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Grants & Contracts Management An Overview University Research Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Grants & Contracts Management An Overview University Research Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grants & Contracts Management An Overview University Research Administration

2 Award Instruments  Grants –Assistance  Contracts –Procurement  Cooperative Agreement –Sponsor’s Technical Involvement

3 Response to RFPs and RFAs  RFP – Contract –Provided Workscope must be followed  RFA – Grant –Workscope initiated by P.I.  Are Terms and Conditions Acceptable?

4 Proposal Transmittal Form (PTF)  Complete all applicable fields  VI. Declaration – PI must complete –Is current COI Assurance on file?  Effort & Salary Contributions/Requests –Academic Yr./Summer; Calendar Yr.  PTF: s/G300/301A.html s/G300/301A.html

5 Proposal Preparation  Read Current Guidelines  PI might talk with agency program officer  Compatible Interests?  Program Qualifications? Funding Limitations?  PI Eligibility –  Suggestion: Make a “To Do” List

6 Proposal Preparation (cont’d)  Use sponsor-provided forms, if provided – cover page, budget forms, etc. –Sample budget format: 300/307.html 300/307.html  Organize proposal sections, per guidelines – abstract (scientific & lay), objectives, methods, cv’s, bibliographies, current & pending support, etc.

7 Budget Preparation  Consider (with PI and others) the needs, related to proposed project  Consider resources needed to establish realistic cost estimates – Human Resources contact, equipment and supply vendors, prior experiences, etc.

8 Direct Costs  Direct Costs – Identifiable as specifically related to a project or program –Anticipate Project Needs –Consider prior related experiences

9 Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A)  F&A Costs –Can not be precisely allocated to individual projects –Also known as Overhead and Indirect Costs  Federal: s/G300/304.html s/G300/304.html  Non-Federal: s/G300/303.html s/G300/303.html

10 Equipment  Special Purpose Equipment used only for research, medical, scientific or other technical activities  General Purpose Equipment – Use is not limited only to research, medical scientific or other technical activities

11 Permanent Equipment –Identify and justify –Verify not already available –$5,000 or more (including accessories, installation and delivery costs) –Life expectancy of one year or more Information - Equipment: 307C.html 307C.html

12 Expendable Equipment and Supplies  Identify and justify  Includes items such as, –Chemicals/glassware –Small electronic components –Software

13 Administrative Costs  OMB A-21 prohibits most administrative costs from being directly charged to grants and contracts –Salaries of administrative, secretarial and clerical personnel –Non-personnel costs such as office supplies, postage, local telephone and membership fees

14 Consultant Costs  May be paid to experts outside the University  Sponsor may have a cap on fees

15 Subrecipients  Subcontracting –Transferring Substantive Portion of Research to another institution –  Sponsored Consultants – –Independent Contractor– (Expertise in the field)  Other Independent Contractors – (Services)

16 Caution on Cost Sharing  Cost Sharing Reduces F&A Recoveries –Adding costs to the organized research base reduces the F&A rate on all projects –When we cost-share direct costs, we also cost- share the associated F&A –F&A rate decreases, F&A recoveries are reduced on all projects

17 Cost Sharing and Matching Funds  Mandatory –Per Program Guidelines  Voluntary, Committed –Included, but not required  Voluntary, Uncommitted –Contributed, not required or committed  Approval to commit cost sharing – 200/217.html 200/217.html

18 Tracking Research Activity System (TRACS)  TRACS is University Research Administration's (URA's) database system for tracking proposals submitted by University of Chicago faculty to federal and non-federal agencies, and awards made in response to those proposals.

19 Electronic Research Administration (eRA)  Federal Agencies –NSF FastLane –Army –Department of Energy –Department of Justice –National Institutes of Health (NIH) –Others

20 Electronic Research Administration (eRA) Cont.  Non-Federal Agencies –Alzheimer’s Association –Whitehall Foundation –March of Dimes –Others

21 Electronic Research Administration (eRA) Cont.  URA requires authorization ("Approval to Submit") from the PI or local administrator acting on behalf of the PI, before submitting FastLane proposals.

22 Electronic Research Administration (eRA) Cont.  Internal Deadline for electronic proposal submissions is the morning before the agency’s announced deadline date.

23 Form 70 Request for Restricted Funds Account  Comptroller’s Office form used, by some units, to request accounts in the Financial Accounting System (FAS)

24 Managing Award and Funds  Expenditures within award dates (including allowed pre-award period)  Costs project-related  Costs reasonable-Prudent person test  Charges may not exceed funds awarded

25 Managing Award and Funds Cont.  Unexpended funds may often, but not always, be carried forward  Deviations from approved budget may require sponsor’s approval  Read and be guided by terms & conditions

26 Allowable Costs  Costs must be allowable under the terms of the sponsors program guidelines  Reasonable  Allowable  Allocable  Consistently Treated

27 Reasonable Costs  Costs are considered reasonable if the nature of the goods or services involved and the amount reflect the action of a prudent person

28 Allocable Costs  Costs are allocable to a particular project when incurred solely for the benefit of the sponsored project

29 Unallowable Costs  Advertising  Alcoholic Beverages  Charitable Contributions  Entertainment  Fines and Penalties  Food Costs  Overdrafts on sponsored projects  Personal use of goods or services

30 Questionable Items,  Computers  Printers  Equipment during last 90-day period  Office supply items  General purpose equipment  Office equipment  Laptops

31 Transfer of Expenses  Must be timely and appropriate  Transfers must be supported by documentation that contains a full explanation of how the error occurred  An explanation that merely states “to correct error” or “to transfer to correct account” is not sufficient  It should be noted that frequent errors in the recording of costs may indicate the need to review the accounting system and/or internal controls.

32 Reports  On Federal projects, performance reports are generally required annually  Final reports are due 90 days after expiration  Monitor sub-recipients –Subcontractors must submit reports in time to meet the 90-day requirement

33 Closeouts  Final Reporting –Technical –Financial –Patent/Invention –Check award document for other possible required reports  Collection of Funds –May be contingent on reporting

34 URLs for Resources  URA:  OMB Circular A-21 – ml ml  OMB Circulars – (A-110, A-133, etc.) –  Grants and Contracts Useful Information Fact Sheet –

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