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KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Kentucky Department of Education May 1, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Kentucky Department of Education May 1, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Kentucky Department of Education May 1, 2013

2 Have a question? Post it in the Lync chat window and it will be answered during the Question and Answer period at the end of the session.

3 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Samantha Engstrom Office of Administration and Support Division of District Support

4 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Section 1(1) "At-risk student amount“ means 15% of the per pupil guaranteed base funding amount calculated pursuant to KRS 157.360 times the sum of the average daily membership of students approved for free meals the prior fiscal year and the number of state agency children served pursuant to KRS 158.135. Section 2 (h) The prior year average daily membership of students approved for free lunch reported through the student information system 4

5 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13  Receive an email in MAY containing a link to the SEEK At Risk ADM report with a request to review your data.  Receive a final email in JUNE with the SEEK At Risk ADM number that is pulled from the Data Warehouse (District Edition) with instructions to verify your data.  Contact me (Samantha Engstrom) by June 30 to let me know your SEEK At Risk ADM data is final. 5

6 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13  Only FREE Lunch status is used for SEEK At Risk.  At Risk data is extracted from the Infinite Campus State Reporting database on the last working day of June each year for use in the SEEK calculation for the upcoming year.  Average Daily Membership (ADM) - Aggregate days membership of pupils in a public school, divided by the actual number of days the school is in session. 6

7 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13  The Food Service Director receives Direct Certification (DC) student data and processes it into FRAM. The FSD enters data on other students that are automatically qualified for FREE lunch, including children who are foster and homeless. The FSD knows which students are FREE at all times.  All data belongs to the district and should be monitored in the district for accuracy.  The best way to check the data is to work with the district FSD. 7

8 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13  If a student has multiple enrollments with free lunch status during the school year, the free lunch ADM will be given for each enrollment.  If a district makes any changes to their At Risk data between the time of the email notification in MAY and the end of JUNE they need to contact KDE. 8

9 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Run the SEEK At Risk ADM Report for SY12-13. This will give you a full list of your students. 9

10 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 10

11 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Check the student count at the bottom of the report 11

12 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13  Run report in CSV  Filter 12

13 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 13

14 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 At Risk – verifies enrollments FRAM – identifies students as free 14

15 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13  KDE recommends running the SEEK At Risk ADM Report once a month to ensure current, correct data.  Easier to check the numbers for accuracy and will make for an easier End of Year for 13-14 15

16 KSIS End of Year Training, 5/1/13 Samantha Engstrom (502) 564- 5279 Cheri Meadows (502) 564-5279) 16

17 Have a question? Post it in the Lync chat window and it will be answered during the Question and Answer period at the end of the session.

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