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Examination of the chest and lung

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1 Examination of the chest and lung
Complaints Physical examination 1.Inspection 2.Palpation 3.Percussion 4.Auscultation

2 Complaints Chest pain Cough Shortness of breath - dyspnea

3 Chest pain Important questions: Is it related to? Localisation
Breathing? Movements? (muscle, bone, nerves) Physical activity? Localisation Pain receptors larynx, trachea, main bronchi, pleura Duration? Type?

4 Chest pain Sudden onset pain Pulmonary embolism Pneumothorax

5 Cough Improductive – dry viral pneumonia Productive
White, foamy pulmonary oedema Mucoid bronchial asthma Purulent lung abscess Brownish pneumonia Blood-streaked sputum hemoptysis

6 Hemoptysis Tuberculosis Pulmonary embolism Coagulation disorder
Lung cancer Tuberculosis Pulmonary embolism Coagulation disorder

7 Cough Purulent sputum 24 hr collection Three layers
Foul-smelling putrid

8 Shortness of breath Dyspnea
Subtypes Exspiratory Inspiratory Severity Dyspnea on exertion Dyspnea at rest

9 Dyspnea Episodic (paroxysmal) dyspnea asthma
What is the causative factor?

10 Physical examination

11 Inspection Shape of the chest 1.Symmetrical 2. Asthenic

12 Inspection Deformities Pectus carinatum or pigeon chest
sternal protrusion Pectus excavatum or funnel chest

13 Inspection Deformities of the vertebral column Retractio thoracis
Kyphosis Scoliosis – lateral curvature Kyphoscoliosis Gibbus Retractio thoracis

14 Inspection Cyanosis Chest expansions

15 Palpation Breasts Lymph nodes Lesions in the chest wall
Masses, tender areas Bone, muscle, nerve lesions Chest expansion Tactile fremitus

16 Tactile fremitus normal = symmetrical

17 Tactile fremitus Pleural effusion, Scar, etc.

18 Tactile fremitus Pneumonia

19 Percussion

20 Percussion

21 Percussion

22 Percussion 1. Topographic percussion

23 Percussion Lower border of the lung Paravertebral XI. vertebra
Scapular line IX. rib Midaxillary line VIII. rib Midclavicular line VI. rib

24 Percussion the level and excursion of the diaphragm

25 Percussion Comparative percussion Krőnig’s space

26 Percussion 2. Comparative percussion Percussion notes
Resonance normal lung

27 Percussion Percussion notes Tympany large pneumothorax
Resonance – normal lung

28 Percussion Percussion notes Tympani pneumothorax
Hyperresonance emphysema Resonance normal

29 Percussion Percussion notes Tympany pneumothorax
Hyperresonance emphysema Resonance normal Absolute dull or flatness pleural fluid (effusion)

30 Percussion Percussion notes Tympany pneumothorax
Hyperresonance emphysema Resonance normal Relative dull pneumonia Absolute dull pleural fluid

31 Auscultation

32 Auscultation Lung (or breath) sounds Adventitious (added) sounds
Vesicular Bronchovesicular Bronchial Adventitious (added) sounds

33 Auscultation – Adventitious (added) sounds
1. Extrapulmonary pleural friction rub pleuritis 2. Intrapulmonary A. Wheezes and rhonchi asthma, COPD B. Crackles or rales bronchitis, left heart failure Fine crackles Coarse crackles C. crepitation pneumonia

34 Bronchophony – transmitted voice sound
Pneumonia - increased Pleuralis effusion - decreased

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