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DisCon Globalization, Distributional Conflicts, State-Market-Civil Society Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "DisCon Globalization, Distributional Conflicts, State-Market-Civil Society Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 DisCon Globalization, Distributional Conflicts, State-Market-Civil Society Relations

2 The intuitive causal model Globalization changes in material & ideational preferences and interests of agents conflict among societal agents (within & across societies) effects changes in arrangements between state, market and civil society

3 Example: Greece -Globalized financial markets put pressure on Greek government and EU (economics; business studies) -Greek government’s response triggers domestic social unrest (Cicam; pol sci; pub adm) -Solution sought in European & IMF support, shaking the Stability &Growth Pact arrangements in EU (pub adm; eco; polsci) -German support related to domestic electoral concerns (pol sci) -EU images develop/reinforced of (frugal) northern & (lazy) southern Europeans (hum geo) -Interest rate consequences cause trouble for Dutch pensions funds (eco; pub adm; business studies) feeding domestic political worries (pol sci)

4 Intuitive causal model -Phenomena both within and between societies -Conflict as (perceived or real) incompatable objectives -Actors & institutions: actors may be individuals, groups, organizations, states, transnational actors etc. -Opens possibility of finding research puzzles (why no conflict where we would expect; why changes in institutional arrangements while we would not expect them, etc.) -Research both in terms of theory driven explanations and in terms of normative/evaluative analyses (e.g. good governance)

5 Open to all IMR researchers -Economics: -Describe & explain globalization -Describe & explain institutions regulating the economy (including regionalization) -Assess welfare consequences -Conflict analysis -Describe & explain fundamental roots of violent conflict -Describe & explain postconflict resolution -Human Geography -Describe & explain territorial dimensions of nature of preferences and institutional solutions (jncluding regionalization) -Describe and explain the role of identity -Business administration -Describe & explain strategy of firms in a globalizing world -Describe & explain effects on intra organizational relations -Political Science -Describe, explain & evaluate (attempts at) changes (in preferences & institutions) regarding domestic politics -Describe, explain & evaluate behavior of states (and firms, INGOs and IGOs) in coping with globalization (including regionalization) -Public Adminstration -Describe & explain how public policy sectors deal with pressures to adapt to globalization & regionalization & domestic changes -Evaluates institutional solutions and policy performance

6 Example: culturalization of immigration 1.From 3 disciplines (Eco, Pub Adm, Pol Sci) 2.Two empirical analyses, one normative-empirical 3.Resemble elements of the ‘intuitive causal model’

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