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ONTARIO SCHOOL DISTRICT State Revenue and Budget Planning 2010.

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1 ONTARIO SCHOOL DISTRICT State Revenue and Budget Planning 2010

2 Ontario School District District Goals “Our Children, Our Future!”

3 Mission Statement All students will be equipped with the skills for lifelong learning and graduate as responsible adults prepared for college or career.

4 I. Target Area: Student Achievement GOAL 1: All schools will meet adequate yearly progress (AYP) in reading/language arts and mathematics. GOAL 2: All students will graduate from high school prepared for career or post-secondary education.

5 II. Target Area: Curriculum and Instruction GOAL 1: To develop a five-year curriculum plan for the school district so all students achieve at high levels GOAL 2: To engage in rigorous instruction driven by a technology- enriched curriculum to reach high levels of academic achievement and performance that fosters life-long learning.

6 II. Target Area: Curriculum and Instruction con’t GOAL 3: To develop a quality professional development and training model to implement best practices that impact student learning. GOAL 4: Develop a consistent K-12 assessment system that provides formative and summative feedback to students, teachers, and parents that systematically verifies student learning progress and enhances instruction.

7 III. Target Area: Facilities Goal 1: To upgrade school facilities so that the environment for learning will provide students with the best possible opportunities for an education in schools that are free of safety and health hazards. Goal 2: To provide school facilities, which will be efficient to operate and provide the necessary instructional spaces, in order to operate a comprehensive 21st century educational program for students in grades K-12.

8 IV. Target Area: Communication To develop a district-wide communications plan for internal and external communication in order to promote the District as a professional, responsive, and well-managed organization dedicated to student achievement

9 V.Target Area: Celebrations To develop a systematic plan for celebrations of success for students, staff, volunteers, departments, and programs to showcase the district.

10 State Revenue Update Budget Implications

11 Percent of State Revenue to Schools Source: Legislative Fiscal Office, "General Fund & Lottery Spending by Major Program Area," 2007

12 Inflation-Adjusted SSF Revenue Per ADM w Source: Oregon Department of Education, "Inflation-Adjusted Formula Revenue per Weighted Daily Average Membership (ADMw), 2009

13 Revenue by Source Source: 2009-10 Adopted Budget

14 2009-10 ADM w Components: Projected and Estimated Actual DescriptionCalculation2009-10 Student Numbers Budgeted 2009-10 Student Numbers Actual (Estimated) ADMr2,600 X 1.00 =2,6002,526 Students in ESL Programs474 X 0.50 =237210 IEP Students Capped at 11%286 X 1.00 =286278 Students on IEP above 11%0 X 1.00 =00.00 Students Pregnant and Parenting7 X 1.00 =720 Students in Poverty807.8 X 0.25 =202201.4 Foster Care or Neglected Students27 X 0.25 =6.8 Estimated ADM w 09-10 Extended ADM w 08-09 3,338.8 3,361.2 3,242.2 3,345.4 Source: SSF Estimate 05/19/2009.

15 2009-10 State School Fund Projected and Estimated Actual DescriptionCalculation2009-10 Budgeted 2009-10 Actual (Estimated) Estimated ADM w 09-10 Extended ADM w 08-09 Greater of3,338.8 3,361.2 3,242.2 3,345.4 X Funding Factor + Exp Adj$4500 (Teacher Experience Adjustment)12.84–12.09=.75*$25 $18.75 X Funding Ratio1.317080502651.27688008960 + Transportation Grant$995,700 * 70% $696,990 = Total Formula Revenue $20,701,365$19,999,620 -Local Revenue $3,573,131 = State School Fund Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund $17,127,941$16,442,306 775,631 $17,217,937 Source: SSF Estimate 05/19/2009.

16 2010-11 State School Fund Projected DescriptionCalculation2010-11 Projected Estimated ADM w 10-11 Extended ADM w 09-10 Greater of3,149.0 3,242.2 Per Informal Oregon Department Of Ed 01/25/2010 X Formula Revenue per ADMw$6,428 = Total Formula Revenue$20,840,862 - Estimated difference in transportation and teacher experience (100,000) -Local Revenue $3,610,223 = State School Fund Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund $17,130,639 307,990 17,438,629 Source: SSF Estimate 05/19/2009.

17 Factors Impacting 2010-11 Decline in enrollment Decline in cash balance Termination of Short-term Stimulus Funds (SFSF and ARRA)

18 Factors Impacting 2010-11: Declining Enrollment 2009-10 budget based on 3,361.2 Average Daily Membership- Weighted (ADMw) 2010-11 budget based on 3,242.2 ADMw 119 ADMw X $6,000 per pupil equals $714,000 revenue shortfall

19 Factors Impacting 2010-11: Declining Fund Balance District has used cash reserves to avoid making cuts to personnel and programs and to make facility improvements –2007-08 used $2.2 Million –2008-09 used $1.2 Million –2009-10 budgeted to use $2.3 Million Will probably use $1.3 Million –The most we can reasonably use and maintain a prudent cash balance for 2010-11 is $750,000. –Decrease in budgeted expenditures of $1.5 Million to maintain cash reserves

20 Factors Impacting 2010-11: Termination of Short- term Stimulus Funds (SFSF) SFSF (State Fiscal Stabilization Fund) $572,566 in 08-09 $779,297 in 09-10 $307,990 in 10-11: Decrease of $471,307

21 Factors Impacting 2010-11: Termination of Short- term Stimulus Funds (ARRA) Title IA – ARRA –Paid for all-day Kindergarten, 8 instructional assistants, part of counselors and assessment TOSA in 09-10 –Funds all budgeted to be spent in 09-10. May carryover enough to fund portion of counselors in 09-10. –To maintain all-day Kinder, need to reduce other General Fund expenditures by approximately $350K

22 Increases required in other budget areas Building Transfer: $75K –Return to 08-09 level Unemployment: $500K Technology: $120K –Return to 08-09 level plus increase to maintain Technology Rich Classrooms Buses: $109K –Return to purchasing two buses per year to maintain fleet

23 2009-10Budgeted Revenues (less beginning fund balance) $20,936,895 2009-10Budgeted Expenditures (less ending fund balance) $23,211,768 2010-11Estimated Revenue (less BFB): With $200 MM trigger Cash reserves available: Target for expenditures $21,300,000 750,000 $22,050,000 Increases: Building Transfer Absorb all-day K Unemployment Technology Bus 75,000 350,000 500,000 120,000 109,000 Decreases Necessary from 09-10 $2,315,768 Decrease in General Fund Expenditures

24 Revenue, Expenditures, and Ending Fund Balance

25 Average Daily Membership- Regular (Includes FRCS)

26 Youth Population Decrease Mirrors Decrease in School Enrollment Data from Portland State University

27 General Fund Budget 09-10

28 Salaries & Benefits by Group 2009-2010 Budget

29 Questions?

30 Budget Planning Input Brainstorm budget priorities Brainstorm challenges Brainstorm areas to reduce

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