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Cubic Defense Applications Ted Clowes Senior Engineering Fellow August 26, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Cubic Defense Applications Ted Clowes Senior Engineering Fellow August 26, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cubic Defense Applications Ted Clowes Senior Engineering Fellow August 26, 2011

2 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Cubic Corporation  Founded in 1951 in San Diego, CA  50 years as a publicly traded company  NYSE: CUB  Global Operations  7,700 employees at 130 locations worldwide  Primary Markets  Defense  Air Combat Training  Ground Combat Training  Communication Products  Cyber Security  Asset Tracking  Mission Support Services  Transportation Systems  Automatic Fare Collection  Operations Support  Maintenance Services  2010 Revenue: $1.19 Billion 2

3 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Communications Business Unit Overview  Data Links: secure ISR CDL/TCDL capabilities, RF links, optical links  Avionics: Search and rescue systems  Products: DF, receivers, transmitters, antennas and amplifiers 3  Configurable for air or ground  20+ years experience  UAV streaming video capabilities (Ku, UHF, L, C, and S bands)  Communicates between search and rescue and downed pilots  400w-10kw power amplifiers  VHF/UHF DSP exciters  Receivers  DF Antennas Segment Overview Core Capabilities and Solutions Data Links Video Exploitation Personnel Locator System HF Power Amplifiers Signal Intelligence/Surveillance Receivers International  Low size, weight & power  LPI/LPD features  Eye safe  Blends optical and LPI RF waveforms & benefits Optical Data Communications Optical/RF Hybrid Data links

4 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Free Space Optical Communications - Moving Boat - 4 Range dependent throughput, base rate of 1.4Mbps data, either push or pull – suitable for file transfer Demonstrated Range – 300 Meters to 3 km No RF signature (LPI/LPD/LPJ) Class 1 eye safe (auto-shutdown) Low SWAP small retro-reflector tag, > 1 year shelf life Wide field of view tags - >100 degrees Non-visible laser beam, even using optically assisted devices (e.g. night vision goggles) Fully automatic, easy to use – “1-touch” file transfers Optical Tag (on moving boat)

5 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN RF Ship-to-Shore Link Ku-band CDL (radios can support UHF, L, S, C, Ku) Full-duplex Up to 44.73 Mbps ship-to-shore Up to 10.71 Mbps shore-to-ship 21 km Ethernet support (radios support audio, video)

6 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Free Space Optical Communications - Streaming Video - 6 Range dependent throughput – 1.4Mbps to 1km H.264 video (100kHz), 25fps, 704 x 576 resolution Commercially available Web-based Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera Streaming or push-pull data – suitable for files and video transfer No RF signature, no spectrum allocation, LPI/LPD/LPJ Class 1 eye safe Low SWaP retro-reflector tag a unique advantage Non-visible laser beam, even using optically assisted devices (e.g. night vision goggles) Optical Tag (connected to laptop and Web Camera)

7 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN 7 Combined RF/Video File Transfer, Video File Transfer, High Res Video, Audio, Other Sensors

8 WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN 8 System Integration/Summary Cubic builds or integrates data communications, data processing and tailored display systems for a variety of real-time command and control requirements operating in real world environments Core Capabilities and Solutions Exercise Control (EXCON) & After Action Review (AAR) Communication Subsystem  Exercise Planning  Monitor and Control  After Action Review & Lessons Learned Individual Combat Aircrew Display System (ICADS) Pilot View  Advanced Debriefs  Profiles of participating aircraft and events.  Live Exercise Control  Control of simulated threats & real-time monitoring.  Enhanced Views: pilot views, chase views  Relay data between participant & EXCON  TDMA, FDMA, DAMA Protocol  Scalable up to 15,000 participants

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