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Kuali-Coeus ( KC) – UH Plan

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1 Kuali-Coeus ( KC) – UH Plan
Yaa-Yin Fong, ORS July 1, 2011

2 Kuali Coeus (KC) One of the major projects developed by the Kuali Foundation A comprehensive research administration system that fully addresses the needs from the faculty researcher through grants administration to federal funding agencies Alternatives to current financial information system were needed because of increasing maintenance costs, uncertainty of the industry, lack of control over costs and upgrades, inflexibility of features for higher education. The KC has a large backing from many institutions and is based on a system that has been in place for many years.

3 Kuali Coeus (KC) (cont.)
Kuali Coeus (KC) is based on MIT’s proven Coeus system for research administration Coeus was developed in the early 1990s. The Coeus and Kuali Coeus (KC) project are collaborating to merge in the future and Kuali Coeus 5.0 will be available as an upgrade to Coeus institutions.

4 Background UH electronic Research Administration (eRA):
Legacy ORSIS database (July 1997 – Sept. 2008) infoEd proposal and award tracking database (Sept – Present) Kuali-Coeus Implementation begins Fall, 2009

5 UH eRA Executive Committee
James Gaines – VP Research David Lassner – VP IT/CIO Gary Ostrander – VC Research, UHM Shirley Daniel – Faculty SEC Secretary, UHM David Duffy – Faculty Senate Vice Chair, UHM Yaa-Yin Fong – Director, ORS Mike Hamnett – Executive Director, RCUH

6 KC Tech CORE Team Ron Gouldner – Tech Lead, ORS
Shaun Blake – Info Tech Spec, ITS Lane Fukuda – ISS Mgr, ORS Gang Yuan – IT Spec, ORS Mitchell Anicas – Info Tech Spec, ITS Gregory B Mandryk – Info Tech Spec, ITS

7 KC Functional Team Andrew Tefft – eRA Project Coordinator, ORS
Jennifer Halaszyn – Contract & Grant Adm, ORS Kakaako Site Janis Morita – Project Accounting Manager, ORS Naomi Mitake – Pre-Award Specialist, ORS Cheryl Reeser – Contract Specialist, ORS Maui Site Kathy Oshiro – Director of Admin, CMMED Daniel Shelverton – Grant & Contract Specialist, ORS Kevin Hanaoka – Cost Study Chief, ORS Royce Hanada – ORS Helpline, ORS Mike Morimoto – IT Specialist, ORS

8 Important eRA Factors for UH
On-line proposal development S2S integration with Electronic routing for approval Integration with UH financial system – New Kuali Financial System (KFS) Monitor post-award reporting administration and deliverables Integration with research compliance modules and monitor compliance protocols for active awards

9 Important eRA Factors for UH (cont.)
Integrate post-award invoicing, receivable aging reports, collections and closeout process with C & G A/R module Meet the compliance and reporting requirements of federal, state and private funding agencies Generate BOR & management reports and tracking reports inventory for statistical data User Security Profile

10 Limitations of Current InfoEd at UH
No Proposal Development No S2S integration to No interface between InfoEd and UH Financial System No integrated cost sharing system No integrated research compliance No deliverable or report tracking No subawards tracking

11 Limitations of Current InfoEd at UH (cont.)
No integration with Contracts & Grants (C&G) A/R system Stand alone in-house invoice database Stand alone in-house A/R aging reports Stand alone in-house close out notification system Stand alone in-house receivable collection process

12 Integration Between KFS and KC
Contract & Grants Module Cost Share System Effort Reporting Contracts and Grants Billing/Accounts Receivable (CGBARS) Module UH is implementing KFS to replace FMIS in 2012

13 Kuali-Coeus (KC) Schools
Colorado State University Michigan State University Cornell University University of California Davis Indiana University University of Arizona Massachusetts Institute of Technology Iowa State University West Virginia University University of California Berkeley University of Hawaii Coeus Consortium

14 Kuali- Coeus (KC) Timelines
Release 1.0: July 2008 Proposal Development Budget Development System-to-System (S2S) Submission Release 1.1: November 2008 Enhancements to Budget Development

15 Kuali- Coeus (KC) Modules (cont.)
Release 2.0: April 2010 Proposal Hierarchy Institutional Proposal/Proposal Log Awards Release 3.0: November 2010 Institutional Review Board (IRB) / Human Participants

