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NSS ADM Action Plan October 2013. Introduction All proposals based on quantitative student survey results which have been extremely low for the past 3.

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Presentation on theme: "NSS ADM Action Plan October 2013. Introduction All proposals based on quantitative student survey results which have been extremely low for the past 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSS ADM Action Plan October 2013

2 Introduction All proposals based on quantitative student survey results which have been extremely low for the past 3 years Compared our results to sector averages Paid special attention to open comments in the NSS qualitative feedback Reviewed each question of the survey Listened to academic and support staff comments Conclude that we are able to isolate problematic areas common to all stakeholders October 2013

3 Reinforce 7 Point Plan 1.Plan for the survey; schedule a special session with every course 2.Reinforce all the key NSS criteria; staff to be given presentation tomorrow to emphasise the key areas 3.Reinforce Ravensbourne successes; Generic successes will already populate the template. 4.Emphasise the impact of the survey; national and international; how employers may view your degree 5.Explain how the survey works; the template will provide the narrative so that all subject leaders are getting this message out there 6.Explain the questions; give examples of good practice 7.Listen and be seen to be listening

4 October 2013 Reinforce 7 Point Plan 1. Plan for the survey 2. Reinforce all the key NSS criteria 3. Reinforce Ravensbourne successes 4. Emphasise the impact of the survey 5. Explain how the survey works 6. Explain the questions 7. Listen and be seen to be listening

5 3. Reinforce Ravensbourne successes Collaboration: teaching, interdisciplinary projects Most advanced technologies; Adobe suite for every student Industry opportunities Best employment uptake; 96% in 2013 survey Positives about the Building Unique features of the course Course alumni successes October 2013

6 4. Emphasise the impact of the survey; national and international; how employers may view your degree It can seriously affect the way in which future employers view your qualification. It helps future students see your course as esteemed instead of mediocre. We want graduates from the course to be sought after. It can seriously affect national and international press coverage of your university’s performance. It helps us improve things that help future years and inform changes for the future. It helps your Course Leader to have a voice. October 2013

7 6. Explain the questions; give examples of good practice Provide staff with examples of how to introduce and explain each question, that can be used as a template Provide examples of recent improvements and initial actions being taken for improvement to demonstrate to the students that we are taking their feedback seriously For example: October 2013

8 Section 1 The teaching on my course Q1. Staff are good at explaining things Q2. Staff have made the subject interesting Q3. Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching Q4. The course is intellectually stimulating Clear Briefings Regular checking of understanding relevance of content Exhibitions / Study Trips / Films Reading Lists Lectures Put more literature on Moodle October 2013

9 Reinforce 7 Point Plan 1.Planning for the survey; schedule a special session with every course 2.Staff to start reinforcing all the Key NSS criteria consistently 3.Staff to talk students through Ravensbourne and course successes 4.Emphasise the impact of the survey; national and international; how employers may view your degree 5.Explain how the survey works 6.Explain the questions; give examples of good practice 7.Listen and be seen to be listening

10 Undertake a series of projects to ensure more positive responses, that directly address significant issues raised by past NSS responses: Important that these are co-owned and co-executed by staff and students and that individuals at all levels are involved. October 2013

11 7. Listen and be seen to be listening 1.AV a.Fit for purpose b.Fully functional AV provided in every space c.Comprehensive teaching aids and display facilities 2.Resources a.Guaranteed IT support at key set-up times b.Protocols for rapid response from support staff c.Improved JIRA October 2013

12 7. Listen and be seen to be listening 3.Teaching Space a.Solutions to space requirements for large group teaching on levels 6, 7, 8, 9 b.Improved partitioning c.Turnaround / set-up time incorporated into timetables 4.Assessment and Feedback a.Improve assessment procedures and quality of feedback b.Threshold standards [LATTE] c.Timely, meaningful feedback October 2013

13 7. Listen and be seen to be listening 5.Group Teaching a.Large Group teaching / new pedagogy b.Peer Observations theme, including sessionals c.Groupwork guidelines 6.Communication a.Holistic review / use of appropriate tools b.Staff to student / student to staff / student to student / staff to staff c.Use of on-line, social media October 2013

14 ... and... October 2013

15 7. Listen and be seen to be listening The Elephants in the Room ✗ Stable physical learning communities / preferred space ✗ Perception of lack of subject specialism ✗ Constant change ✗ Third Party funding October 2013

16 7 Point Plan: Timeline Present the 7 point plan to all staff on Tuesday 15 th October 2013 Identify quick wins vs longer term requirements Create a Ravensbourne NSS presentation template to be distributed to all staff All course teams to customise and populate the presentation with their own course specific achievements and examples of good practice Sharing of good practice Tuesday 29 th October; teams to confirm dates planned to make their presentation October 2013

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