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Published byCori Thornton Modified over 9 years ago
Applicability of International Regulations for Uninspected Towing Vessels (UTV)
Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Objectives Identify key international reference materials for UTVs.
Determine when a UTV engages in international/foreign voyages. Determine international requirement applicability based on build date/Gross Register Tons/Gross Tonnage, International Tonnage Convention. Determine international requirement applicability to an Uninspected Towing Vessels (UTV). Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
References SOLAS (various) MARPOL (Annex I - III and V – VI) STCW ILLC
ISPS ILO NVIC (Applicability of Tonnage Systems) Various CFRs. For example: 46 CFR Part 69 (Measurement of Vessels) 33 CFR Part 169 Subpart C (LRIT) 33 CFR Subchapter O (MARPOL Annex I, II, V) 33 CFR Subchapter H (MTSA) SOLAS Chapter I – General Provisions Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction Fire safety provisions Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements Chapter IV – Radiocommunications GMDSS, EPIRB, LRIT Search and Rescue transponder (SARTs).[ Chapter V – Safety of navigation manning Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes Requirements for the stowage and securing of all types of cargo and cargo containers except liquids and gases in bulk. Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods. Chapter VIII – Nuclear ships Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships ISM Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety Chapter XI-2 – Special measures to enhance maritime security ISPS Chapter XII – Additional safety measures for bulk carriers Specific structural requirements for bulk carriers over 150 metres in length. MARPOL = Marine Pollution Contains 6 annexes, concerned with preventing different forms of marine pollution from ships: Annex I - Oil Annex II - Noxious Liquid Substances carried in Bulk Annex III - Harmful Substances carried in Packaged Form Annex IV - Sewage Annex V - Garbage Annex VI - Air Pollution Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Foreign/Domestic Voyage (Per 46 CFR 69.9 and NVIC 11-93 Ch-3)
Foreign Voyage: Foreign port to US port Foreign port to Foreign port US port to Foreign port US territory/possession to/from other port w/in US jurisdiction Great Lakes Voyage: A voyage on the Great Lakes Domestic Voyage: Not a foreign voyage Not a Great Lakes voyage All “international voyages” are “foreign voyages” but…not all foreign voyages are international voyages. Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Tonnage Systems GRT (Gross Register Tons)
US Regulatory measurement system (standard, dual, simplified) US tonnage system with a historical basis – prior to 1983 this was the only measurement system AKA: GT, national tonnage, gross tons, regulatory tonnage GT ITC (Gross Tonnage, International Tonnage Convention) US tonnage measurement system to comply with International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 AKA: ITC, convention tonnage, gross tonnage Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Ton/Tonnage Ton/Tonnage = Volume of a vessel’s enclosed spaces
Standard, duel and simplified measurement systems (GRT) based on tons of 100 cubic feet Convention measurement system (GT ITC) base on tons of 100 cubic feet modified by logarithmic function. What is it?? Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Gross Tons/Tonnage Gross tonnage (GT) = A vessel’s approximate volume
Standard, dual measurement systems: GT = Volume of enclosed spaces – exempted spaces Simplified measurement systems: Length, depth, breadth modified by a coefficient: For example…GT = 0.67 LDB/100 (depends on hull shape) Convention measurement system: All enclosed spaces modified by a coefficient: GT = K1 V V = total volume of all enclosed spaces in cubic meters K1 = log10 V What is it?? Note: Exempted spaces = 46CFR69.117 Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Net Tons/Tonnage Net tonnage (NT) = A vessel’s earning capacity
Standard, duel measurement systems = NT = Gross tonnage – deducted spaces Simplified measurement systems = Gross tonnage modified by a coefficient: NT for self-propelled non-sailing vessel = (GT)(0.80) Convention measurement system = Volume of passenger and cargo spaces modified by a formula based on the vessel’s volume: NT = K2VC(4d/3D)2+K3(N1+(N2/10)) What is it?? Note: Gross tonnage does not always mean gross tons, it could be telling you which tonnage measurement system is to be used. Be sure to check the definition!! Deducted spaces = 46 CFR & Convention net tonnage…see 46 CFR 69.63: Vc= total volume of cargo spaces in cubic meters. K2= log10Vc. K3 = 1.25((GT+10,000)/10,000) D = molded depth amidships in meters, as “molded depth” is defined in §69.53. d = molded draft amidships in meters, as “molded draft” is defined in §69.53. N1= number of passengers in cabins with not more than eight berths, as “passenger” is defined in §69.53. N2= number of other passengers, as “passenger” is defined in §69.53. GT = gross tonnage as determined under §69.57. N1plus N2must equal the total number of passengers the vessel is permitted to carry as indicated on the ship's Passenger Certificate. If N1plus N2is less than 13, both N1and N2are zero. NT must not be less than 0.30 GT. Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Key Points UTVs that engage in foreign voyages must be in compliance w/all applicable international requirements Each vessel is evaluated on a case by case basis: Build date Applicable tonnage system When international requirements became effective Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Interim Scheme Vessels
