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Updates to CCIP and Introducing the NPDS System Karl Koenig and Chantelle Rose.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates to CCIP and Introducing the NPDS System Karl Koenig and Chantelle Rose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updates to CCIP and Introducing the NPDS System Karl Koenig and Chantelle Rose

2 Agenda Updates to the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) –Updating Components –Enhancements to the Budget Details

3 Agenda Non-Public Data System (NPDS) Overview –Work Flow Steps –Entering Enrollment Data –Participation Forms –Consultation Guide Questions ?

4 CCIP Updates Before

5 CCIP Updates To update a strategy connected to a component, users would need to: Find the strategy Go back to the “Plan Overview” Scroll down and find the strategy or action step

6 CCIP Updates After

7 Planned CCIP Updates Additional Budget Details questions Enhancements due to the ESEA Flexibility Waiver Importing more data from the Non-public Data System…

8 Non-Public Data System Non-public Data System: Web system that replaces the Nonpublic School Service (NS3) system. Designed to assist in meeting the obligation for equitable participation of non-public school students and educational personnel.

9 Non-Public Data System The new system will MERGE the reporting of State ADM with the reporting of federal data to support various funding programs including; Auxiliary Services Administrative Costs Title I, Title II-A, Title III IDEA-B

10 Workflow Steps Set order of steps that occur by specific user roles. Make it very clear to determine whether action is required by the Nonpublic school or public district 1

11 Work Flow Steps

12 Current Participation Status If the user does not have the access to change the Participation Status, the Update box will say “No Action Available”.

13 Entering Enrollment Data 2

14 Accessing the System

15 Search Screen: Nonpublic View

16 Search Screen: Public View

17 Search Results: Public View

18 Overview: Public View

19 Overview: Nonpublic View

20 Program Selection: Nonpublic View 1. 2. 3.

21 Spreadsheet Instructions: Nonpublic View

22 Spreadsheet Federal ADM: Nonpublic View

23 Upload Federal ADM: Nonpublic View

24 Completing Participation Forms 3

25 Participation: Nonpublic View

26 Completing Participation Forms







33 Work Flow Steps for the Non-public BEFORE Public can Approve Not Started Fed ADM Started Federal ADM Uploaded Participation Started Participation Submitted Non-public Approved

34 Participation: Public View


36 Completing Consultation Guides 4

37 Comment: Non-public View


39 Follow Superintendent Ross on Twitter

40 Social Media @OHEducation ohio-department-of-education Ohio Families and Education Ohio Teachers’ Homeroom OhioEdDept

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