From Corporate Income Tax) may be eliminated Change Lottery distribution (more for Construction) (or less) Raise Cap on Charters substantially We now manage Deaf & Blind Residential Schools

19 Federal Stimulus Funding ALL QSCB Money allocated – may have some turned back in QZAB Money (interest free (or almost) loans) still available: $84,517,234 - apply anytime –35% or greater free/reduced lunch –Renovations only –10% match with local business (can be in-kind )

20 Other Rumblings/Bills Tax credit for private schools Fund only 1 supt/county Raise/eliminate Charter Cap, transfer control to new commission Lower Corporate Tax Rate - eliminate portion to PSBCF (school construction) All or most Lottery Money to school construction - distribution by ADM only Or Less money for School Construction

21 Proposed House Budget (April 27, 2011)

22 Plan Review Issues Small, non A/E designed projects cause the most problems –Often Booster Clubs, PTA –Good intentions –Not knowledgeable about building codes or bidding laws –Poor structural, HAC, building details –Designed to be ‘cheap” not long lasting or energy efficient –Do schools really want a “Pig in a Poke”

23 Challenge Creative Financing – Must get money from numerous sources Get the most for your buck – quality construction, vanilla materials Remember that longevity and low maintenance are crucial – be careful with “experimentation” True design is about function, design for learning and spatial relationships not just “how quick can we do this” or geometry.

24 Questions ?? Design with Nature

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