Build Date Build date is: The date the keel was laid – no substantial alteration or The date the vessel was substantially altered: A change of more than 1% in GRT or GT ITC for vessels built before 18JUL82 A change of more than 5% in GRT or GT ITC for all vessels built on or after 18JUL82 Use the most recently altered date as the build date 200 GT 2/200 = 1% 2/202 = .9% Total change is 1.9% Existing Vessels 18JUL1982 Interim Scheme Vessels 31DEC85 18JUL1994 All Vessels Vessel’s <1600 GT New Vessels Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Applicable Tonnage System
A vessel-specific determination Key document - NVIC Ch-3 Tonnage questions unanswered by the NVIC should be directed your TVNCOE rep Some questions may be more appropriately answered by CVC-1 and/or the Tonnage Division at the Marine Safety Center (MSC-4) Requests for formal vessel specific determinations go through MSC-4 which is similar to plan review process Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
General Tonnage System Applicability
Vessels with a build date before July 18, 1994 can use their GRT for some international requirements, but must use GT ITC to comply with certain international requirements Vessels with a build date on or after July 18, 1994, must comply with ALL international requirements using their GT ITC Gross tonnage does not always mean gross tons, it could be telling you which tonnage measurement system is to be used. Be sure to check definitions!! 18JUL1982 31DEC85 18JUL1994 All Vessels Vessel’s <1600 GT Existing Vessels Interim Scheme Vessels New Vessels GRT/GT ITC GT ITC Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Example Built in 1978 GRT is 198 and GT ITC is 858
NRT is 135 and NT ITC is 257 Length overall 123 ft Convention length 118 ft Vessel goes international (foreign) No substantial alterations Do they have to comply with: MARPOL Annex VI (IAPP)? LRIT? GMDSS? MARPOL ANNEX VI (400 GT): YES…MEPC Resolution 176(58) revised Annex VI. These amendments went into force July 1, 2010 and apply to the vessel GT ITC irrespective to when the vessel is built. LRIT (300 GT): YES…33 CFR implements SOLAS Chapter V It requires ships constructed before 1 JULY 2002 to be fitted with equipment or systems required in Reg which states a receiver for a global navigation satellite system or a terrestrial radio navigation system, or other means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means. In addition, if you look at SOLAS (at least in the SOLAS 2009 Consolidated edition) it specifically states "The gross tonnage to be used for determining whether a cargo required to comply with the provisions of this regulation shall be that determined under the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 irrespective of the date on which the ship...has been or is being constructed." - see the note for gross tonnage associated with SOLAS Chapter V/ Also, you will note in 33 CFR which is titled "What types of ships are required to transmit LRIT information (position reports)?" paragraph (b) says, "A cargo ship...of 300 gross tonnage or more." Note specifically they use the term "gross tonnage" not the term gross tons. 33 CFR defines each term. Gross tonnage = GTITC. Gross tons = GRT. NO…GMDSS requirements are a part of a SOLAS revision and the implementing US Statues (Communications Act of 1934) and therefore the vessel's GRT, via grandfathering, may apply for eligible older vessels. YES YES NO Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Example Built in 1978 GRT is 198 and GT ITC is 832
NRT is 135 and NT ITC is 257 Length overall 123 ft Convention length 118 ft Vessel goes international (foreign) New construction GT ITC was 858 (alteration date 01NOV1996) Do they have to comply with: MARPOL Annex VI (IAPP)? LRIT? GMDSS? MARPOL ANNEX VI (400 GT): YES…MEPC Resolution 176(58) revised Annex VI. These amendments went into force July 1, 2010 and apply to the vessel GT ITC irrespective to when the vessel is built. LRIT (300 GT): YES…33 CFR implements SOLAS Chapter V It requires ships constructed before 1 JULY 2002 to be fitted with equipment or systems required in Reg which states a receiver for a global navigation satellite system or a terrestrial radio navigation system, or other means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means. In addition, if you look at SOLAS (at least in the SOLAS 2009 Consolidated edition) it specifically states "The gross tonnage to be used for determining whether a cargo required to comply with the provisions of this regulation shall be that determined under the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 irrespective of the date on which the ship...has been or is being constructed." - see the note for gross tonnage associated with SOLAS Chapter V/ Also, you will note in 33 CFR which is titled "What types of ships are required to transmit LRIT information (position reports)?" paragraph (b) says, "A cargo ship...of 300 gross tonnage or more." Note specifically they use the term "gross tonnage" not the term gross tons. 33 CFR defines each term. Gross tonnage = GTITC. Gross tons = GRT. GMDSS (300 GT): GMDSS (300 GT): Yes…GMDSS requirements are a part of a SOLAS revision and the implementing US Statues (Communications Act of 1934). Since this vessel was altered after 18JUL1994 use GT ITC for applicability. YES YES YES Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
