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Evidence for large-scale strike-

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1 Evidence for large-scale strike-
slip faulting on Venus Elissa Koenig Atilla Aydin Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University

2 INTRODUCTION: There is strong evidence of tectonic activity on Venus in the form thrust faults, grabens, and strike-slip faults Earlier studies suggest the surface of Venus was influenced by plate tectonics New technologies have allowed a more detailed examination of surface features and give evidence to the Tectonic activity on Venus

3 Lavinia Planitia: Molpadia Linea:
high concentration of deformational features consists of multiple fracture regimes indicating several tectonic events orientation of fractures indicate tectonic history

4 Features associated with strike-slip faulting:
Compressional Features Thrust Faults Folds Solution Surfaces Tensile Features Joints Tail Cracks Normal Faults

5 Terrestrial Examples of fracture patterns exhibited on Venus:

6 Lavinia Planitia:

7 Summary: The features observed show significant horizontal motion across Lavinia Planitia Lavinia Planitia overlies a down-welling mantle plume Downwelling coupled to the lithosphere has formed Molpadia Linea Multiple tectonic events have introduced structural heterogeneity into the Venutian crust which has in turn imparted rotation and horizontal motion into the normal, compressional forces associated with down-welling

8 Conclusion: The surface features of Venus are influenced not by plate tectonics but rather by structural heterogeneity within the crust, which deflects the compressional forces and imparts a horizontal compression, thereby generating strike-slip faults

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