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Turbulence of Gravity Waves in Laboratory Experiments S Lukaschuk 1, P Denissenko 1, S Nazarenko 2 1 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Hull 2 Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "Turbulence of Gravity Waves in Laboratory Experiments S Lukaschuk 1, P Denissenko 1, S Nazarenko 2 1 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Hull 2 Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turbulence of Gravity Waves in Laboratory Experiments S Lukaschuk 1, P Denissenko 1, S Nazarenko 2 1 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Hull 2 Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick

2 Plan Introduction Experimental set-up and methods Measurements of the frequency spectra and PDF for wave elevation Comparison with numerical results and discussion Further experiments

3 Theoretical prediction for surface gravity wave Kolmogorov spectra Kinetic equation approach for WT in an ensemble of weakly interacted low amplitude waves (Theory and numerical experiment - Hasselman, Zakharov, Lvov, Falkovich, Newell, Hasselman, Nazarenko … 1962 - 2006) Assumption: weak nonlinearity random phase (or short correlation length) spatial homogeneity stationary energy flow from large to small scales Kolmogorov spectra for gravity waves in infinite space

4 Phillips Spectrum Surface elevation  -space: asymptotic of sharp wave crests or dimensional analysis.  -space: either dimensional analysis or using Dissipation is determined by sharp wave crests (due to wave breaking) Strong nonlinearity

5 Finite size effects Most exact wave resonances are lost on discrete k-space (Kartashova’1991) “Frozen turbulence” (Pushkarev, Zakharov’2000) Recent numerics by Pokorni et al & Korotkevich et al (2005). To restore resonant interaction, their nonlinear brodening δ  must be greater than the  -grid spacing 2  /L Which in our case means  >1/(kL) 1/4 (Nazarenko, 2005), In numerics, this means 10000x10000 resolution for Intensity  ~0.1.

6 Discrete scenario ( Nazarenko’2005 ) Ineficient cascade at small amplitudes Accumulation of spectrum at the forcing scale until δk reaches to the k-grid spacing 2  /L Excess of energy is released via an avalanche Mean spectrum settles at a critical slope determined by δk ~2  /L, i.e. E ~  -6.

7 Numerical experiments Convincing claims of numerical confirmation of ZF: A.I. Dyachenko, A.O. Korotkevich, V.E. Zakharov, (2003,2004) M. Onorato, V Zakharov et al., (2002). N. Yokoyama, JFM 501 (2004) 169–178. Lvov, Nazarenko and Pokorni (2005) Results are not 100% satisfying because no greater than 1 decade inertial range Phillips spectrum could not be expected in direct numerical simulations because: 1) nonlinearity truncation at cubic terms 2) artificial numerical dissipation at high k to prevent numerical blowups.

8 N. Yokayama (JFM, 2004) direct numerical simulations Wave action spectra

9 A.Dyachenko, O.Korotkevich, Zakharov (JETP Lett. 2003)

10 Y. Lvov, Nazarenko, Pokorni: numerical experiment: Physica D, 2006

11 Experiments Airborne Measurements of surface elevation k-spectra P.A. Hwang, D.W.Wang (2000)

12 Advantages of the laboratory experiment: Wider inertial interval – two decades in k Possibility to study both weakly and strongly nonlinear waves No artificial dissipation – natural wavebreaking dissipation mechanism. Goals: Long-term: to study transport and mixing generated by wave turbulence Short-term: to characterize statistical properties of waves in a finite system

13 Total Environmental Simulator The Deep, Hull 6 x 12 x 1.6 m water tank 8 panels wave generator 1 m 3 / s – flow rain generator PIV & LDV systems

14 6 metres 12 metres 90 cm 8 Panel Wave Generator Laser Capacity Probes Rain Generator

15 Wave generation and measurements 2 capacitance probes at distance 40 cm\ Sampling frequency - 50-200 Hz each channel Acquisition time 2000 s

16 Small amplitude

17 Medium amplitude

18 Large amplitudes


20 Energy (elevation) spectrum small amplitude (file 80)

21 PDF of  and  tt PDF of  is close to the Gaussian distribution around the mean value and differs at tail region, s>0, corresponds to the waves with steep tops and flat bottom. PDF of  tt more sensetive to the large wavenumbers and also displays the vertical asymmetry of the wave.

22 N. Yokayama (JFM, 2004) direct numerical simulations PDF of the elevation  and   2 


24 Skewness and Kurtosis for PDF of 2 nd derivative of elevation

25 PDF of filtered envelope: small, medium and high amplitudes

26 Squared amplitude of surface elevation at 6 ± 1 Hz, wire probes Probe 1 Probe 2

27 Numerical results – S.Nazarenko et al (2006)

28 Conclusion Random gravity waves were generated in the laboratory flume with the inertial interval up to 1m - 1cm. The spectra slopes increase monotonically from -7 to -4 with the amplitude of forcing. At low forcing level the character of wave spectra is defined by nonlinearity and discreteness effects, at high and intermediate forcing - by wave breaking. PDFs of surface elevation and its second derivative are non-gaussian at high wave nonlinearity. PDF of the squared wave elevation filtered in a narrow frequency interval (spectral energy density) always has an intermittent tail. Questions: Which model should be used to describe our spectra?

29 Acknowledgement The work is supported by Hull Environmental Research Institute

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