General Tonnage System Applicability for Vessels With Build Dates Before 18JUL94
Must use GT ITC for: LRIT ISM ISPS MARPOL Annex VI STCW Can use GRT for: GMDSS MARPOL (except Annex VI) SOLAS (some exceptions) Safe Manning Document Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Issuing Certificates to UTVs Not Subject to Certain Requirements
Reason…facilitate the operation of the US maritime industry Upon request, the CG can issue certificates even though a international convention does not apply to the vessel - i.e. ISSC and SMD Examiners should encourage owners and operators to take advantage of this opportunity to avoid delays while conducting business in a foreign port Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Documents (Not on the exam form)
Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
International Tonnage Certificate
46 CFR Part 69 >=79 ft GT/NT IAW the 1969 Tonnage Convention (ITC) Permanent except in case of alterations or upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Stability Letter 46 CFR Part 42 New Vessels >= 79 ft
New vessel = built on/after: 21JUL68 for Domestic/Intn’l 28SEP37 for Special Service 27AUG36 for Great Lakes Existing Vessels = Vessels that are not new vessels Existing vessels are not required to have stability letter – 46 CFR only applies to a “new vessel” Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
MARPOL Annex I 33 CFR >= 400 GT Issued by CG or Class on behalf of CG Valid for 5 years Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
OIL RECORD BOOK MARPOL Annex I 33 CFR 151.25 >= 400 GT
Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Document of Compliance
SOLAS Reg IX/4 >= 500 GT ITC Issued to a company that complies with the requirements of the ISM Code Copy kept on board vessel Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships ISM Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Safety Management Certificate
SOLAS Reg IX/4 >= 500 GT ITC Issued to a vessel that operates in accordance with the companies approved safety management system Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships ISM Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
International Ship Security Certificate
ISPS Code 33 CFR >= 500 GT ITC Issued by CG to a vessel that operates in accordance with applicable parts of the ISPS code. Issued to vessel < 500 GT ITC upon request Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety Chapter XI-2 – Special measures to enhance maritime security ISPS Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Continuous Synopsis Record
SOLAS Reg XI-1/5 >= 500 GT Provides an on-board record of the history of the ship Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
SOLAS Reg I/12 >= 500 GT Shows vessel complies with applicable part of SOLAS chapters II-1 and II-2 Chapter I – General Provisions Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction Fire safety provisions Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
SOLAS Reg I/12 >= 500 GT Shows vessel complies with applicable part of SOLAS chapters II-1, II-2, III and V Chapter I – General Provisions Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction Fire safety provisions Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements Chapter V – Safety of navigation manning Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
SOLAS Reg I/12 >= 300 GT Shows vessel complies with applicable part of SOLAS chapter IV Chapter I – General Provisions Chapter IV – Radiocommunications GMDSS, EPIRB, LRIT Search and Rescue transponder (SARTs).[ Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
SOLAS Reg I/12 >= 500 GT Shows vessel complies with applicable part of SOLAS chapters II-1, II-2, III IV and V Can be used an alternative for the CSSCC, CSSEC, or CSSRC Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction Fire safety provisions Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements Chapter IV – Radiocommunications GMDSS, EPIRB, LRIT Search and Rescue transponder (SARTs).[ Chapter V – Safety of navigation manning Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Other Certificates/Documents
SOLAS: Fire Control Plan (500 GT): < 01JUL02 74/78 Reg II-2/20.2 >= 01JUL02 04 Cons Reg II-2/ MARPOL (400 GT): Garbage Management PL Reg V/9 Garbage Record Book Reg V/9 International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate Reg VI/6 Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Long Range Identification and Tracking
SOLAS Ch-V Reg 33 CFR >= 300 GT ITC Shows vessel complies with LRIT requirements Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Compass Deviation Card
SOLAS Ch-V Reg 33 CFR (a)(4)- requires magnetic compass only All ships irrespective of size required to have a properly adjusted magnetic compass and a means of correcting to true at all times Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Life Raft Inspection Certificate
IMO resolution A761(18) Indicates the life raft(s) have been surveyed, controlled and tested in compliance with USCG/SOLAS requirements Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
Questions Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise
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