16 Kuali- Coeus (KC) Modules (cont.)
Release 3.1: Q2 2011 Kuali Coeus will be equivalent with Coeus functionality on the core modules of research administration systems   Key integration features with the KFS including the ability to automatically create an account upon receiving an award

17 Kuali- Coeus (KC) Modules (cont.)
Release 4.0: Q4 2011 Conflict of Interest Subawards Negotiations Report Tracking 

18 Kuali- Coeus (KC) Modules (cont.)
Release 5.0: Q1 2012 IACUC ARRA Reporting KC 5.0 full functional equivalency with Coeus 4.5 Future Kuali Coeus Releases:  TBD Bio-Safety Management, Export Controls / ITAR Management, and Chemical Tracking

19 UH KC Implementation Timelines
2009 Fall - Created KC 2.0 sandbox for testing 2010 Spring - Two IT developers hired; 1 in ITS & 1 in ORS Summer - Secured UH IT environment for KC Fall - Commenced ORS KC Technical Team testing - Performed Cognos reporting tool assessments December - Created KC 3.0 sandbox for testing

20 UH KC Implementation Timelines (cont.)
2011 Spring - ORS CORE team testing, mapping, and uploading UH look-up tables, ORS Functional Team testing, Created logo July - KC 3.1 release and set up in production env. Summer - End-user training (ongoing), Cognos testing Aug – Oct Open for Pilot Schools Nov goes live 2012 Spring - End-user training (ongoing)

21 UH KC Timeline (Proposed)
module go-live note PD/AW 2011 w/ KC 3.1 IRB 2012 COI 2013 w/ KC 4.0 Subawards 2014 w/KC4.0 IACUC TBD w/ KC 5.0 NEG RT

22 UH KC Functional Challenges
Re-engineer proposal submission process Paperless concept Establish organizational structure Set up user profile Establish security profile Upload rates and other look-up tables for Proposal Development into UH KC Develop online and hands-on training Ongoing and just-in-time end-user training New reporting tool – Cognos

23 What Does UH KC Mean for Principal Investigators and Staff?
One tool for proposal & budget creation and grants administration Automatic routing for approvals Eliminate redundant data entry and submissions Enter CFDA Number or Opportunity ID from and UH KC will include forms in proposal Data entered during creation process is used to populate forms File uploader will no longer be needed for S2S applications Old system was combination of paper and electronic Proposals will follow automated workflow in Kuali for approval and review process Data entered during the proposal creation process will be carried over throughout the process. Many and sponsor forms will be completed during the process. A budget spreadsheet can be created using data. Will replace form 5. No longer need file – uploader- submission Current UH username 23

24 What Does KC Mean for Principal Investigators and Staff? (cont.)
Access through UH single sign-on via web browser Proposal and budget creation with robust calculations Consistency in budgeting Template proposals to use again Speed up processing through electronic routing PI can only view his/her own proposals/awards online Initial pain during the learning curve phase Old system was combination of paper and electronic Proposals will follow automated workflow in Kuali for approval and review process Data entered during the proposal creation process will be carried over throughout the process. Many and sponsor forms will be completed during the process. A budget spreadsheet can be created using data. Will replace form 5. No longer need file – uploader- submission Current UH username 24

25 Kuali-Coeus (KC) Informational Sessions
4/01/11 Executive Committee 4/28/ Research Adm. Staff 5/11/11 UH Manoa 5/31/11 UH Hilo, Hawaii Community College 6/01/11 UH Manoa (live broadcast) 6/13/11 UH Maui College 6/22/11 Kakaako Campus 7/06/11 CC Chancellors July TBD West Oahu 8/29/2011 Kauai Community College Sept. TBD UH Manoa (live broadcast) Old system was combination of paper and electronic Proposals will follow automated workflow in Kuali for approval and review process Data entered during the proposal creation process will be carried over throughout the process. Many and sponsor forms will be completed during the process. A budget spreadsheet can be created using data. Will replace form 5. No longer need file – uploader- submission Current UH username 25

26 31

27 Questions? 27 Old system was combination of paper and electronic
Proposals will follow automated workflow in Kuali for approval and review process Data entered during the proposal creation process will be carried over throughout the process. Many and sponsor forms will be completed during the process. A budget spreadsheet can be created using data. Will replace form 5. No longer need file – uploader- submission Current UH username 27

28 Contact Information Andrew Tefft – eRA Project Coordinator (808)

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